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Exporting New and Modified Beat Dashboards


To export all the dashboards for any Elastic Beat or any community Beat, including any new or modified dashboards and all dependencies such as visualizations, searches, you can use the Go script export_dashboards.go from dev-tools for exporting Kibana 6.0 dashboards or later, and the Python script for exporting Kibana 5.x dashboards. See the dev-tools readme for more info.

Alternatively, if the scripts above are not available, you can use your Beat binary to export Kibana 6.0 dashboards or later.

Exporting Kibana 6.0 dashboards and newer


The dev-tools/cmd/export_dashboards.go script helps you export your customized Kibana 6.0 dashboards and newer. You might need to export a single dashboard or all the dashboards available for a module or Beat.

It is also possible to use a Beat binary to export.

Export a single Kibana dashboard


To export a single dashboard for a module you can use the following command inside a Beat with modules:

MODULE=redis ID=AV4REOpp5NkDleZmzKkE mage exportDashboard
./filebeat export dashboard -id 7fea2930-478e-11e7-b1f0-cb29bac6bf8b >> Filebeat-redis.json

This generates a AV4REOpp5NkDleZmzKkE.json file inside dashboard directory in the redis module. It contains all dependencies like visualizations and searches.

The dashboard ID is available in the dashboard URL. For example, in case the dashboard URL is app/kibana#/dashboard/AV4REOpp5NkDleZmzKkE?_g=()&_a=(description:'Overview%2..., the dashboard ID is AV4REOpp5NkDleZmzKkE.

Export all module/Beat dashboards


Each module should contain a module.yml file with a list of all the dashboards available for the module. For the Beats that don’t have support for modules (e.g. Packetbeat), there is a dashboards.yml file that defines all the Packetbeat dashboards.

Below, it’s an example of the module.yml file for the system module in Metricbeat:

- id: Metricbeat-system-overview
  file: Metricbeat-system-overview.json

- id: 79ffd6e0-faa0-11e6-947f-177f697178b8
  file: Metricbeat-host-overview.json

- id: CPU-slash-Memory-per-container
  file: Metricbeat-containers-overview.json

Each dashboard is defined by an id and the name of json file where the dashboard is saved locally.

By passing the yml file to the export_dashboards.go script or to the Beat, you can export all the dashboards defined:

go run dev-tools/cmd/dashboards/export_dashboards.go -yml filebeat/module/system/module.yml
./filebeat export dashboard -yml filebeat/module/system/module.yml

Export dashboards from a Kibana Space


If you are using the Kibana Spaces feature and want to export dashboards from a specific Space, pass the Space ID to the export_dashboards.go script:

go run dev-tools/cmd/dashboards/export_dashboards.go -space-id my-space [other-options]

In case of running export dashboard of a Beat, you need to set the Space ID in

Exporting Kibana 5.x dashboards


To export only some Kibana dashboards for an Elastic Beat or community Beat, you can simply pass a regular expression to the script to match the selected Kibana dashboards.

Before running the script for the first time, you need to create an environment that contains all the required Python packages.

make python-env

For example, to export all Kibana dashboards that start with the Packetbeat name:

python ../dev-tools/cmd/dashboards/ --regex Packetbeat*

To see all the available options, read the descriptions below or run:

python ../dev-tools/cmd/dashboards/ -h
--url <elasticsearch_url>
The Elasticsearch URL. The default value is http://localhost:9200.
--regex <regular_expression>
Regular expression to match all the Kibana dashboards to be exported. This argument is required.
--kibana <kibana_index>
The Elasticsearch index pattern where Kibana saves its configuration. The default value is .kibana.
--dir <output_dir>
The output directory where the dashboards and all dependencies will be saved. The default value is output.

The output directory has the following structure:
