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On-demand webinar

Elastic @ H-E-B: Providing a better shopping experience at Central Market

Hosted by:

Karl Kevilus

欢迎参加我们的 Elastic 官方活动现场直播,期间不仅有更多类似这样的用户案例,更有深度技术剖析和 ELK Stack 产品路线图讲座等您探索。查看日期 »


The H-E-B grocery chain has grown from a store to so much more, including the Central Market specialty food stores, where Elasticsearch has played a key role in the development of search across their extensive product catalog. Learn how H-E-B uses Elasticsearch to power several applications for Central Market, across their omnichannel experience, to provide a faster, more relevant search experience for customers. Plus, see how they’re using the Elastic Stack to better understand customer behavior and buying patterns to drive more revenue, personalize merchandising real-time, and create a better user experience.

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