- Legacy APM Server Reference:
- Overview
- Installing APM Server
- Upgrading APM Server
- Setting up and running APM Server
- Configuring APM Server
- General configuration options
- Configure the output
- Parse data using ingest node pipelines
- Specify SSL settings
- Load the Elasticsearch index template
- Manual index lifecycle management
- Configure logging
- Set up the Kibana endpoint
- Load the Kibana dashboards
- Set up Real User Monitoring (RUM) support
- Use environment variables in the configuration
- Set up project paths
- Securing APM Server
- Monitoring APM Server
- Real User Monitoring (RUM)
- Tune Data Ingestion
- Storage Management
- Intake API
- Exploring data in Elasticsearch
- Exported fields
- Troubleshooting
- Release notes
- APM Server version 6.8
- APM Server version 6.8.23
- APM Server version 6.8.22
- APM Server version 6.8.21
- APM Server version 6.8.20
- APM Server version 6.8.19
- APM Server version 6.8.18
- APM Server version 6.8.17
- APM Server version 6.8.16
- APM Server version 6.8.15
- APM Server version 6.8.14
- APM Server version 6.8.13
- APM Server version 6.8.12
- APM Server version 6.8.11
- APM Server version 6.8.10
- APM Server version 6.8.9
- APM Server version 6.8.8
- APM Server version 6.8.7
- APM Server version 6.8.6
- APM Server version 6.8.5
- APM Server version 6.8.4
- APM Server version 6.8.3
- APM Server version 6.8.2
- APM Server version 6.8.1
- APM Server version 6.8.0
- APM Server version 6.7
- APM Server version 6.6
- APM Server version 6.5
- APM Server version 6.4
- APM Server version 6.3
- APM Server version 6.2
- APM Server version 6.1
- APM Server version 6.8
NOTE: You are looking at documentation for an older release. For the latest information, see the current release documentation.
Transactions are events corresponding to an incoming request or similar task occurring in a monitored service.
Transaction Schemaedit
The APM Server uses JSON Schema for validating requests. The specification for transactions is defined below:
{ "$id": "docs/spec/transactions/common_transaction.json", "type": "object", "description": "Data captured by an agent representing an event occurring in a monitored service", "properties": { "context": { "$ref": "../context.json" }, "duration": { "type": "number", "description": "How long the transaction took to complete, in ms with 3 decimal points" }, "name": { "type": ["string","null"], "description": "Generic designation of a transaction in the scope of a single service (eg: 'GET /users/:id')", "maxLength": 1024 }, "result": { "type": ["string", "null"], "description": "The result of the transaction. For HTTP-related transactions, this should be the status code formatted like 'HTTP 2xx'.", "maxLength": 1024 }, "type": { "type": "string", "description": "Keyword of specific relevance in the service's domain (eg: 'request', 'backgroundjob', etc)", "maxLength": 1024 }, "marks": { "type": ["object", "null"], "description": "A mark captures the timing of a significant event during the lifetime of a transaction. Marks are organized into groups and can be set by the user or the agent.", "patternProperties": { "^[^.*\"]*$": { "$ref": "mark.json" } }, "additionalProperties": false }, "sampled": { "type": ["boolean", "null"], "description": "Transactions that are 'sampled' will include all available information. Transactions that are not sampled will not have 'spans' or 'context'. Defaults to true." } }, "required": ["duration", "type"] }
{ "$id": "docs/spec/transactions/v2_transaction.json", "type": "object", "description": "An event corresponding to an incoming request or similar task occurring in a monitored service", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "common_transaction.json" }, { "$ref": "../timestamp_epoch.json" }, { "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "description": "Hex encoded 64 random bits ID of the transaction.", "maxLength": 1024 }, "trace_id": { "description": "Hex encoded 128 random bits ID of the correlated trace.", "type": "string", "maxLength": 1024 }, "parent_id": { "description": "Hex encoded 64 random bits ID of the parent transaction or span. Only root transactions of a trace do not have a parent_id, otherwise it needs to be set.", "type": ["string", "null"], "maxLength": 1024 }, "span_count": { "type": "object", "properties": { "started": { "type": "integer", "description": "Number of correlated spans that are recorded." }, "dropped": { "type": ["integer","null"], "description": "Number of spans that have been dropped by the agent recording the transaction." } }, "required": ["started"] } }, "required": ["id", "trace_id", "span_count"] } ] }
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