Connecting to Elasticsearch v8.x using the v7.17.x client


Connecting to Elasticsearch v8.x using the v7.17.x client


We recommend using the latest client with a corresponding major version when connecting to Elasticsearch. Until the v8 .NET client is generally available, you may use the v7.17.x client to communicate with a 8.x Elasticsearch cluster. There are several important considerations regarding configuration. Failure to correctly configure the client to connect using the security features enabled on the server will result in an exception being thrown during the initial client communication that will prevent further use of the client.

Security and Certificates


Newly installed Elasticsearch v8 clusters start with security configuration enabled automatically by default. As a result, a certificate authority and certificate is created for secure HTTPS communication. Additionally, an elastic user is created with a unique, secure password. Elasticsearch logs details of the security configuration when it first starts, enabling the collection of a certificate fingerprint, along with the password configured for the elastic user. In a development environment, you will need to collect these pieces of information, required to configure the client to securely communicate with the server. The Elasticsearch documentation provides commands which may also be used to retrieve this information after the cluster has started.

Applying the CA Fingerprint


The simplest configuration option during development is to connect to the server using the CA fingerprint logged by the server at initial startup. The fingerprint can be set by calling the CertificateFingerprint method on a ConnectionSettings instance.

var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("https://localhost:9200"));

var settings = new ConnectionSettings(pool)

var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

If preferred, you may also configure the client to work with the certificate in the usual way. See Working with certificates for further details.

Basic Authentication


Additionally, you will need to provide the basic authentication credentials for a user account configured on the server. During development, you may begin by using the elastic user and the automatically generated password captured from the server logs.

var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("https://localhost:9200"));

var settings = new ConnectionSettings(pool)
    .BasicAuthentication("elastic", "password");

var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

Enabling Compatibility Mode


The Elasticsearch server version 8.0 is introducing a new compatibility mode that allows you a smoother upgrade experience from v7 to v8. In a nutshell, you can use the latest 7.x Elasticsearch client with an 8.x Elasticsearch server, giving more room to coordinate the upgrade of your codebase to the next major version.

If you want to leverage this functionality, please make sure that you are using the latest 7.x client and set the environment variable ELASTIC_CLIENT_APIVERSIONING to true. The client is handling the rest internally.

Compatibility mode may also be enabled directly on ConnectionSettings by calling EnableApiVersioningHeader.

var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("https://localhost:9200"));

var settings = new ConnectionSettings(pool)
    .BasicAuthentication("elastic", "password")

var client = new ElasticClient(settings);