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Step 6: View the sample Kibana dashboards


Step 6: View the sample Kibana dashboards


To make it easier for you to visualize the status of your services, we have created example Heartbeat dashboards in the uptime-contrib github repository. If you loaded them earlier, open them now.

To open the dashboards, launch the Kibana web interface by pointing your browser to port 5601. For example, http://localhost:5601. Replace localhost with the name of the Kibana host. If you’re using an Elastic Cloud instance, log in to your cloud account, then navigate to the Kibana endpoint in your deployment.

On the Discover page, make sure that the predefined heartbeat-* index pattern is selected to see Heartbeat data.

Discover tab with index selected

If you don’t see data in Kibana, try changing the date range to a larger range. By default, Kibana shows the last 15 minutes.

Go to the Dashboard page and select the dashboard that you want to open.

Navigation widget in Kibana

The dashboards are provided as examples. We recommend that you customize them to meet your needs.

Heartbeat statistics
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