IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates
will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
Get endpoint
editGet endpoint
editRetrieves metadata about a single host running Elastic Defend.
Request URL
editGET <kibana host>:<port>/api/endpoint/metadata/<endpointID>
Example requests
editRetrieves an endpoint with an endpointID
value of ed518850-681a-4d60-bb98-e22640cae2a8
GET /api/endpoint/metadata/ed518850-681a-4d60-bb98-e22640cae2a8
Response code
- Indicates a successful call.
Example response
edit{ "host_status": "healthy", "last_checkin": "2023-07-04T15:48:57.360Z", "metadata": { "@timestamp": "2023-07-04T15:48:57.3609346Z", "Endpoint": { "capabilities": [ "isolation" ], "configuration": { "isolation": false }, "policy": { "applied": { "endpoint_policy_version": "2", "id": "d5371dcd-93b7-4627-af88-4084f7d6aa3e", "name": "test", "status": "success", "version": "3" } }, "state": { "isolation": false }, "status": "enrolled" }, "agent": { "build": { "original": "version: 7.16.0, compiled: Tue Nov 16 17:00:00 2021, branch: 7.16, commit: 73a51033db85e0fb3be1c934697ef6a2b08979ab" }, "id": "abb8a826-6812-448c-a571-6d8269b51449", "type": "endpoint", "version": "7.16.0" }, "data_stream": { "dataset": "endpoint.metadata", "namespace": "default", "type": "metrics" }, "ecs": { "version": "1.11.0" }, "elastic": { "agent": { "id": "abb8a826-6812-448c-a571-6d8269b51449" } }, "event": { "action": "endpoint_metadata", "agent_id_status": "verified", "category": [ "host" ], "created": "2023-07-04T15:48:57.3609346Z", "dataset": "endpoint.metadata", "id": "MNtRc++KoKHXXwlj+++++OhZ", "ingested": "2023-07-04T15:48:58Z", "kind": "metric", "module": "endpoint", "sequence": 43757, "type": [ "info" ] }, "host": { "architecture": "x86_64", "hostname": "WinDev2104Eval", "id": "17d9cabc-7edd-43bc-bacb-8da5f5e6c0e5", "ip": [ "", "fe80::21a6:63d3:d70e:e3ad", "", "::1" ], "mac": [ "08:00:27:b1:1d:5a" ], "name": "WinDev2104Eval", "os": { "Ext": { "variant": "Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation" }, "family": "windows", "full": "Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation 20H2 (10.0.19042.906)", "kernel": "20H2 (10.0.19042.906)", "name": "Windows", "platform": "windows", "type": "windows", "version": "20H2 (10.0.19042.906)" } }, "message": "Endpoint metadata" }, "policy_info": { "agent": { "applied": { "id": "ed7e3720-4bad-11ec-a2a8-fb22e62a5753", "revision": 3 }, "configured": { "id": "ed7e3720-4bad-11ec-a2a8-fb22e62a5753", "revision": 3 } }, "endpoint": { "id": "d5371dcd-93b7-4627-af88-4084f7d6aa3e", "revision": 2 } } }
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