Smarter log analytics in Elastic Observability

Discover smarter log handling with Kibana's latest features! The new Data Source Selector lets you easily filter logs by integrations like System Logs and Nginx. Smart Fields enhance log analysis by presenting data more intuitively. Simplify your workflow and uncover deeper insights today!

4 min read
Smarter log analytics in Elastic Observability

Discover a smarter way to handle your logs with Kibana's latest features! Our new Data Source selector makes it effortless to zero in on the logs you need, whether they're from System Logs or Application Logs by selecting your integrations or data views. Plus, with the introduction of Smart Fields, your log analysis is now more intuitive and insightful. Get ready to simplify your workflow and uncover deeper insights with these game-changing updates. Dive in and see how easy log exploration can be!

Find the logs you’re looking for

Focus on logs from specific integrations or data views

We've added the Data Source selector, a handy new feature for viewing specific logs. Now, you can easily filter your logs based on your integrations, like System Logs, Nginx, or Elastic APM, or switch between different data views, like logs or metrics. This new selector is all about making your data easier to find and helping you focus on what matters most in your analysis.

Dive into your logs

Analyze logs with Smart Fields in Kibana

Logs in Kibana have undergone a significant transformation, particularly in the way log data is presented. The once-basic table view has evolved with the introduction of Smart Fields, providing users with a more insightful and dynamic log analysis experience.

Resource Smart Field - centralizing log source information

The resource column further elevates the Logs Explorer page by providing users with a single column for exploring the resource that created the log event. This column groups various resource-indicating fields together, streamlining the investigation process. Currently, the following ECS fields are grouped under this single column and we recommend including them in your logs:

We know this does not include all use cases and would like your feedback on other fields you use/are important for you to help us provide a tailored and user-centric log analysis experience.

Content Smart Field - a deeper dive into log data

The content column revolutionizes log analysis by seamlessly rendering log.level and message fields. Notably, it automatically handles fallbacks, ensuring a smooth transition when the actual message field is not available. This enhancement simplifies the log exploration process, offering users a more comprehensive understanding of their data.

Actions column - unleashing additional columns

As part of our commitment to empowering users, we are introducing the actions column, adding a layer of functionality to the document table. This column includes two powerful actions:

  • Degraded document indicator: This indicator provides insights about the quality of your data by indicating fields were ignored when the document was indexed and ended up in the _ignored property of the document. To help analyze what caused the document to degrade, we suggest reading this blog - The antidote for index mapping exceptions: ignore_malformed.
  • Stacktrace indicator: This indicator informs users of the presence of stack traces in the document. This makes it easy to navigate through logs documents and know if they have additional information.

Investigate individual logs by expanding log details

Now, when you click the expand icon in the actions column, it opens up the Log details flyout for any log entry. This new feature gives you a detailed overview of the entry right at your fingertips. Inside the flyout, the Overview tab is neatly organized into four sections—Content breakdown, Service & Infrastructure, Cloud, and Others—each offering a snapshot of the most crucial information. Plus, you'll find the same handy controls you're used to in the main table, like filtering in or out, adding or removing columns, and copying data, making it easier than ever to manage your logs directly from the flyout.

The Observability AI Assistant is fully integrated into this view providing contextual insights about the log event and helping to find similar messages.

Experience a streamlined approach to log exploration

These enhancements simplify the process of finding and focusing on specific logs and offer more intuitive and insightful data presentation. Dive into your logs with these I tools and streamline your workflow, uncovering deeper insights with ease. Try it now and transform your log analysis!

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