Kibana 7.14.0


For information about the Kibana 7.14.0 release, review the following information.

Known issue


If you are using Kibana 7.9.x and earlier, and you upgrade to 7.10.0 to 7.17.2, all hidden panel titles now appear on your dashboards.

To resolve the known issue, upgrade to Kibana 7.17.3 or later.

Breaking changes


Breaking changes can prevent your application from optimal operation and performance. Before you upgrade to 7.14.0, review the breaking changes, then mitigate the impact to your application.

Changes audit event terminology

The terminology has changed for audit events logged by the alerting framework’s rules client when CRUD operations are performed.

The following audit actions are renamed:

  • alert_create is now rule_create
  • alert_get is now rule_get
  • alert_update is now rule_update
  • alert_update_api_key is now rule_update_api_key
  • alert_enable is now rule_enable
  • alert_disable is now rule_disable
  • alert_delete is now rule_delete
  • alert_find is now rule_find
  • alert_mute is now rule_mute
  • alert_unmute is now rule_unmute
  • alert_instance_mute is now rule_alert_mute
  • alert_instance_unmute is now rule_alert_unmute

The terminology in the audit messages now references rules instead of alerts. For example, User is creating alert [id=${ruleId}] is now User is creating rule [id=${ruleId}].

For more information, refer to #102263.

When you upgrade to 7.14.0, Kibana automatically uses the new terminology. No action is needed.

Refactors alerts authorization client

The alerts authorization client has been refactored to be more generic. Kibana uses the existing alerting feature privilege model to provide all and read privileges to rules and alerts.

For more information, refer to #99078.

When you upgrade to 7.14.0, Kibana automatically reflects the changes. No action is needed.

Review the breaking changes in previous versions:

7.13 | 7.12 | 7.11 | 7.10 | 7.9 | 7.8 | 7.7 | 7.6 | 7.5 | 7.4 | 7.3 | 7.2 | 7.1 | 7.0



The following functionality is deprecated in 7.14.0, and will be removed in 8.0.0. Deprecated functionality does not have an immediate impact on your application, but we strongly recommend you make the necessary updates after you upgrade to 7.14.0.

Deprecates map.proxyElasticMapsServiceInMaps

The map.proxyElasticMapsServiceInMaps setting is deprecated. For more information, refer to #103740.

Remove the map.proxyElasticMapsServiceInMaps setting in kibana.yml, the CLI flag, or the Docker environment variable, the host Elastic Maps Service locally.

Deprecates apm_oss.fleetMode

The apm_oss.fleetMode setting in the APM OSS plugin is deprecated. For more information, refer to #103721.

Remove the apm_oss.fleetMode setting from the APM OSS plugin.

Deprecates the map.regionmap setting and Configured GeoJSON layer

The map.regionmap setting and Configured GeoJSON layer are deprecated. For more information, refer to #103373.


  1. Remove the map.regionmap setting in kibana.yml, the CLI flag, or Docker environment variable.
  2. To upload each layer defined by map.regionmap.layers, use Upload GeoJSON.
  3. To update all maps that use Configured GeoJSON, use the Choropleth layer wizard to build a replacement layer, then delete the Configured GeoJSON layer from your map.

For detailed information, refer to Maps.

Deprecates Ingest Pipelines URL generator

The Ingest Pipelines URL generator is deprecated. For more information, refer to #102878.

The Machine Learning link that navigates you to Ingest Managment now uses locators.

Deprecates Dashboard URL generator

The Dashboard URL generator is deprecated. For more information, refer to #102854.

Drilldowns now use the Dashboard locator.

Deprecates Discover URL generator

The Explore Underlying Data URL generator is deprecated. For more information, refer to #102712.

The Explore Underlying Data interaction now uses the Discover locator.

Deprecates csp.rules

The csp.rules configuration property is deprecated. You are no longer required to set the default Kibana values. For more information, refer to #102059.

Use csp.script_src, csp.worker_src, and csp.style_src.


The setting is deprecated. For more information, refer to #101162.

Use the xpack.fleet.agents.elasticsearch.hosts setting.

Deprecates kibana.autocompleteTerminateAfter and kibana.autocompleteTimeout

The kibana.autocompleteTerminateAfter and kibana.autocompleteTimeout settings are deprecated. For more information, refer to #100586.

Use the data.autocomplete.valueSuggestions.terminateAfter and data.autocomplete.valueSuggestions.timeout settings.

Deprecates beats_management plugin

The beats_management plugin is deprecated. For more information, refer to #99789.

Use Fleet.



Kibana 7.14.0 adds the following new and notable features.

  • Migrate to data streams - Fleet on Cloud #102682
  • Syncs agent config settings to APM Fleet policies #100744
  • Integrates Labs service into Canvas #96920
Data ingest
  • Adds support for fingerprint processor #100541
  • Adds support for registered_domain processor #99643
Elastic Security
For the Elastic Security 7.14.0 release information, refer to Elastic Security Solution Release Notes.
  • Moves integrations to a separate app #99848
Lens & Visualizations
  • Adds Formula #99297
  • Replaces current implementation with elastic-charts #100017
  • Specify y-axis extent in Lens #99203
  • Adds time shift metrics in Lens #98781
  • Adds support for runtime fields in Vega #98707
  • Adds support for runtime fields in Timelion #96700
  • New implementation of the vislib pie chart with es-charts #83929
Machine Learning
  • Adds ability to clear warning notification from anomaly detection jobs list #103608
  • Adds authentication module with six ML jobs for ECS data (Auditbeat, Winlogbeat, Filebeat and Logs) #101840
  • Adds index pattern management to index Data Visualizer #101316
  • Visualize delayed data in anomaly detection jobs #101236
  • Rare anomaly detection job wizard #100390
  • APM latency correlations #99905
  • Data Visualizer: adds choropleth map for index and file #99434
  • Anomaly Detection Explorer: adds choropleth map #98847
  • Adds support for the top_metrics aggregation #101152
  • Default index pattern REST API #100691
  • Moves edit tools to beta and remove experimental config flags #103556
  • Adds layer edit controls #99812
  • Removes external Launch App Search button #100815

For more information about the features introduced in 7.14.0, refer to What’s new in 7.14.