

elasticsearch-hadoop binaries can be obtained either by downloading them from the site as a ZIP (containing project jars, sources and documentation) or by using any Maven-compatible tool with the following dependency:


The jar above contains all the features of elasticsearch-hadoop and does not require any other dependencies at runtime; in other words it can be used as is.

elasticsearch-hadoop binary is suitable for both Hadoop 1.x and Hadoop 2.x (also known as YARN) environments without any changes.

Minimalistic binaries


In addition to the uber jar, elasticsearch-hadoop provides minimalistic jars for each integration, tailored for those who use just one module (in all other situations the uber jar is recommended); the jars are smaller in size and use a dedicated pom, covering only the needed dependencies. These are available under the same groupId, using an artifactId with the pattern elasticsearch-hadoop-{integration}:



mr artifact

Apache Hive.


hive artifact

Apache Pig.


pig artifact



cascading artifact

Releases are available in the central Maven repository.

Development Builds


Development (or nightly or snapshots) builds are published daily at sonatype-oss repository (see below). Make sure to use snapshot versioning:


notice the BUILD-SNAPSHOT suffix indicating a development build

but also enable the dedicated snapshots repository :


add snapshot repository

enable snapshots capability on the repository otherwise these will not be found by Maven