- Legacy APM Server Reference:
- Overview
- Getting Started With APM Server
- Setting up APM Server
- Upgrading APM Server
- Configuring APM Server
- General configuration options
- Configure the output
- Parse data using ingest node pipelines
- SSL/TLS settings
- Load the Elasticsearch index template
- Index lifecycle management (ILM)
- Configure logging
- Configure the Kibana endpoint
- Set up Real User Monitoring (RUM) support
- Jaeger integration
- Use environment variables in the configuration
- Configure project paths
- Securing APM Server
- Monitoring APM Server
- Real User Monitoring (RUM)
- Tune Data Ingestion
- Storage Management
- Exploring data in Elasticsearch
- Exported fields
- Troubleshooting
- Release notes
- APM Server version 7.6
- APM Server version 7.5
- APM Server version 7.4
- APM Server version 7.3
- APM Server version 7.2
- APM Server version 7.1
- APM Server version 7.0
- APM Server version 6.8
- APM Server version 6.7
- APM Server version 6.6
- APM Server version 6.5
- APM Server version 6.4
- APM Server version 6.3
- APM Server version 6.2
- APM Server version 6.1
A newer version is available. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
Transaction Indicesedit
Transactions are by default stored to indices of the format apm-[version]-transaction-[date]
Example Documentsedit
See how transaction documents can look like when indexed in Elasticsearch:
{ "events": [ { "@timestamp": "2018-08-01T10:00:00Z", "agent": { "name": "elastic-node", "version": "3.14.0" }, "container": { "id": "container-id" }, "host": { "architecture": "x64", "hostname": "node-name", "ip": "", "name": "node-name", "os": { "platform": "darwin" } }, "kubernetes": { "namespace": "namespace1", "node": { "name": "node-name" }, "pod": { "name": "pod-name", "uid": "pod-uid" } }, "labels": { "tag1": "one", "tag2": 2 }, "parent": { "id": "abcdefabcdef01234567" }, "process": { "args": [ "node", "server.js" ], "pid": 1234, "ppid": 6789, "title": "node" }, "processor": { "event": "transaction", "name": "transaction" }, "service": { "environment": "staging", "framework": { "name": "Express", "version": "1.2.3" }, "language": { "name": "ecmascript", "version": "8" }, "name": "1234_service-12a3", "node": { "name": "node-123" }, "runtime": { "name": "node", "version": "8.0.0" }, "version": "5.1.3" }, "timestamp": { "us": 1533117600000000 }, "trace": { "id": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" }, "transaction": { "duration": { "us": 32592 }, "id": "945254c567a5417e", "sampled": true, "span_count": { "started": 43 }, "type": "request" }, "user": { "email": "bar@user.com", "id": "123user", "name": "bar" } }, { "@timestamp": "2017-05-30T18:53:27.154Z", "agent": { "name": "elastic-node", "version": "3.14.0" }, "client": { "ip": "" }, "container": { "id": "container-id" }, "host": { "architecture": "x64", "hostname": "node-name", "ip": "", "name": "node-name", "os": { "platform": "darwin" } }, "http": { "request": { "body": { "original": { "additional": { "bar": 123, "req": "additional information" }, "str": "hello world" } }, "cookies": { "c1": "v1", "c2": "v2" }, "env": { "GATEWAY_INTERFACE": "CGI/1.1", "SERVER_SOFTWARE": "nginx" }, "headers": { "Array": [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ], "Content-Type": [ "text/html" ], "Cookie": [ "c1=v1, c2=v2" ], "Some-Other-Header": [ "foo" ], "User-Agent": [ "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; 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