Logstash 7.16.0 Release Notes


Logstash 7.16.0 Release Notes


Performance improvements and notable issues fixed

  • Add pipeline.ordered setting for docker image #13300

Updates to dependencies

  • Update JRuby to #13468


  • Java 8 has been deprecated. Logstash 8.0 will remove support for Java versions before 11.
  • Logstash will no longer support the use of the JAVA_HOME environment variable in 8.0, and will use the bundled JDK instead. If you need to use a different version, use the LS_JAVA_HOME environment variable.
  • Reminder: The Ruby Execution Engine is deprecated and will not be available in Logstash 8. The Java Execution Engine has been the default since 7.0 and reached substantial maturity in 7.10.

New features and enhancements

  • Added options for securing the Logstash HTTP API using TLS and/or HTTP Basic auth #13308. We’re planning to follow up on the feature set shipped in 7.16. For details please see #13196.
  • Opting in to ECS compatibility per-pipeline (pipeline.ecs_compatibility) or globally has graduated from BETA and is general available (GA).
  • Introduce LS_JAVA_HOME environment variable to replace JAVA_HOME #13204.

    • Until 8.0, Logstash looks for JAVA_HOME if LS_JAVA_HOME is not specified. (See Deprecations.)
    • We recommend using the bundled JDK unless you have a compelling reason to use a different one.
  • Logstash added tests against Java 17 and started supporting JDK 17 #13330

The complete list of supported operating systems and JVMs is available in the support matrix.

Progress toward Elastic Common Schema (ECS)


In this release, we continued our efforts towards Elastic Common Schema (ECS):

Check out our progress toward ECS compatibility in github issue #11635.



Avro Codec - 3.3.0

  • Add ECS support. Add target option and event.original #36

Es_bulk Codec - 3.1.0

  • Add ECS support. Add target option #20

Aggregate Filter - 2.10.0

  • Feat: add ability to generate new event during code execution #116

Elasticsearch Filter - 3.11.0

  • Feat: update Elasticsearch client to 7.14.0 #150
  • Feat: add user-agent header passed to the Elasticsearch HTTP connection #152

Azure_event_hubs Input - 1.4.0

  • Updated the minor version of Azure SDK and other dependencies to ensure users of this plugin get upstream fixes and improvements #67

Elasticsearch Input - 4.12.1

  • Fixed too_long_frame_exception by passing scroll_id in the body #159
  • Feat: Update Elasticsearch client to 7.14.0 #157
  • Feat: add user-agent header passed to the Elasticsearch HTTP connection #158
  • Feat: added ecs_compatibility + event_factory support #149

Http_poller Input - 5.1.0

  • Add ECS support #129

Elasticsearch Output - 11.2.1

  • Fix referencing Gem classes from global lexical scope #1044
  • Added preflight checks on Elasticsearch #1026
  • Feat: add user-agent header passed to the Elasticsearch HTTP connection #1038