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On-demand webinar

Log Monitoring and Anomaly Detection at Scale at ORNL

Hosted by:

Larry Nichols

欢迎参加我们的 Elastic 官方活动现场直播,期间不仅有更多类似这样的用户案例,更有深度技术剖析和 ELK Stack 产品路线图讲座等您探索。查看日期 »


As a cybersecurity provider for the nation's largest multi-program science and technology laboratory, home to the fastest supercomputer in the world, and the world's top scientists, ORNL cybersecurity group could not afford complacency. See how ORNL transitioned from using COTS toolset to a more cost-effective and flexible open source model by employing NiFi, Kafka, and the Elastic Stack. Learn how ORNL moved beyond the traditional SIEM architecture to a centralized data hub for security related information, providing better opportunities for collaboration between researchers and operations.

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