Snyk Integration
editSnyk Integration
editVersion |
1.27.0 (View all) |
Compatible Kibana version(s) |
8.13.0 or higher |
Supported Serverless project types |
Security |
Subscription level |
Basic |
Level of support |
Elastic |
This integration is for ingesting data from the Snyk API. The integration allows collection of audit logging information and vulnerability issues via the Snyk REST API and the legacy APIv1 API.
: Collects all found issues for the related organizations and projects -
: Collects audit logging from Snyk, this can be actions like users, permissions, groups, api access and more.
To configure access to the Snyk REST Audit Log API you will have to obtain an API access token from your Snyk account dashboard as described in the Snyk Documentation.
Legacy APIv1
: Collects all found vulnerabilities for the related organizations and projects -
: Collects audit logging from Snyk, this can be actions like users, permissions, groups, api access and more.
To configure access to the Snyk Audit Log APIv1 you will have to generate an API access token as described in the Snyk Documentation.
Audit Logs
An example event for audit
looks as following:
{ "@timestamp": "2024-05-15T16:34:14.144Z", "agent": { "ephemeral_id": "6b4b2646-d403-4342-9261-edee5f31db21", "id": "24936262-0cda-4934-aea3-82bed4844c98", "name": "docker-fleet-agent", "type": "filebeat", "version": "8.13.0" }, "data_stream": { "dataset": "snyk.audit_logs", "namespace": "ep", "type": "logs" }, "ecs": { "version": "8.11.0" }, "elastic_agent": { "id": "24936262-0cda-4934-aea3-82bed4844c98", "snapshot": false, "version": "8.13.0" }, "event": { "action": "org.project.issue.create", "agent_id_status": "verified", "dataset": "snyk.audit_logs", "ingested": "2024-05-23T23:38:58Z", "original": "{\"content\":{\"action\":\"Returned from analysis\"},\"created\":\"2024-05-15T16:34:14.144Z\",\"event\":\"org.project.issue.create\",\"org_id\":\"0de7b2d6-c1da-46aa-887e-1886f96770d4\",\"project_id\":\"d2bf0629-84a7-4b0b-b435-f49a87f0720c\"}", "type": [ "creation" ] }, "input": { "type": "cel" }, "organization": { "id": "0de7b2d6-c1da-46aa-887e-1886f96770d4" }, "snyk": { "audit_logs": { "content": { "action": "Returned from analysis" }, "org_id": "0de7b2d6-c1da-46aa-887e-1886f96770d4", "project_id": "d2bf0629-84a7-4b0b-b435-f49a87f0720c" } }, "tags": [ "preserve_original_event", "forwarded", "snyk-audit-logs" ] }
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type |
@timestamp |
Event timestamp. |
date |
data_stream.dataset |
Data stream dataset name. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace |
Data stream namespace. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.type |
Data stream type. |
constant_keyword |
event.dataset |
Event dataset |
constant_keyword |
event.module |
Event module |
constant_keyword |
host.containerized |
If the host is a container. |
boolean | |
OS build information. |
keyword |
host.os.codename |
OS codename, if any. |
keyword |
input.type |
Type of Filebeat input. |
keyword |
log.flags |
Flags for the log file. |
keyword |
log.offset |
Offset of the entry in the log file. |
long |
snyk.audit_logs.content |
Overview of the content that was changed, both old and new values. |
flattened |
snyk.audit_logs.org_id |
ID of the related Organization related to the event. |
keyword |
snyk.audit_logs.project_id |
ID of the project related to the event. |
keyword |
snyk.audit_logs.user_id |
ID of the user related to the event. |
keyword |
snyk.projects |
Array with all related projects objects. |
flattened |
snyk.related.projects |
Array of all the related project ID’s. |
keyword |
An example event for issues
looks as following:
{ "@timestamp": "2024-05-15T18:49:24.958Z", "agent": { "ephemeral_id": "15edfc41-3c98-4358-b81a-457fe310ca39", "id": "24936262-0cda-4934-aea3-82bed4844c98", "name": "docker-fleet-agent", "type": "filebeat", "version": "8.13.0" }, "data_stream": { "dataset": "snyk.issues", "namespace": "ep", "type": "logs" }, "ecs": { "version": "8.11.0" }, "elastic_agent": { "id": "24936262-0cda-4934-aea3-82bed4844c98", "snapshot": false, "version": "8.13.0" }, "event": { "agent_id_status": "verified", "dataset": "snyk.issues", "ingested": "2024-05-23T23:49:52Z", "kind": [ "alert" ], "original": "{\"attributes\":{\"coordinates\":[{\"is_fixable_manually\":false,\"is_fixable_snyk\":false,\"is_fixable_upstream\":false,\"is_patchable\":false,\"is_pinnable\":false,\"is_upgradeable\":false,\"reachability\":\"no-info\",\"representations\":[{\"dependency\":{\"package_name\":\"git/git-man\",\"package_version\":\"1:2.30.2-1\"}}]},{\"is_fixable_manually\":false,\"is_fixable_snyk\":false,\"is_fixable_upstream\":false,\"is_patchable\":false,\"is_pinnable\":false,\"is_upgradeable\":false,\"reachability\":\"no-info\",\"representations\":[{\"dependency\":{\"package_name\":\"git\",\"package_version\":\"1:2.30.2-1\"}}]}],\"created_at\":\"2024-05-15T18:49:24.958Z\",\"effective_severity_level\":\"low\",\"ignored\":false,\"key\":\"SNYK-DEBIAN11-GIT-6846207\",\"problems\":[{\"id\":\"SNYK-DEBIAN11-GIT-6846207\",\"source\":\"SNYK\",\"type\":\"vulnerability\",\"updated_at\":\"2024-05-15T18:49:26.454629Z\"},{\"id\":\"CVE-2024-32020\",\"source\":\"NVD\",\"type\":\"vulnerability\",\"updated_at\":\"2024-05-15T18:49:26.454631Z\",\"url\":\"\"}],\"risk\":{\"factors\":[],\"score\":{\"model\":\"v1\",\"value\":221}},\"status\":\"open\",\"title\":\"CVE-2024-32020\",\"type\":\"package_vulnerability\",\"updated_at\":\"2024-05-15T18:49:24.958Z\"},\"id\":\"bdb0b182-440e-483f-8f42-d4f5477e8349\",\"relationships\":{\"organization\":{\"data\":{\"id\":\"0de7b2d6-c1da-46aa-887e-1886f96770d4\",\"type\":\"organization\"},\"links\":{\"related\":\"/orgs/0de7b2d6-c1da-46aa-887e-1886f96770d4\"}},\"scan_item\":{\"data\":{\"id\":\"068c68be-4f21-4edd-9975-92dd051d16dc\",\"type\":\"project\"},\"links\":{\"related\":\"/orgs/0de7b2d6-c1da-46aa-887e-1886f96770d4/projects/068c68be-4f21-4edd-9975-92dd051d16dc\"}}},\"type\":\"issue\"}", "type": [ "info" ] }, "input": { "type": "cel" }, "organization": { "id": "0de7b2d6-c1da-46aa-887e-1886f96770d4" }, "snyk": { "issues": { "attributes": { "coordinates": [ { "is_fixable_manually": false, "is_fixable_snyk": false, "is_fixable_upstream": false, "is_patchable": false, "is_pinnable": false, "is_upgradeable": false, "reachability": "no-info", "representations": [ { "dependency": { "package_name": "git/git-man", "package_version": "1:2.30.2-1" } } ] }, { "is_fixable_manually": false, "is_fixable_snyk": false, "is_fixable_upstream": false, "is_patchable": false, "is_pinnable": false, "is_upgradeable": false, "reachability": "no-info", "representations": [ { "dependency": { "package_name": "git", "package_version": "1:2.30.2-1" } } ] } ], "created_at": "2024-05-15T18:49:24.958Z", "effective_severity_level": "low", "ignored": false, "key": "SNYK-DEBIAN11-GIT-6846207", "problems": [ { "id": "SNYK-DEBIAN11-GIT-6846207", "source": "SNYK", "type": "vulnerability", "updated_at": "2024-05-15T18:49:26.454629Z" }, { "id": "CVE-2024-32020", "source": "NVD", "type": "vulnerability", "updated_at": "2024-05-15T18:49:26.454631Z", "url": "" } ], "risk": { "score": { "model": "v1", "value": 221 } }, "status": "open", "title": "CVE-2024-32020", "type": "package_vulnerability", "updated_at": "2024-05-15T18:49:24.958Z" }, "id": "bdb0b182-440e-483f-8f42-d4f5477e8349", "relationships": { "organization": { "data": { "id": "0de7b2d6-c1da-46aa-887e-1886f96770d4", "type": "organization" }, "links": { "related": "/orgs/0de7b2d6-c1da-46aa-887e-1886f96770d4" } }, "scan_item": { "data": { "id": "068c68be-4f21-4edd-9975-92dd051d16dc", "type": "project" }, "links": { "related": "/orgs/0de7b2d6-c1da-46aa-887e-1886f96770d4/projects/068c68be-4f21-4edd-9975-92dd051d16dc" } } } } }, "tags": [ "preserve_original_event", "forwarded", "snyk-issues" ], "vulnerability": { "enumeration": [ "SNYK", "NVD" ], "id": [ "SNYK-DEBIAN11-GIT-6846207", "CVE-2024-32020" ], "reference": [ "" ], "scanner": { "vendor": "Snyk" }, "severity": "low" } }
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type |
@timestamp |
Event timestamp. |
date |
data_stream.dataset |
Data stream dataset name. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace |
Data stream namespace. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.type |
Data stream type. |
constant_keyword |
event.dataset |
Event dataset |
constant_keyword |
event.module |
Event module |
constant_keyword |
host.containerized |
If the host is a container. |
boolean | |
OS build information. |
keyword |
host.os.codename |
OS codename, if any. |
keyword |
input.type |
Type of Filebeat input. |
keyword |
log.flags |
Flags for the log file. |
keyword |
log.offset |
Offset of the entry in the log file. |
long | |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.classes.source |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.classes.type |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.coordinates.cloud_resource |
A resource location to some service, like a cloud resource. |
flattened |
snyk.issues.attributes.coordinates.is_fixable_manually |
boolean |
snyk.issues.attributes.coordinates.is_fixable_snyk |
boolean |
snyk.issues.attributes.coordinates.is_fixable_upstream |
boolean |
snyk.issues.attributes.coordinates.is_patchable |
boolean |
snyk.issues.attributes.coordinates.is_pinnable |
boolean |
snyk.issues.attributes.coordinates.is_upgradeable |
boolean |
snyk.issues.attributes.coordinates.reachability |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.coordinates.representations.dependency.package_name |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.coordinates.representations.dependency.package_version |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.coordinates.resourcePath |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.created_at |
date |
snyk.issues.attributes.effective_severity_level |
The type from enumeration of the issue’s severity level: info, low, medium, high or critical. This is usually set from the issue’s producer, but can be overridden by policies. |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.ignored |
boolean |
snyk.issues.attributes.key |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.problems.disclosed_at |
When this problem was disclosed to the public. |
date |
snyk.issues.attributes.problems.discovered_at |
When this problem was first discovered. |
date | |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.problems.source |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.problems.type |
The problem type: rule or vulnerability. |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.problems.updated_at |
When this problem was last updated. |
date |
snyk.issues.attributes.problems.url |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.risk.score.model |
Risk scoring model used to calculate the score value. |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.risk.score.updated_at |
date |
snyk.issues.attributes.risk.score.value |
Risk score value, which may be used for overall prioritization. |
long |
snyk.issues.attributes.status |
An issue’s status: open or resolved. |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.title |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.type |
keyword |
snyk.issues.attributes.updated_at |
date |
| |
The issue reference ID. |
keyword | |
keyword |
| |
keyword |
snyk.issues.relationships.organization.links.related |
keyword |
| |
keyword |
| |
keyword |
snyk.issues.relationships.scan_item.links.related |
keyword |
snyk.projects |
Array with all related projects objects. |
flattened |
snyk.related.projects |
Array of all the related project ID’s. |
keyword |
Audit (Legacy)
An example event for audit
looks as following:
{ "@timestamp": "2020-11-12T13:24:40.317Z", "agent": { "ephemeral_id": "8dd58507-15bf-413b-bbbe-f278ce3905c3", "id": "bb043b0c-36d1-4054-81ed-2d3f4546a433", "name": "docker-fleet-agent", "type": "filebeat", "version": "8.8.1" }, "data_stream": { "dataset": "snyk.audit", "namespace": "ep", "type": "logs" }, "ecs": { "version": "8.11.0" }, "elastic_agent": { "id": "bb043b0c-36d1-4054-81ed-2d3f4546a433", "snapshot": false, "version": "8.8.1" }, "event": { "action": "api.access", "agent_id_status": "verified", "created": "2023-07-06T18:45:03.747Z", "dataset": "snyk.audit", "ingested": "2023-07-06T18:45:04Z", "original": "{\"content\":{\"url\":\"/api/v1/org/orgid123test-5643asd234-asdfasdf/projects\"},\"created\":\"2020-11-12T13:24:40.317Z\",\"event\":\"api.access\",\"groupId\":\"groupid123test-543123-54312sadf-123ad\",\"orgId\":\"orgid123test-5643asd234-asdfasdf\",\"projectId\":null,\"userId\":\"userid123test-234sdfa2-423sdfa-2134\"}" }, "input": { "type": "httpjson" }, "snyk": { "audit": { "content": { "url": "/api/v1/org/orgid123test-5643asd234-asdfasdf/projects" }, "org_id": "orgid123test-5643asd234-asdfasdf" } }, "tags": [ "preserve_original_event", "forwarded", "snyk-audit" ], "user": { "group": { "id": "groupid123test-543123-54312sadf-123ad" }, "id": "userid123test-234sdfa2-423sdfa-2134" } }
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type |
@timestamp |
Event timestamp. |
date |
data_stream.dataset |
Data stream dataset name. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace |
Data stream namespace. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.type |
Data stream type. |
constant_keyword |
event.dataset |
Event dataset |
constant_keyword |
event.module |
Event module |
constant_keyword |
host.containerized |
If the host is a container. |
boolean | |
OS build information. |
keyword |
host.os.codename |
OS codename, if any. |
keyword |
input.type |
Type of Filebeat input. |
keyword |
log.flags |
Flags for the log file. |
keyword |
log.offset |
Offset of the entry in the log file. |
long |
snyk.audit.content |
Overview of the content that was changed, both old and new values. |
flattened |
snyk.audit.org_id |
ID of the related Organization related to the event. |
keyword |
snyk.audit.project_id |
ID of the project related to the event. |
keyword |
snyk.projects |
Array with all related projects objects. |
flattened |
snyk.related.projects |
Array of all the related project ID’s. |
keyword |
Vulnerabilities (Legacy)
An example event for vulnerabilities
looks as following:
{ "@timestamp": "2023-07-06T18:46:12.851Z", "agent": { "ephemeral_id": "eadbc5df-eed9-4729-9f23-a701b539bf47", "id": "bb043b0c-36d1-4054-81ed-2d3f4546a433", "name": "docker-fleet-agent", "type": "filebeat", "version": "8.8.1" }, "data_stream": { "dataset": "snyk.vulnerabilities", "namespace": "ep", "type": "logs" }, "ecs": { "version": "8.11.0" }, "elastic_agent": { "id": "bb043b0c-36d1-4054-81ed-2d3f4546a433", "snapshot": false, "version": "8.8.1" }, "event": { "agent_id_status": "verified", "created": "2023-07-06T18:46:12.851Z", "dataset": "snyk.vulnerabilities", "ingested": "2023-07-06T18:46:13Z", "original": "{\"introducedDate\":\"2020-04-07\",\"isFixed\":false,\"issue\":{\"CVSSv3\":\"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H\",\"credit\":[\"Snyk Security Research Team\"],\"cvssScore\":\"8.1\",\"disclosureTime\":\"2016-11-27T22:00:00.000Z\",\"exploitMaturity\":\"no-known-exploit\",\"id\":\"npm:ejs:20161128\",\"identifiers\":{\"ALTERNATIVE\":[\"SNYK-JS-EJS-10218\"],\"CVE\":[],\"CWE\":[\"CWE-94\"]},\"isIgnored\":false,\"isPatchable\":false,\"isPatched\":false,\"isPinnable\":false,\"isUpgradable\":false,\"jiraIssueUrl\":null,\"language\":\"js\",\"originalSeverity\":null,\"package\":\"ejs\",\"packageManager\":\"npm\",\"patches\":[{\"comments\":[],\"id\":\"patch:npm:ejs:20161128:0\",\"modificationTime\":\"2019-12-03T11:40:45.851976Z\",\"urls\":[\"\"],\"version\":\"\\u003c2.5.3 \\u003e=2.2.4\"}],\"priorityScore\":4.05,\"publicationTime\":\"2016-11-28T18:44:12.000Z\",\"reachability\":\"No Info\",\"semver\":{\"vulnerable\":[\"\\u003c2.5.3\"]},\"severity\":\"high\",\"title\":\"Arbitrary Code Execution\",\"type\":\"vuln\",\"uniqueSeveritiesList\":[\"high\"],\"url\":\"\",\"version\":\"0.8.8\"},\"projects\":[{\"id\":\"projectid\",\"name\":\"username/reponame\",\"packageManager\":\"npm\",\"source\":\"github\",\"targetFile\":\"package.json\",\"url\":\"\"},{\"id\":\"projectid\",\"name\":\"someotheruser/someotherreponame\",\"packageManager\":\"npm\",\"source\":\"github\",\"targetFile\":\"folder1/package.json\",\"url\":\"\"},{\"id\":\"projectid\",\"name\":\"projectname\",\"packageManager\":\"npm\",\"source\":\"cli\",\"targetFile\":\"package.json\",\"url\":\"\"}]}" }, "input": { "type": "httpjson" }, "snyk": { "projects": [ { "id": "projectid", "name": "username/reponame", "packageManager": "npm", "source": "github", "targetFile": "package.json", "url": "" }, { "id": "projectid", "name": "someotheruser/someotherreponame", "packageManager": "npm", "source": "github", "targetFile": "folder1/package.json", "url": "" }, { "id": "projectid", "name": "projectname", "packageManager": "npm", "source": "cli", "targetFile": "package.json", "url": "" } ], "related": { "projects": [ "username/reponame", "someotheruser/someotherreponame", "projectname" ] }, "vulnerabilities": { "credit": [ "Snyk Security Research Team" ], "cvss3": "CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H", "disclosure_time": "2016-11-27T22:00:00.000Z", "exploit_maturity": "no-known-exploit", "id": "npm:ejs:20161128", "identifiers": { "alternative": [ "SNYK-JS-EJS-10218" ], "cwe": [ "CWE-94" ] }, "introduced_date": "2020-04-07", "is_fixed": false, "is_ignored": false, "is_patchable": false, "is_patched": false, "is_pinnable": false, "is_upgradable": false, "language": "js", "package": "ejs", "package_manager": "npm", "patches": [ { "id": "patch:npm:ejs:20161128:0", "modificationTime": "2019-12-03T11:40:45.851976Z", "urls": [ "" ], "version": "<2.5.3 >=2.2.4" } ], "priority_score": 4.05, "publication_time": "2016-11-28T18:44:12.000Z", "reachability": "No Info", "semver": { "vulnerable": [ "<2.5.3" ] }, "title": "Arbitrary Code Execution", "type": "vuln", "unique_severities_list": [ "high" ], "version": "0.8.8" } }, "tags": [ "preserve_original_event", "forwarded", "snyk-vulnerabilities" ], "vulnerability": { "category": [ "Github" ], "classification": "CVSS", "enumeration": "CVE", "reference": "", "scanner": { "vendor": "Snyk" }, "score": { "base": 8.1, "version": "3.0" }, "severity": "high" } }
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type |
@timestamp |
Event timestamp. |
date |
data_stream.dataset |
Data stream dataset name. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace |
Data stream namespace. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.type |
Data stream type. |
constant_keyword |
event.dataset |
Event dataset |
constant_keyword |
event.module |
Event module |
constant_keyword |
host.containerized |
If the host is a container. |
boolean | |
OS build information. |
keyword |
host.os.codename |
OS codename, if any. |
keyword |
input.type |
Type of Filebeat input. |
keyword |
log.flags |
Flags for the log file. |
keyword |
log.offset |
Offset of the entry in the log file. |
long |
snyk.projects |
Array with all related projects objects. |
flattened |
snyk.related.projects |
Array of all the related project ID’s. |
keyword | |
Reference to the person that original found the vulnerability. |
keyword |
snyk.vulnerabilities.cvss3 |
CSSv3 scores. |
keyword |
snyk.vulnerabilities.disclosure_time |
The time this vulnerability was originally disclosed to the package maintainers. |
date |
snyk.vulnerabilities.exploit_maturity |
The Snyk exploit maturity level. |
keyword | |
The vulnerability reference ID. |
keyword |
snyk.vulnerabilities.identifiers.alternative |
Additional vulnerability identifiers. |
keyword |
snyk.vulnerabilities.identifiers.cwe |
CWE vulnerability identifiers. |
keyword |
snyk.vulnerabilities.introduced_date |
The date the vulnerability was initially found. |
date |
snyk.vulnerabilities.is_fixed |
If the related vulnerability has been resolved. |
boolean |
snyk.vulnerabilities.is_ignored |
If the vulnerability report has been ignored. |
boolean |
snyk.vulnerabilities.is_patchable |
If vulnerability is fixable by using a Snyk supplied patch. |
boolean |
snyk.vulnerabilities.is_patched |
If the vulnerability has been patched. |
boolean |
snyk.vulnerabilities.is_pinnable |
If the vulnerability is fixable by pinning a transitive dependency. |
boolean |
snyk.vulnerabilities.is_upgradable |
If the vulnerability fixable by upgrading a dependency. |
boolean |
snyk.vulnerabilities.jira_issue_url |
Link to the related Jira issue. |
keyword |
snyk.vulnerabilities.language |
The package’s programming language. |
keyword |
snyk.vulnerabilities.original_severity |
The original severity of the vulnerability. |
long |
snyk.vulnerabilities.package |
The package identifier according to its package manager. |
keyword |
snyk.vulnerabilities.package_manager |
The package manager. |
keyword |
snyk.vulnerabilities.patches |
Patches required to resolve the issue created by Snyk. |
flattened |
snyk.vulnerabilities.priority_score |
The CVS priority score. |
long |
snyk.vulnerabilities.publication_time |
The vulnerability publication time. |
date |
snyk.vulnerabilities.reachability |
If the vulnerable function from the library is used in the code scanned. Can either be No Info, Potentially reachable and Reachable. |
keyword |
snyk.vulnerabilities.semver |
One or more semver ranges this issue is applicable to. The format varies according to package manager. |
flattened |
snyk.vulnerabilities.title |
The issue title. |
keyword |
snyk.vulnerabilities.type |
The issue type. Can be either "license" or "vulnerability". |
keyword |
snyk.vulnerabilities.unique_severities_list |
A list of related unique severities. |
keyword |
snyk.vulnerabilities.version |
The package version this issue is applicable to. |
keyword |
Version | Details | Kibana version(s) |
1.27.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.26.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.25.3 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.25.2 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.25.1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.25.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.24.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.23.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.22.1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.12.0 or higher |
1.22.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.12.0 or higher |
1.21.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.12.0 or higher |
1.20.1 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.12.0 or higher |
1.20.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.12.0 or higher |
1.19.1 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.19.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.18.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.17.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.16.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.15.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.14.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.13.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.12.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.11.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.10.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.9.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.8.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.7.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
1.6.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
1.5.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
1.4.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
1.3.3 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
1.3.2 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
1.3.1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
1.3.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
1.2.1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
1.2.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
1.1.2 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
1.1.1 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
1.1.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
1.0.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |