

This part of the documentation explains the core functionality of elasticsearch-hadoop starting with the configuration options and architecture and gradually explaining the various major features. We recommend going through the entire documentation even superficially when trying out elasticsearch-hadoop for the first time, however those in a rush, can jump directly to the desired sections:

overview of the elasticsearch-hadoop architecture and how it maps on top of Map/Reduce
explore the various configuration switches in elasticsearch-hadoop
Map/Reduce integration
describes how to use elasticsearch-hadoop in vanilla Map/Reduce environments - typically useful for those interested in data loading and saving to/from Elasticsearch without little, if any, ETL (extract-transform-load).
Cascading support
describes how to use Cascading and elasticsearch-hadoop.
Apache Hive integration
Hive users should refer to this section.
Apache Pig support
how-to on using Elasticsearch in Pig scripts through elasticsearch-hadoop.
Apache Spark support
describes how to use Apache Spark with Elasticsearch through elasticsearch-hadoop.
Mapping and Types
deep-dive into the strategies employed by elasticsearch-hadoop for doing type conversion and mapping to and from Elasticsearch.
Hadoop Metrics
Elasticsearch Hadoop metrics
tips on troubleshooting and getting help