Stop Watch Service API




Stop watcher enables you to manually stop the watch service. Submit the following request to stop the watch service:

StopWatchServiceRequest request = new StopWatchServiceRequest();



The returned AcknowledgeResponse contains a value on whether or not the request was received:

boolean isAcknowledged = response.isAcknowledged(); 

A boolean value of true if successfully received, false otherwise.

Synchronous Execution


When executing a StopWatchServiceRequest in the following manner, the client waits for the StopWatchServiceResponse to be returned before continuing with code execution:

AcknowledgedResponse response = client.watcher().stopWatchService(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);

Asynchronous Execution


Executing a StopWatchServiceRequest can also be done in an asynchronous fashion so that the client can return directly. Users need to specify how the response or potential failures will be handled by passing the request and a listener to the asynchronous stop-watch-service method:

client.watcher().stopWatchServiceAsync(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT, listener); 

The StopWatchServiceRequest to execute and the ActionListener to use when the execution completes

The asynchronous method does not block and returns immediately. Once it is completed the ActionListener is called back using the onResponse method if the execution successfully completed or using the onFailure method if it failed.

A typical listener for stop-watch-service looks like:

ActionListener<AcknowledgedResponse> listener = new ActionListener<AcknowledgedResponse>() {
    public void onResponse(AcknowledgedResponse response) {

    public void onFailure(Exception e) {

Called when the execution is successfully completed.

Called when the whole StopWatchServiceRequest fails.