IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates
will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
Shared API for package java.util
editShared API for package java.util
editSee the Shared API for a high-level overview of all packages and classes.
edit- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- boolean add(def)
- void add(int, def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean addAll(int, Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- def get(int)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- int getLength()
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- int indexOf(def)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- int lastIndexOf(def)
- ListIterator listIterator()
- ListIterator listIterator(int)
- def remove(int)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- void replaceAll(UnaryOperator)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- def set(int, def)
- int size()
- void sort(Comparator)
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- List subList(int, int)
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- void clear()
- List collect(BiFunction)
- def collect(Collection, BiFunction)
- def compute(def, BiFunction)
- def computeIfAbsent(def, Function)
- def computeIfPresent(def, BiFunction)
- boolean containsKey(def)
- boolean containsValue(def)
- int count(BiPredicate)
- def each(BiConsumer)
- Set entrySet()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(BiPredicate)
- Map.Entry find(BiPredicate)
- Map findAll(BiPredicate)
- def findResult(BiFunction)
- def findResult(def, BiFunction)
- List findResults(BiFunction)
- void forEach(BiConsumer)
- def get(def)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- def getOrDefault(def, def)
- Map groupBy(BiFunction)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Set keySet()
- def merge(def, def, BiFunction)
- def put(def, def)
- void putAll(Map)
- def putIfAbsent(def, def)
- def remove(def)
- boolean remove(def, def)
- def replace(def, def)
- boolean replace(def, def, def)
- void replaceAll(BiFunction)
- int size()
- null toString()
- Collection values()
edit- AbstractMap.SimpleEntry(Map.Entry)
- AbstractMap.SimpleEntry(def, def)
- boolean equals(Object)
- def getKey()
- def getValue()
- int hashCode()
- def setValue(def)
- null toString()
edit- AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry(Map.Entry)
- AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry(def, def)
- boolean equals(Object)
- def getKey()
- def getValue()
- int hashCode()
- def setValue(def)
- null toString()
edit- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- def element()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- boolean offer(def)
- def peek()
- def poll()
- def remove()
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- boolean add(def)
- void add(int, def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean addAll(int, Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- def get(int)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- int getLength()
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- int indexOf(def)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- int lastIndexOf(def)
- ListIterator listIterator()
- ListIterator listIterator(int)
- def remove(int)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- void replaceAll(UnaryOperator)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- def set(int, def)
- int size()
- void sort(Comparator)
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- List subList(int, int)
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- boolean remove(def)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- ArrayDeque()
- ArrayDeque(Collection)
- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- void addFirst(def)
- void addLast(def)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- ArrayDeque clone()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- Iterator descendingIterator()
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- def element()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- def getFirst()
- def getLast()
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- boolean offer(def)
- boolean offerFirst(def)
- boolean offerLast(def)
- def peek()
- def peekFirst()
- def peekLast()
- def poll()
- def pollFirst()
- def pollLast()
- def pop()
- void push(def)
- def remove()
- boolean remove(def)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- def removeFirst()
- boolean removeFirstOccurrence(def)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- def removeLast()
- boolean removeLastOccurrence(def)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- ArrayList()
- ArrayList(Collection)
- boolean add(def)
- void add(int, def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean addAll(int, Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- def clone()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- def get(int)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- int getLength()
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- int indexOf(def)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- int lastIndexOf(def)
- ListIterator listIterator()
- ListIterator listIterator(int)
- def remove(int)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- void replaceAll(UnaryOperator)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- def set(int, def)
- int size()
- void sort(Comparator)
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- List subList(int, int)
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
- void trimToSize()
edit- static List asList(Object[])
- static boolean deepEquals(Object[], Object[])
- static int deepHashCode(Object[])
- static null deepToString(Object[])
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- static Base64.Decoder getDecoder()
- static Base64.Encoder getEncoder()
- static Base64.Decoder getMimeDecoder()
- static Base64.Encoder getMimeEncoder()
- static Base64.Encoder getMimeEncoder(int, byte[])
- static Base64.Decoder getUrlDecoder()
- static Base64.Encoder getUrlEncoder()
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- int encode(byte[], byte[])
- null encodeToString(byte[])
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
- Base64.Encoder withoutPadding()
edit- static BitSet valueOf(long[])
- BitSet()
- BitSet(int)
- void and(BitSet)
- void andNot(BitSet)
- int cardinality()
- void clear()
- void clear(int)
- void clear(int, int)
- def clone()
- boolean equals(Object)
- void flip(int)
- void flip(int, int)
- int hashCode()
- boolean intersects(BitSet)
- boolean isEmpty()
- int length()
- int nextClearBit(int)
- int nextSetBit(int)
- void or(BitSet)
- int previousClearBit(int)
- int previousSetBit(int)
- void set(int)
- void set(int, int)
- void set(int, int, boolean)
- int size()
- byte[] toByteArray()
- long[] toLongArray()
- null toString()
- void xor(BitSet)
edit- static int ALL_STYLES
- static int AM
- static int AM_PM
- static int APRIL
- static int AUGUST
- static int DATE
- static int DAY_OF_MONTH
- static int DAY_OF_WEEK
- static int DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH
- static int DAY_OF_YEAR
- static int DECEMBER
- static int DST_OFFSET
- static int ERA
- static int FEBRUARY
- static int FIELD_COUNT
- static int FRIDAY
- static int HOUR
- static int HOUR_OF_DAY
- static int JANUARY
- static int JULY
- static int JUNE
- static int LONG
- static int LONG_FORMAT
- static int LONG_STANDALONE
- static int MARCH
- static int MAY
- static int MILLISECOND
- static int MINUTE
- static int MONDAY
- static int MONTH
- static int NARROW_FORMAT
- static int NOVEMBER
- static int OCTOBER
- static int PM
- static int SATURDAY
- static int SECOND
- static int SEPTEMBER
- static int SHORT
- static int SHORT_FORMAT
- static int SUNDAY
- static int THURSDAY
- static int TUESDAY
- static int UNDECIMBER
- static int WEDNESDAY
- static int WEEK_OF_MONTH
- static int WEEK_OF_YEAR
- static int YEAR
- static int ZONE_OFFSET
- static Set getAvailableCalendarTypes()
- static Locale[] getAvailableLocales()
- static Calendar getInstance()
- static Calendar getInstance(TimeZone)
- static Calendar getInstance(TimeZone, Locale)
- void add(int, int)
- boolean after(Object)
- boolean before(Object)
- void clear()
- void clear(int)
- def clone()
- int compareTo(Calendar)
- boolean equals(Object)
- int get(int)
- int getActualMaximum(int)
- int getActualMinimum(int)
- null getCalendarType()
- null getDisplayName(int, int, Locale)
- Map getDisplayNames(int, int, Locale)
- int getFirstDayOfWeek()
- int getGreatestMinimum(int)
- int getLeastMaximum(int)
- int getMaximum(int)
- int getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
- int getMinimum(int)
- Date getTime()
- long getTimeInMillis()
- TimeZone getTimeZone()
- int getWeekYear()
- int getWeeksInWeekYear()
- int hashCode()
- boolean isLenient()
- boolean isSet(int)
- boolean isWeekDateSupported()
- void roll(int, int)
- void set(int, int)
- void set(int, int, int)
- void set(int, int, int, int, int)
- void set(int, int, int, int, int, int)
- void setFirstDayOfWeek(int)
- void setLenient(boolean)
- void setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(int)
- void setTime(Date)
- void setTimeInMillis(long)
- void setTimeZone(TimeZone)
- void setWeekDate(int, int, int)
- Instant toInstant()
- null toString()
edit- Calendar.Builder()
- Calendar build()
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- Calendar.Builder set(int, int)
- Calendar.Builder setCalendarType(null)
- Calendar.Builder setDate(int, int, int)
- Calendar.Builder setFields(int[])
- Calendar.Builder setInstant(long)
- Calendar.Builder setLenient(boolean)
- Calendar.Builder setLocale(Locale)
- Calendar.Builder setTimeOfDay(int, int, int)
- Calendar.Builder setTimeOfDay(int, int, int, int)
- Calendar.Builder setTimeZone(TimeZone)
- Calendar.Builder setWeekDate(int, int, int)
- Calendar.Builder setWeekDefinition(int, int)
- null toString()
edit- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- static List EMPTY_LIST
- static Map EMPTY_MAP
- static Set EMPTY_SET
- static boolean addAll(Collection, def[])
- static Queue asLifoQueue(Deque)
- static int binarySearch(List, def)
- static int binarySearch(List, def, Comparator)
- static void copy(List, List)
- static boolean disjoint(Collection, Collection)
- static Enumeration emptyEnumeration()
- static Iterator emptyIterator()
- static List emptyList()
- static ListIterator emptyListIterator()
- static Map emptyMap()
- static NavigableMap emptyNavigableMap()
- static NavigableSet emptyNavigableSet()
- static Set emptySet()
- static SortedMap emptySortedMap()
- static SortedSet emptySortedSet()
- static Enumeration enumeration(Collection)
- static void fill(List, def)
- static int frequency(Collection, def)
- static int indexOfSubList(List, List)
- static int lastIndexOfSubList(List, List)
- static ArrayList list(Enumeration)
- static def max(Collection)
- static def max(Collection, Comparator)
- static def min(Collection)
- static def min(Collection, Comparator)
- static List nCopies(int, def)
- static Set newSetFromMap(Map)
- static boolean replaceAll(List, def, def)
- static void reverse(List)
- static Comparator reverseOrder()
- static Comparator reverseOrder(Comparator)
- static void rotate(List, int)
- static void shuffle(List)
- static void shuffle(List, Random)
- static Set singleton(def)
- static List singletonList(def)
- static Map singletonMap(def, def)
- static void sort(List)
- static void sort(List, Comparator)
- static void swap(List, int, int)
- static Collection unmodifiableCollection(Collection)
- static List unmodifiableList(List)
- static Map unmodifiableMap(Map)
- static NavigableMap unmodifiableNavigableMap(NavigableMap)
- static NavigableSet unmodifiableNavigableSet(NavigableSet)
- static Set unmodifiableSet(Set)
- static SortedMap unmodifiableSortedMap(SortedMap)
- static SortedSet unmodifiableSortedSet(SortedSet)
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- static Comparator comparing(Function)
- static Comparator comparing(Function, Comparator)
- static Comparator comparingDouble(ToDoubleFunction)
- static Comparator comparingInt(ToIntFunction)
- static Comparator comparingLong(ToLongFunction)
- static Comparator naturalOrder()
- static Comparator nullsFirst(Comparator)
- static Comparator nullsLast(Comparator)
- static Comparator reverseOrder()
- int compare(def, def)
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- Comparator reversed()
- Comparator thenComparing(Comparator)
- Comparator thenComparing(Function, Comparator)
- Comparator thenComparingDouble(ToDoubleFunction)
- Comparator thenComparingInt(ToIntFunction)
- Comparator thenComparingLong(ToLongFunction)
- null toString()
edit- ConcurrentModificationException()
- ConcurrentModificationException(null)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- static Set getAvailableCurrencies()
- static Currency getInstance(null)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getCurrencyCode()
- int getDefaultFractionDigits()
- null getDisplayName()
- null getDisplayName(Locale)
- int getNumericCode()
- null getSymbol()
- null getSymbol(Locale)
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- void addFirst(def)
- void addLast(def)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- Iterator descendingIterator()
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- def element()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- def getFirst()
- def getLast()
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- boolean offer(def)
- boolean offerFirst(def)
- boolean offerLast(def)
- def peek()
- def peekFirst()
- def peekLast()
- def poll()
- def pollFirst()
- def pollLast()
- def pop()
- void push(def)
- def remove()
- boolean remove(def)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- def removeFirst()
- boolean removeFirstOccurrence(def)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- def removeLast()
- boolean removeLastOccurrence(def)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- DuplicateFormatFlagsException(null)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getFlags()
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- EmptyStackException()
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean hasMoreElements()
- int hashCode()
- def nextElement()
- null toString()
edit- boolean equals(Object)
- EventListener getListener()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- EventObject(Object)
- boolean equals(Object)
- Object getSource()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException(null, char)
- boolean equals(Object)
- char getConversion()
- null getFlags()
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- static Formatter.BigDecimalLayoutForm DECIMAL_FLOAT
- static Formatter.BigDecimalLayoutForm SCIENTIFIC
- int compareTo(Enum)
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- null name()
- int ordinal()
- null toString()
edit- FormatterClosedException()
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- static int AD
- static int BC
- static GregorianCalendar from(ZonedDateTime)
- GregorianCalendar()
- GregorianCalendar(TimeZone)
- GregorianCalendar(TimeZone, Locale)
- GregorianCalendar(int, int, int)
- GregorianCalendar(int, int, int, int, int)
- GregorianCalendar(int, int, int, int, int, int)
- void add(int, int)
- boolean after(Object)
- boolean before(Object)
- void clear()
- void clear(int)
- def clone()
- int compareTo(Calendar)
- boolean equals(Object)
- int get(int)
- int getActualMaximum(int)
- int getActualMinimum(int)
- null getCalendarType()
- null getDisplayName(int, int, Locale)
- Map getDisplayNames(int, int, Locale)
- int getFirstDayOfWeek()
- int getGreatestMinimum(int)
- Date getGregorianChange()
- int getLeastMaximum(int)
- int getMaximum(int)
- int getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
- int getMinimum(int)
- Date getTime()
- long getTimeInMillis()
- TimeZone getTimeZone()
- int getWeekYear()
- int getWeeksInWeekYear()
- int hashCode()
- boolean isLeapYear(int)
- boolean isLenient()
- boolean isSet(int)
- boolean isWeekDateSupported()
- void roll(int, int)
- void set(int, int)
- void set(int, int, int)
- void set(int, int, int, int, int)
- void set(int, int, int, int, int, int)
- void setFirstDayOfWeek(int)
- void setGregorianChange(Date)
- void setLenient(boolean)
- void setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(int)
- void setTime(Date)
- void setTimeInMillis(long)
- void setTimeZone(TimeZone)
- void setWeekDate(int, int, int)
- Instant toInstant()
- null toString()
- ZonedDateTime toZonedDateTime()
edit- HashMap()
- HashMap(Map)
- void clear()
- def clone()
- List collect(BiFunction)
- def collect(Collection, BiFunction)
- def compute(def, BiFunction)
- def computeIfAbsent(def, Function)
- def computeIfPresent(def, BiFunction)
- boolean containsKey(def)
- boolean containsValue(def)
- int count(BiPredicate)
- def each(BiConsumer)
- Set entrySet()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(BiPredicate)
- Map.Entry find(BiPredicate)
- Map findAll(BiPredicate)
- def findResult(BiFunction)
- def findResult(def, BiFunction)
- List findResults(BiFunction)
- void forEach(BiConsumer)
- def get(def)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- def getOrDefault(def, def)
- Map groupBy(BiFunction)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Set keySet()
- def merge(def, def, BiFunction)
- def put(def, def)
- void putAll(Map)
- def putIfAbsent(def, def)
- def remove(def)
- boolean remove(def, def)
- def replace(def, def)
- boolean replace(def, def, def)
- void replaceAll(BiFunction)
- int size()
- null toString()
- Collection values()
edit- HashSet()
- HashSet(Collection)
- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- def clone()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- boolean remove(def)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- Hashtable()
- Hashtable(Map)
- void clear()
- def clone()
- List collect(BiFunction)
- def collect(Collection, BiFunction)
- def compute(def, BiFunction)
- def computeIfAbsent(def, Function)
- def computeIfPresent(def, BiFunction)
- boolean containsKey(def)
- boolean containsValue(def)
- int count(BiPredicate)
- def each(BiConsumer)
- Enumeration elements()
- Set entrySet()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(BiPredicate)
- Map.Entry find(BiPredicate)
- Map findAll(BiPredicate)
- def findResult(BiFunction)
- def findResult(def, BiFunction)
- List findResults(BiFunction)
- void forEach(BiConsumer)
- def get(def)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- def getOrDefault(def, def)
- Map groupBy(BiFunction)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Set keySet()
- Enumeration keys()
- def merge(def, def, BiFunction)
- def put(def, def)
- void putAll(Map)
- def putIfAbsent(def, def)
- def remove(def)
- boolean remove(def, def)
- def replace(def, def)
- boolean replace(def, def, def)
- void replaceAll(BiFunction)
- int size()
- null toString()
- Collection values()
edit- IdentityHashMap()
- IdentityHashMap(Map)
- void clear()
- def clone()
- List collect(BiFunction)
- def collect(Collection, BiFunction)
- def compute(def, BiFunction)
- def computeIfAbsent(def, Function)
- def computeIfPresent(def, BiFunction)
- boolean containsKey(def)
- boolean containsValue(def)
- int count(BiPredicate)
- def each(BiConsumer)
- Set entrySet()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(BiPredicate)
- Map.Entry find(BiPredicate)
- Map findAll(BiPredicate)
- def findResult(BiFunction)
- def findResult(def, BiFunction)
- List findResults(BiFunction)
- void forEach(BiConsumer)
- def get(def)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- def getOrDefault(def, def)
- Map groupBy(BiFunction)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Set keySet()
- def merge(def, def, BiFunction)
- def put(def, def)
- void putAll(Map)
- def putIfAbsent(def, def)
- def remove(def)
- boolean remove(def, def)
- def replace(def, def)
- boolean replace(def, def, def)
- void replaceAll(BiFunction)
- int size()
- null toString()
- Collection values()
edit- IllegalFormatCodePointException(int)
- boolean equals(Object)
- int getCodePoint()
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- boolean equals(Object)
- char getConversion()
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- boolean equals(Object)
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- IllegalFormatFlagsException(null)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getFlags()
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- IllegalFormatPrecisionException(int)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- int getPrecision()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- IllegalFormatWidthException(int)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int getWidth()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- IllformedLocaleException()
- IllformedLocaleException(null)
- IllformedLocaleException(null, int)
- boolean equals(Object)
- int getErrorIndex()
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- InputMismatchException()
- InputMismatchException(null)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- LinkedHashMap()
- LinkedHashMap(Map)
- void clear()
- def clone()
- List collect(BiFunction)
- def collect(Collection, BiFunction)
- def compute(def, BiFunction)
- def computeIfAbsent(def, Function)
- def computeIfPresent(def, BiFunction)
- boolean containsKey(def)
- boolean containsValue(def)
- int count(BiPredicate)
- def each(BiConsumer)
- Set entrySet()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(BiPredicate)
- Map.Entry find(BiPredicate)
- Map findAll(BiPredicate)
- def findResult(BiFunction)
- def findResult(def, BiFunction)
- List findResults(BiFunction)
- void forEach(BiConsumer)
- def get(def)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- def getOrDefault(def, def)
- Map groupBy(BiFunction)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Set keySet()
- def merge(def, def, BiFunction)
- def put(def, def)
- void putAll(Map)
- def putIfAbsent(def, def)
- def remove(def)
- boolean remove(def, def)
- def replace(def, def)
- boolean replace(def, def, def)
- void replaceAll(BiFunction)
- int size()
- null toString()
- Collection values()
edit- LinkedHashSet()
- LinkedHashSet(Collection)
- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- def clone()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- boolean remove(def)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- LinkedList()
- LinkedList(Collection)
- boolean add(def)
- void add(int, def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean addAll(int, Collection)
- void addFirst(def)
- void addLast(def)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- def clone()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- Iterator descendingIterator()
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- def element()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- def get(int)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- def getFirst()
- def getLast()
- int getLength()
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- int indexOf(def)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- int lastIndexOf(def)
- ListIterator listIterator()
- ListIterator listIterator(int)
- boolean offer(def)
- boolean offerFirst(def)
- boolean offerLast(def)
- def peek()
- def peekFirst()
- def peekLast()
- def poll()
- def pollFirst()
- def pollLast()
- def pop()
- void push(def)
- def remove()
- def remove(int)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- def removeFirst()
- boolean removeFirstOccurrence(def)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- def removeLast()
- boolean removeLastOccurrence(def)
- void replaceAll(UnaryOperator)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- def set(int, def)
- int size()
- void sort(Comparator)
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- List subList(int, int)
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- boolean add(def)
- void add(int, def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean addAll(int, Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- def get(int)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- int getLength()
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- int indexOf(def)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- int lastIndexOf(def)
- ListIterator listIterator()
- ListIterator listIterator(int)
- def remove(int)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- void replaceAll(UnaryOperator)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- def set(int, def)
- int size()
- void sort(Comparator)
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- List subList(int, int)
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- void add(def)
- boolean equals(Object)
- void forEachRemaining(Consumer)
- boolean hasNext()
- boolean hasPrevious()
- int hashCode()
- def next()
- int nextIndex()
- int previousIndex()
- void remove()
- void set(def)
- null toString()
edit- static Locale CANADA
- static Locale CANADA_FRENCH
- static Locale CHINA
- static Locale CHINESE
- static Locale ENGLISH
- static Locale FRANCE
- static Locale FRENCH
- static Locale GERMAN
- static Locale GERMANY
- static Locale ITALIAN
- static Locale ITALY
- static Locale JAPAN
- static Locale JAPANESE
- static Locale KOREA
- static Locale KOREAN
- static Locale PRC
- static Locale ROOT
- static Locale TAIWAN
- static Locale UK
- static Locale US
- static List filter(List, Collection)
- static List filterTags(List, Collection)
- static Locale forLanguageTag(null)
- static Locale[] getAvailableLocales()
- static Locale getDefault()
- static Locale getDefault(Locale.Category)
- static null[] getISOCountries()
- static null[] getISOLanguages()
- static Locale lookup(List, Collection)
- static null lookupTag(List, Collection)
- Locale(null)
- Locale(null, null)
- Locale(null, null, null)
- def clone()
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getCountry()
- null getDisplayCountry()
- null getDisplayCountry(Locale)
- null getDisplayLanguage()
- null getDisplayLanguage(Locale)
- null getDisplayName()
- null getDisplayName(Locale)
- null getDisplayScript()
- null getDisplayScript(Locale)
- null getDisplayVariant()
- null getDisplayVariant(Locale)
- null getExtension(char)
- Set getExtensionKeys()
- null getISO3Country()
- null getISO3Language()
- null getLanguage()
- null getScript()
- Set getUnicodeLocaleAttributes()
- Set getUnicodeLocaleKeys()
- null getUnicodeLocaleType(null)
- null getVariant()
- boolean hasExtensions()
- int hashCode()
- Locale stripExtensions()
- null toLanguageTag()
- null toString()
edit- Locale.Builder()
- Locale.Builder addUnicodeLocaleAttribute(null)
- Locale build()
- Locale.Builder clear()
- Locale.Builder clearExtensions()
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- Locale.Builder removeUnicodeLocaleAttribute(null)
- Locale.Builder setExtension(char, null)
- Locale.Builder setLanguage(null)
- Locale.Builder setLanguageTag(null)
- Locale.Builder setLocale(Locale)
- Locale.Builder setRegion(null)
- Locale.Builder setScript(null)
- Locale.Builder setUnicodeLocaleKeyword(null, null)
- Locale.Builder setVariant(null)
- null toString()
edit- static Locale.FilteringMode AUTOSELECT_FILTERING
- static Locale.FilteringMode EXTENDED_FILTERING
- static Locale.FilteringMode IGNORE_EXTENDED_RANGES
- static Locale.FilteringMode MAP_EXTENDED_RANGES
- static Locale.FilteringMode REJECT_EXTENDED_RANGES
- static Locale.FilteringMode valueOf(null)
- static Locale.FilteringMode[] values()
- int compareTo(Enum)
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- null name()
- int ordinal()
- null toString()
edit- static double MAX_WEIGHT
- static double MIN_WEIGHT
- static List mapEquivalents(List, Map)
- static List parse(null)
- static List parse(null, Map)
- Locale.LanguageRange(null)
- Locale.LanguageRange(null, double)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getRange()
- double getWeight()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- void clear()
- List collect(BiFunction)
- def collect(Collection, BiFunction)
- def compute(def, BiFunction)
- def computeIfAbsent(def, Function)
- def computeIfPresent(def, BiFunction)
- boolean containsKey(def)
- boolean containsValue(def)
- int count(BiPredicate)
- def each(BiConsumer)
- Set entrySet()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(BiPredicate)
- Map.Entry find(BiPredicate)
- Map findAll(BiPredicate)
- def findResult(BiFunction)
- def findResult(def, BiFunction)
- List findResults(BiFunction)
- void forEach(BiConsumer)
- def get(def)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- def getOrDefault(def, def)
- Map groupBy(BiFunction)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Set keySet()
- def merge(def, def, BiFunction)
- def put(def, def)
- void putAll(Map)
- def putIfAbsent(def, def)
- def remove(def)
- boolean remove(def, def)
- def replace(def, def)
- boolean replace(def, def, def)
- void replaceAll(BiFunction)
- int size()
- null toString()
- Collection values()
edit- static Comparator comparingByKey()
- static Comparator comparingByKey(Comparator)
- static Comparator comparingByValue()
- static Comparator comparingByValue(Comparator)
- boolean equals(Object)
- def getKey()
- def getValue()
- int hashCode()
- def setValue(def)
- null toString()
edit- MissingFormatArgumentException(null)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getFormatSpecifier()
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- MissingFormatWidthException(null)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getFormatSpecifier()
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- MissingResourceException(null, null, null)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getClassName()
- null getKey()
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- Map.Entry ceilingEntry(def)
- def ceilingKey(def)
- void clear()
- List collect(BiFunction)
- def collect(Collection, BiFunction)
- Comparator comparator()
- def compute(def, BiFunction)
- def computeIfAbsent(def, Function)
- def computeIfPresent(def, BiFunction)
- boolean containsKey(def)
- boolean containsValue(def)
- int count(BiPredicate)
- NavigableSet descendingKeySet()
- NavigableMap descendingMap()
- def each(BiConsumer)
- Set entrySet()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(BiPredicate)
- Map.Entry find(BiPredicate)
- Map findAll(BiPredicate)
- def findResult(BiFunction)
- def findResult(def, BiFunction)
- List findResults(BiFunction)
- Map.Entry firstEntry()
- def firstKey()
- Map.Entry floorEntry(def)
- def floorKey(def)
- void forEach(BiConsumer)
- def get(def)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- def getOrDefault(def, def)
- Map groupBy(BiFunction)
- int hashCode()
- SortedMap headMap(def)
- NavigableMap headMap(def, boolean)
- Map.Entry higherEntry(def)
- def higherKey(def)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Set keySet()
- Map.Entry lastEntry()
- def lastKey()
- Map.Entry lowerEntry(def)
- def merge(def, def, BiFunction)
- NavigableSet navigableKeySet()
- Map.Entry pollFirstEntry()
- Map.Entry pollLastEntry()
- def put(def, def)
- void putAll(Map)
- def putIfAbsent(def, def)
- def remove(def)
- boolean remove(def, def)
- def replace(def, def)
- boolean replace(def, def, def)
- void replaceAll(BiFunction)
- int size()
- SortedMap subMap(def, def)
- NavigableMap subMap(def, boolean, def, boolean)
- SortedMap tailMap(def)
- NavigableMap tailMap(def, boolean)
- null toString()
- Collection values()
edit- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- def ceiling(def)
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- Comparator comparator()
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- Iterator descendingIterator()
- NavigableSet descendingSet()
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- def first()
- def floor(def)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- SortedSet headSet(def)
- NavigableSet headSet(def, boolean)
- def higher(def)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- def last()
- def lower(def)
- def pollFirst()
- def pollLast()
- boolean remove(def)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- SortedSet subSet(def, def)
- NavigableSet subSet(def, boolean, def, boolean)
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- SortedSet tailSet(def)
- NavigableSet tailSet(def, boolean)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- NoSuchElementException()
- NoSuchElementException(null)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- static int compare(def, def, Comparator)
- static boolean deepEquals(Object, Object)
- static boolean equals(Object, Object)
- static int hash(Object[])
- static int hashCode(Object)
- static boolean isNull(Object)
- static boolean nonNull(Object)
- static def requireNonNull(def)
- static def requireNonNull(def, null)
- static null toString(Object)
- static null toString(Object, null)
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- Observable()
- void addObserver(Observer)
- int countObservers()
- void deleteObserver(Observer)
- void deleteObservers()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean hasChanged()
- int hashCode()
- void notifyObservers()
- void notifyObservers(Object)
- null toString()
edit- static Optional empty()
- static Optional of(def)
- static Optional ofNullable(def)
- boolean equals(Object)
- Optional filter(Predicate)
- Optional flatMap(Function)
- def get()
- int hashCode()
- void ifPresent(Consumer)
- boolean isPresent()
- Optional map(Function)
- def orElse(def)
- def orElseGet(Supplier)
- def orElseThrow(Supplier)
- null toString()
edit- boolean equals(Object)
- void forEachRemaining(def)
- boolean hasNext()
- int hashCode()
- Double next()
- double nextDouble()
- void remove()
- null toString()
edit- PriorityQueue()
- PriorityQueue(Comparator)
- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- def element()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- boolean offer(def)
- def peek()
- def poll()
- def remove()
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- def element()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- boolean offer(def)
- def peek()
- def poll()
- def remove()
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- Random()
- Random(long)
- DoubleStream doubles(long)
- DoubleStream doubles(long, double, double)
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- IntStream ints(long)
- IntStream ints(long, int, int)
- LongStream longs(long)
- LongStream longs(long, long, long)
- boolean nextBoolean()
- void nextBytes(byte[])
- double nextDouble()
- float nextFloat()
- double nextGaussian()
- int nextInt()
- int nextInt(int)
- long nextLong()
- void setSeed(long)
- null toString()
edit- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- boolean remove(def)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- static int STANDARD_TIME
- static int UTC_TIME
- static int WALL_TIME
- SimpleTimeZone(int, null, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
- SimpleTimeZone(int, null, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
- SimpleTimeZone(int, null, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
- SimpleTimeZone(int, null)
- def clone()
- boolean equals(Object)
- int getDSTSavings()
- null getDisplayName()
- null getDisplayName(Locale)
- null getDisplayName(boolean, int)
- null getDisplayName(boolean, int, Locale)
- null getID()
- int getOffset(long)
- int getOffset(int, int, int, int, int, int)
- int getRawOffset()
- boolean hasSameRules(TimeZone)
- int hashCode()
- boolean inDaylightTime(Date)
- boolean observesDaylightTime()
- void setDSTSavings(int)
- void setEndRule(int, int, int)
- void setEndRule(int, int, int, int)
- void setEndRule(int, int, int, int, boolean)
- void setRawOffset(int)
- void setStartRule(int, int, int)
- void setStartRule(int, int, int, int)
- void setStartRule(int, int, int, int, boolean)
- void setStartYear(int)
- null toString()
- ZoneId toZoneId()
- boolean useDaylightTime()
edit- void clear()
- List collect(BiFunction)
- def collect(Collection, BiFunction)
- Comparator comparator()
- def compute(def, BiFunction)
- def computeIfAbsent(def, Function)
- def computeIfPresent(def, BiFunction)
- boolean containsKey(def)
- boolean containsValue(def)
- int count(BiPredicate)
- def each(BiConsumer)
- Set entrySet()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(BiPredicate)
- Map.Entry find(BiPredicate)
- Map findAll(BiPredicate)
- def findResult(BiFunction)
- def findResult(def, BiFunction)
- List findResults(BiFunction)
- def firstKey()
- void forEach(BiConsumer)
- def get(def)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- def getOrDefault(def, def)
- Map groupBy(BiFunction)
- int hashCode()
- SortedMap headMap(def)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Set keySet()
- def lastKey()
- def merge(def, def, BiFunction)
- def put(def, def)
- void putAll(Map)
- def putIfAbsent(def, def)
- def remove(def)
- boolean remove(def, def)
- def replace(def, def)
- boolean replace(def, def, def)
- void replaceAll(BiFunction)
- int size()
- SortedMap subMap(def, def)
- SortedMap tailMap(def)
- null toString()
- Collection values()
edit- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- Comparator comparator()
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- def first()
- void forEach(Consumer)
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- SortedSet headSet(def)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- def last()
- boolean remove(def)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- SortedSet subSet(def, def)
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- SortedSet tailSet(def)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- static int CONCURRENT
- static int DISTINCT
- static int IMMUTABLE
- static int NONNULL
- static int ORDERED
- static int SIZED
- static int SORTED
- static int SUBSIZED
- int characteristics()
- boolean equals(Object)
- long estimateSize()
- void forEachRemaining(Consumer)
- Comparator getComparator()
- long getExactSizeIfKnown()
- boolean hasCharacteristics(int)
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
- boolean tryAdvance(Consumer)
- Spliterator trySplit()
edit- int characteristics()
- boolean equals(Object)
- long estimateSize()
- void forEachRemaining(def)
- Comparator getComparator()
- long getExactSizeIfKnown()
- boolean hasCharacteristics(int)
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
- boolean tryAdvance(def)
- Spliterator.OfDouble trySplit()
edit- int characteristics()
- boolean equals(Object)
- long estimateSize()
- void forEachRemaining(def)
- Comparator getComparator()
- long getExactSizeIfKnown()
- boolean hasCharacteristics(int)
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
- boolean tryAdvance(def)
- Spliterator.OfInt trySplit()
edit- int characteristics()
- boolean equals(Object)
- long estimateSize()
- void forEachRemaining(def)
- Comparator getComparator()
- long getExactSizeIfKnown()
- boolean hasCharacteristics(int)
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
- boolean tryAdvance(def)
- Spliterator.OfLong trySplit()
edit- int characteristics()
- boolean equals(Object)
- long estimateSize()
- void forEachRemaining(def)
- Comparator getComparator()
- long getExactSizeIfKnown()
- boolean hasCharacteristics(int)
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
- boolean tryAdvance(def)
- Spliterator.OfPrimitive trySplit()
edit- static Spliterator.OfDouble emptyDoubleSpliterator()
- static Spliterator.OfInt emptyIntSpliterator()
- static Spliterator.OfLong emptyLongSpliterator()
- static Spliterator emptySpliterator()
- static Iterator iterator(Spliterator)
- static Spliterator spliterator(Collection, int)
- static Spliterator spliterator(Iterator, long, int)
- static Spliterator spliteratorUnknownSize(Iterator, int)
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- Stack()
- boolean add(def)
- void add(int, def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean addAll(int, Collection)
- void addElement(def)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- def clone()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- void copyInto(Object[])
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- def elementAt(int)
- Enumeration elements()
- boolean empty()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- def firstElement()
- void forEach(Consumer)
- def get(int)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- int getLength()
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- int indexOf(def)
- void insertElementAt(def, int)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- def lastElement()
- int lastIndexOf(def)
- int lastIndexOf(def, int)
- ListIterator listIterator()
- ListIterator listIterator(int)
- def peek()
- def pop()
- def push(def)
- def remove(int)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- void removeAllElements()
- boolean removeElement(def)
- void removeElementAt(int)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- void replaceAll(UnaryOperator)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int search(def)
- def set(int, def)
- void setElementAt(def, int)
- int size()
- void sort(Comparator)
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- List subList(int, int)
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- StringJoiner(CharSequence)
- StringJoiner(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence)
- StringJoiner add(CharSequence)
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- int length()
- StringJoiner merge(StringJoiner)
- StringJoiner setEmptyValue(CharSequence)
- null toString()
edit- StringTokenizer(null)
- StringTokenizer(null, null)
- StringTokenizer(null, null, boolean)
- int countTokens()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean hasMoreElements()
- boolean hasMoreTokens()
- int hashCode()
- def nextElement()
- null nextToken()
- null nextToken(null)
- null toString()
edit- static int LONG
- static int SHORT
- static null[] getAvailableIDs()
- static null[] getAvailableIDs(int)
- static TimeZone getDefault()
- static TimeZone getTimeZone(null)
- def clone()
- boolean equals(Object)
- int getDSTSavings()
- null getDisplayName()
- null getDisplayName(Locale)
- null getDisplayName(boolean, int)
- null getDisplayName(boolean, int, Locale)
- null getID()
- int getOffset(long)
- int getOffset(int, int, int, int, int, int)
- int getRawOffset()
- boolean hasSameRules(TimeZone)
- int hashCode()
- boolean inDaylightTime(Date)
- boolean observesDaylightTime()
- void setRawOffset(int)
- null toString()
- ZoneId toZoneId()
- boolean useDaylightTime()
edit- TooManyListenersException()
- TooManyListenersException(null)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- TreeMap()
- TreeMap(Comparator)
- Map.Entry ceilingEntry(def)
- def ceilingKey(def)
- void clear()
- def clone()
- List collect(BiFunction)
- def collect(Collection, BiFunction)
- Comparator comparator()
- def compute(def, BiFunction)
- def computeIfAbsent(def, Function)
- def computeIfPresent(def, BiFunction)
- boolean containsKey(def)
- boolean containsValue(def)
- int count(BiPredicate)
- NavigableSet descendingKeySet()
- NavigableMap descendingMap()
- def each(BiConsumer)
- Set entrySet()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(BiPredicate)
- Map.Entry find(BiPredicate)
- Map findAll(BiPredicate)
- def findResult(BiFunction)
- def findResult(def, BiFunction)
- List findResults(BiFunction)
- Map.Entry firstEntry()
- def firstKey()
- Map.Entry floorEntry(def)
- def floorKey(def)
- void forEach(BiConsumer)
- def get(def)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- def getOrDefault(def, def)
- Map groupBy(BiFunction)
- int hashCode()
- SortedMap headMap(def)
- NavigableMap headMap(def, boolean)
- Map.Entry higherEntry(def)
- def higherKey(def)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Set keySet()
- Map.Entry lastEntry()
- def lastKey()
- Map.Entry lowerEntry(def)
- def merge(def, def, BiFunction)
- NavigableSet navigableKeySet()
- Map.Entry pollFirstEntry()
- Map.Entry pollLastEntry()
- def put(def, def)
- void putAll(Map)
- def putIfAbsent(def, def)
- def remove(def)
- boolean remove(def, def)
- def replace(def, def)
- boolean replace(def, def, def)
- void replaceAll(BiFunction)
- int size()
- SortedMap subMap(def, def)
- NavigableMap subMap(def, boolean, def, boolean)
- SortedMap tailMap(def)
- NavigableMap tailMap(def, boolean)
- null toString()
- Collection values()
edit- TreeSet()
- TreeSet(Comparator)
- boolean add(def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- def ceiling(def)
- void clear()
- def clone()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- Comparator comparator()
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- Iterator descendingIterator()
- NavigableSet descendingSet()
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- def first()
- def floor(def)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- SortedSet headSet(def)
- NavigableSet headSet(def, boolean)
- def higher(def)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- def last()
- def lower(def)
- def pollFirst()
- def pollLast()
- boolean remove(def)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- int size()
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- SortedSet subSet(def, def)
- NavigableSet subSet(def, boolean, def, boolean)
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- SortedSet tailSet(def)
- NavigableSet tailSet(def, boolean)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
edit- static UUID fromString(null)
- static UUID nameUUIDFromBytes(byte[])
- static UUID randomUUID()
- UUID(long, long)
- int clockSequence()
- int compareTo(UUID)
- boolean equals(Object)
- long getLeastSignificantBits()
- long getMostSignificantBits()
- int hashCode()
- long node()
- long timestamp()
- null toString()
- int variant()
- int version()
edit- UnknownFormatConversionException(null)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getConversion()
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- UnknownFormatFlagsException(null)
- boolean equals(Object)
- null getFlags()
- null getLocalizedMessage()
- null getMessage()
- StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- Vector()
- Vector(Collection)
- boolean add(def)
- void add(int, def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean addAll(int, Collection)
- void addElement(def)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- def clone()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- void copyInto(Object[])
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- def elementAt(int)
- Enumeration elements()
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- def firstElement()
- void forEach(Consumer)
- def get(int)
- Object getByPath(null)
- Object getByPath(null, Object)
- int getLength()
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- int indexOf(def)
- void insertElementAt(def, int)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- null join(null)
- def lastElement()
- int lastIndexOf(def)
- int lastIndexOf(def, int)
- ListIterator listIterator()
- ListIterator listIterator(int)
- def remove(int)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- void removeAllElements()
- boolean removeElement(def)
- void removeElementAt(int)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- void replaceAll(UnaryOperator)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- def set(int, def)
- void setElementAt(def, int)
- int size()
- void sort(Comparator)
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- List subList(int, int)
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- null toString()
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