- Legacy APM Overview:
- What is APM?
- Quick start guide
- Data Model
- Features
- Agent and Server compatibility
- Troubleshooting
- Breaking changes
- 7.12.0 APM Breaking changes
- 7.11.0 APM Breaking changes
- 7.10.0 APM Breaking changes
- 7.9.0 APM Breaking changes
- 7.8.0 APM Breaking changes
- 7.7.0 APM Breaking changes
- 7.6.0 APM Breaking changes
- 7.5.0 APM Breaking changes
- 7.4.0 APM Breaking changes
- 7.3.0 APM Breaking changes
- 7.2.0 APM Breaking changes
- 7.1.0 APM Breaking changes
- 7.0.0 APM Breaking changes
- 6.8.0 APM Breaking changes
- 6.7.0 APM Breaking changes
- 6.6.0 APM Breaking changes
- 6.5.0 APM Breaking changes
- 6.4.0 APM Breaking changes
Quick start development environmentedit
If you’re just looking for a quick way to try out Elastic APM, you can easily get started with Docker. Just follow the steps below.
Create a docker-compose.yml file
The Elastic Docker registry contains Docker images for all of the products in the Elastic Stack. You can use Docker compose to easily get the default distributions of Elasticsearch, Kibana, and APM Server up and running in Docker.
Create a docker-compose.yml
file and copy and paste in the following:
version: '2.2' services: apm-server: image: docker.elastic.co/apm/apm-server:7.12.1 depends_on: elasticsearch: condition: service_healthy kibana: condition: service_healthy cap_add: ["CHOWN", "DAC_OVERRIDE", "SETGID", "SETUID"] cap_drop: ["ALL"] ports: - 8200:8200 networks: - elastic command: > apm-server -e -E apm-server.rum.enabled=true -E setup.kibana.host=kibana:5601 -E setup.template.settings.index.number_of_replicas=0 -E apm-server.kibana.enabled=true -E apm-server.kibana.host=kibana:5601 -E output.elasticsearch.hosts=["elasticsearch:9200"] healthcheck: interval: 10s retries: 12 test: curl --write-out 'HTTP %{http_code}' --fail --silent --output /dev/null http://localhost:8200/ elasticsearch: image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.12.1 environment: - bootstrap.memory_lock=true - cluster.name=docker-cluster - cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled=false - discovery.type=single-node - ES_JAVA_OPTS=-XX:UseAVX=2 -Xms1g -Xmx1g ulimits: memlock: hard: -1 soft: -1 volumes: - esdata:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data ports: - 9200:9200 networks: - elastic healthcheck: interval: 20s retries: 10 test: curl -s http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health | grep -vq '"status":"red"' kibana: image: docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:7.12.1 depends_on: elasticsearch: condition: service_healthy environment: ELASTICSEARCH_URL: http://elasticsearch:9200 ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS: http://elasticsearch:9200 ports: - 5601:5601 networks: - elastic healthcheck: interval: 10s retries: 20 test: curl --write-out 'HTTP %{http_code}' --fail --silent --output /dev/null http://localhost:5601/api/status volumes: esdata: driver: local networks: elastic: driver: bridge
Run docker-compose up
Compose will download the official docker containers and start Elasticsearch, Kibana, and APM Server.
Install Agents
When Compose finishes, navigate to http://localhost:5601/app/kibana#/home/tutorial/apm. Complete steps 4-6 to configure your application to collect and report APM data.
Use the APM app at http://localhost:5601/app/apm to visualize your application performance data!
When you’re done, ctrl+c
will stop all of the containers.
Advanced Docker usage
If you’re interested in learning more about all of the APM features available, or running the Elastic stack on Docker in a production environment, see the following documentation: