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On-demand webinar

How Zebra Technologies delivers business intelligence with Elastic on Google Cloud

Hosted by:

Matthew Lescohier

Matthew Lescohier

Strategic Partner Manager

Google Cloud

Pawan Kumar

Pawan Kumar

Product Architect

Zebra Technologies

Pramod Deshmukh

Pramod Deshmukh

Pramod Deshmukh, Zebra

Zebra Technologies

Pramod Patil

Pramod Patil

Director, Engineering R&D

Zebra Technologies


Zebra Technologies builds tracking technology and solutions by giving physical things a digital voice. Zebra VisibilityIQTM is hosted on Google Cloud, and uses Google and Elastic as a big data store and analytics engine, delivering search, aggregations, scripted metrics, and map-reduce calculations. Learn how Zebra Technologies uses Elastic and Google Cloud to provide the speed, caching, and reliability needed to analyze huge data sets and deliver real-time KPIs.

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