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On-demand webinar

Optimizing Elastic for Search at McQueen Solutions

Hosted by:

Jared McQueen

Principal Systems Engineer

McQueen Solutions

欢迎参加我们的 Elastic 官方活动现场直播,期间不仅有更多类似这样的用户案例,更有深度技术剖析和 ELK Stack 产品路线图讲座等您探索。查看日期 »


Learn best practices for squeezing every last drop of performance out of Elasticsearch queries and aggregations -- all based off of real-world production clusters. From small clusters to hundred-node clusters, learn which knobs and dials to consider when optimizing for search. You’ll get insight into indexing and sharding strategies, index and mapping settings, query and aggregation types as well as basic profiling, and benchmark methodologies and knowing when to scale up.

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