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Breaking changes in 7.8


Breaking changes in 7.8


This page discusses the breaking changes that you need to be aware of when migrating your application to Kibana 7.8.

Breaking changes for users


Metrics alerts action messaging refactored to report on the no data state


Metrics alerts no longer expose context.valueOf, context.metricOf, or context.thresholdOf to action messages. These variables are replaced by context.reason. This variable explains the reason that the alert fired and automatically includes the metric, threshold, and current value of all configured conditions.

Alerts configured in 7.7 still function as normal, but their action messages might no longer provide useful information and must be reconfigured. The new default action message will show an example of how to use context.reason.

via #64365

Panels removed from the URL in dashboard view mode


In dashboard in view mode, .panels are no longer synced with the URL.

This fixes the Back button when navigating between dashboards using drilldowns.

via #62415

Breaking changes for plugin developers

The actions API endpoint changed

The following action plugin REST APIs changed so that they are consistent with the Kibana styleguide.

  • GET /api/action/_getAllGET /api/actions
  • GET /api/action/typesGET /api/actions/list_action_types
  • POST /api/actionPOST /api/actions/action
  • GET /api/action/{id}GET /api/actions/action/{id}
  • PUT /api/action/{id}PUT /api/actions/action/{id}
  • DELETE /api/action/{id}DELETE /api/actions/action/{id}
  • POST /api/action/{id}/_executePOST /api/actions/action/{id}/_execute

via #65936

Canvas applications now run on the new Kibana platform

Any existing user-created plugins that extend Canvas functionality must also move to the Kibana Platform to continue extending Canvas.

via #64831

The filter function uses filterType instead of type

If you used the type argument of the filter function, you now must use filterType instead.

Old code:

filter type={...} | ...

New code:

filter filterType={...} | ...

The type field is used internally by the expression interpreter to discriminate between the different values it passes between functions. The filter function was the only function that exposed this field to users. After this change, all expression values will consistently use type to determine a type of expression value.

via #64215

Calling navigateToApp to a legacy app redirects to full path

Calling core.application.navigateToApp to a legacy application now retains the path specified.

via #65112

The legacy aggs APIs were removed

The following legacy aggs APIs from the data plugin search service have been removed because they are no longer in use:;;;;;;;

Additionally, the following unused static exports have been removed:

IAggGroupNames, // renamed to AggGroupName
OptionedParamEditorProps, // moved to vis_default_editor
search.aggs.aggGroupNamesMap, // renamed to AggGroupLabels

via #64719

Applications are now allowed to define and update a defaultPath

Kibana platform applications can now define and update the defaultPath to use when navigating to them from another application or from the navigation bar.

    id: 'my-app',
    // ...
    defaultPath: '/some-path',
const appUpdater = new BehaviorSubject<AppUpdater>(() => ({}));
    id: 'my-app',
    // ...
    updater$: appUpdater,

// later => ({ defaultPath: '/some-updated-path' }));

via #64498

Static assets are now served under a release-specific URL

Kibana static assets are now served under a release-specific URL with long-term caching headers Cache-Control: max-age=31536000.





via #64414

Example plugins are now allowed in X-Pack

Kibana developers can now create example plugins in X-Pack—create your plugin in /x-pack/examples folder and start Kibana with:

yarn start --run-examples

via #63823

action.getHref() has improvements for drilldowns

getHref on Action interfaces in the uiActions plugin is now async. getHref is now used only to support right click behavior. execute() takes control on regular click.

via #63228

State syncing utils now support ScopedHistory

State syncing utils now seamlessly support the platform’s ScopedHistory.

via #62761

Configuration properties were removed from TSVB

When the TSVB visualization was added to Kibana, two configuration properties were declared: chartResolution and minimumBucketSize. No one used these properties, and an implementation has not been added. The chartResolution and minimumBucketSize are now marked as deprecated configuration properties for TSVB.

via #62543

The HttpResources service is available for responding to requests

If your server-side plugin needs to respond to an incoming request with the HTML page bootstrapping Kibana client app, a custom HTML page, or a custom JS script, you can use the HttpResources service.

httpResources.register({ path: 'my_app', validate: false }, (context, req, res) =>

httpResources.register({ path: 'my_app/foo', validate: false }, (context, req, res) =>
  res.renderHtml({ body: '<html><p>Hi</p></html>' })

httpResources.register({ path: 'my_app/bar', validate: false }, (context, req, res) =>
  res.renderJs({ body: 'alert(...);'})

via #61797

The legacy embeddable_api plugin has been removed

The legacy embeddable_api plugin in src/legacy/core_plugins/embeddable_api has been removed in favor of the embeddable plugin in the new Kibana Platform. If you used the embeddable_api in 7.7, you already used the new embeddable plugin API, which was re-exported from the legacy platform as a convenience.

As of 7.8, you must update your imports to pull everything from the new location:

// for types & static imports
- import { ViewMode } from '../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/embeddable_api/public/np_ready/public';
+ import { ViewMode } from '../../../src/plugins/embeddable/public';

// for runtime APIs in legacy platform plugins
- import { start } from '../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/embeddable_api/public/np_ready/public/legacy';
+ import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
+ const { embeddable } = npStart.plugins;

// for runtime APIs in new platform plugins
- import { start } from '../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/embeddable_api/public/np_ready/public/legacy';
+ class MyPlugin {
+  start(core, { embeddable }) {
+    ...
+  }
+ }

For plugins using the legacy platform, you also must remove the embeddable_api from your list of required plugins in your plugin’s index.ts:

export default function MyPlugin(kibana: any) {
  const config: Legacy.PluginSpecOptions = {
    id: 'my_plugin',
-    require: ['kibana', 'elasticsearch', 'embeddable_api'],
+    require: ['kibana', 'elasticsearch'],
  return new kibana.Plugin(config);

For plugins using the new Kibana platform, make sure to list embeddable as either a required or optional dependency in your kibana.json:

  "id": "my_plugin",
-  "requiredPlugins": [],
+  "requiredPlugins": ["embeddable"],
  "optionalPlugins": [],
  "server": true,
  "ui": true

via #61767

src/legacy/server/index_patterns has moved to data plugin

The legacy folder src/legacy/server/index_patterns has been deleted. The corresponding code was previously moved to the new platform.

For more information on where to locate new platform data services, refer to the plugins for shared application services in src/core/

via #61618

Static assets are now served from the new platform

The Kibana Platform serves plugin static assets from the my_plugin/public/assets folder. No additional configuration is required.

via #60490

Connectors have been refactored

The API changed to support executor actions. The supported actions are pushToService, handshake, and getIncident. This change implements only the pushToService action.

The following response fields have changed:

  • incidentId changed to id.
  • number changed to title.

Create an incident to ServiceNow

When the incidentId attribute is not in actionParams, the executor will create the incident.

Endpoint: api/action/<action_id>/_execute
Method: POST


    "params": {
        "action": "pushToService",
        "actionParams": {
	    	"caseId": "d4387ac5-0899-4dc2-bbfa-0dd605c934aa",
	        "title": "A new incident",
	        "description": "A description",
	        "comments": [
	                "commentId": "b5b4c4d0-574e-11ea-9e2e-21b90f8a9631",
	                "version": "WzU3LDFd",
	                "comment": "A comment"


    "status": "ok",
    "actionId": "f631be57-0a59-4e28-8833-16fc3b309374",
    "data": {
        "id": "7d7aad9c072fc0100e48fbbf7c1ed0c2",
        "title": "INC0010044",
        "pushedDate": "2020-03-10T13:02:59.000Z",
        "comments": [
                "commentId": "b5b4c4d0-574e-11ea-9e2e-21b90f8a9631",
                "pushedDate": "2020-03-10T13:03:00.000Z"

Update an incident to ServiceNow

When the incidentId attribute is in actionParams, the executor will update the incident.

Endpoint: api/action/<action_id>/_execute
Method: POST


    "params": {
        "action": "pushToService",
	    "actionParmas": {
			"caseId": "d4387ac5-0899-4dc2-bbfa-0dd605c934aa",
	        "incidentId": "7d7aad9c072fc0100e48fbbf7c1ed0c2"
	        "title": "A new incident",
	        "description": "A description",
	        "comments": [
	                "commentId": "b5b4c4d0-574e-11ea-9e2e-21b90f8a9631",
	                "version": "WzU3LDFd",
	                "comment": "A comment"


    "status": "ok",
    "actionId": "f631be57-0a59-4e28-8833-16fc3b309374",
    "data": {
        "id": "7d7aad9c072fc0100e48fbbf7c1ed0c2",
        "title": "INC0010044",
        "pushedDate": "2020-03-10T13:02:59.000Z",
        "comments": [
                "commentId": "b5b4c4d0-574e-11ea-9e2e-21b90f8a9631",
                "pushedDate": "2020-03-10T13:03:00.000Z"

via #63450