Send data to Elasticsearch


Send data to Elasticsearch


To use Elastic Observability, you need Elasticsearch for storing and searching your data, and Kibana for visualizing and managing it.

Spin up the Elastic Stack


You can use our hosted Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud (recommended), or self-manage the Elastic Stack on your own hardware.

  1. Get a free trial.
  2. Log into Elastic Cloud.
  3. Click Create deployment.
  4. Give your deployment a name.
  5. Click Create deployment.
  6. Save your deployment credentials.

You can find your Cloud ID and APM endpoint in your deployments list at To reset the provided password, go to the Security page for your deployment.

Get data into your deployment


Now that you have provisioned your first deployment of your Elasticsearch cluster, you’re ready to ingest your logs, metrics, uptime data, and APM data.

To make full use of Elastic Observability, we recommend that you install the observability products in the following order:

  1. Install and configure Filebeat on your servers to collect log events. For details, see Ingest logs or Ingest Splunk.
  2. Install and configure Metricbeat on your servers to collect and preprocess system and service metrics, such as information about running processes, as well as CPU, memory, disk, and network utilization numbers. For details, see Ingest metrics.
  3. Install and configure Heartbeat on your servers to periodically check the status of your services. For details, see Ingest uptime data.
  4. If you have added an APM Server as part of an Elasticsearch Service deployment, configure your APM agents to send data to your Elasticsearch cluster. For details, see Instrument applications.