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Elastic at RSAC 2024

May 6-9, 2024 | San Francisco, California

Thanks for visiting us at RSA Conference in San Francisco. We're looking forward to seeing you again, next year!


Blow past benchmarks using vector search and RAG with Elasticsearch

Jeff Vestal, Principal Customer Enterprise Architect

Jody Bailey, CTO, Stack Overflow

May 22 | 2:15 p.m. PDT | Level 3, Room 325

Session ID: BRKFP291

Benchmarks are helpful, but production apps demand more. When vector search and RAG power critical business apps, discover why developers at the world’s most innovative companies choose Elasticsearch. Learn about our investments in making Lucene and Elastic the best toolset for search-powered AI. You'll also hear how Stack Overflow uses Elastic and Azure OpenAI for vector and semantic search capabilities to deliver a more human-like, generative AI-powered experience to developers.

Lightning Talks

Stop by our booth (#5879) and attend one of our Lightning Talks to learn how Elastic can help you solve your most complex security challenges. Prizes are awarded after each session.

Tuesday, May 7

11:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

John Tuckner, Tines
Manager, Tines Labs

Craft your own AI supported SOC with Elastic and Tines

11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Terrance DeJesus
Senior Security Research Engineer

Hunt, Detect, Defend: Elevating Cyber Resilience with Elastic Security

1:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Mark Settle
Principal Product Marketing Manager

Supercharge your SOC with AI-Driven Security Analytics

2:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Oron Noah, Wiz
Head of Product Extensibility & Partnerships

Integrating Wiz with Elastic for Enhanced Cloud Security

2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Jake King
Director, Software Engineering

Alyssa VanNice
Product Marketing Manager

Getting Rid of LLM Guesswork with Elastic Security Labs

3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

James Spiteri
Director, Product Management

Introducing AI-driven Security Analytics

4:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Tim Strickland
Strategic Account Executive

Making it Modern with AI: Adapting TelCo Legacy Systems

Here for you

Come chat

Elastic wants to meet with you!

Reserve a one-on-one meeting with Elastic's senior leaders, engineering managers, or product experts to discuss your security needs or book a personal demo.

We know schedules are jam-packed at RSAC, so pre-schedule a meeting today!

Hosted by Elastic

Partner reception

Unwind with Elastic after a day of RSA! Our meticulously curated Happy Hour offers an assortment of delectable appetizers and masterfully crafted libations, promising a refined experience in the esteemed company of your fellow professionals.

Day/Time: Wednesday, May 8 | Starting at 6:00 p.m.

Location: W Hotel, Social Terrace


Booth Activities

Engaging demos, insightful lightning talks, and interactive opportunities — the Elastic booth (#5879) is your one-stop shop for all things Security.

  • Solutions demo

    Our demos are live and lively. Stop by and an Elastic Security expert will gladly show you how your team can tackle leading security use cases.

  • Lightning talks

    From infrastructure to incident response, enjoy a variety of relevant topics from seasoned industry veterans.

  • Fun swag

    Never a dull moment…

    Swing by our booth to pick up some cool swag and register for a chance to win great prizes!

Get to know Elastic

Why wait? Check out Elastic Security in advance

  • Start here

    Wondering where to start when exploring the Elastic Security solution? Head to our guided experience.

  • Try us, free

    Elastic Cloud is the easiest, most efficient way to get started. Try it today, free — no credit card required.

  • Contact us

    We're always at-the-ready for you and your team. Reach out and let's start solving.