- Legacy APM Server Reference:
- Overview
- Get started
- Set up
- How-to guides
- Configure
- Secure
- Monitor
- Explore data in Elasticsearch
- Exported fields
- APM Error fields
- APM Profile fields
- APM Sourcemap fields
- APM Span fields
- APM Span Metrics fields
- APM Transaction fields
- APM Transaction Metrics fields
- APM Transaction Metrics fields
- Beat fields
- Cloud provider metadata fields
- Docker fields
- ECS fields
- Host fields
- Kubernetes fields
- Process fields
- System Metrics fields
- Troubleshoot
- Upgrade
- Release notes
- APM Server version 7.13
- APM Server version 7.12
- APM Server version 7.11
- APM Server version 7.10
- APM Server version 7.9
- APM Server version 7.8
- APM Server version 7.7
- APM Server version 7.6
- APM Server version 7.5
- APM Server version 7.4
- APM Server version 7.3
- APM Server version 7.2
- APM Server version 7.1
- APM Server version 7.0
- APM Server version 6.8
- APM Server version 6.7
- APM Server version 6.6
- APM Server version 6.5
- APM Server version 6.4
- APM Server version 6.3
- APM Server version 6.2
- APM Server version 6.1
- APM integration (Elastic Agent)
A newer version is available. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
Cloud provider metadata fieldsedit
Metadata from cloud providers added by the add_cloud_metadata processor.
Image ID for the cloud instance.
example: ami-abcd1234
type: alias
alias to: cloud.provider
type: alias
alias to: cloud.instance.id
type: alias
alias to: cloud.instance.name
type: alias
alias to: cloud.machine.type
type: alias
alias to: cloud.availability_zone
type: alias
alias to: cloud.project.id
type: alias
alias to: cloud.region
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