MongoDB Status Metricset


This is the status metricset of the MongoDB module.



For a description of each field in the metricset, see the exported fields section.

Here is an example document generated by this metricset:

    "@timestamp": "2016-05-23T08:05:34.853Z",
    "beat": {
        "hostname": "",
        "name": ""
    "metricset": {
        "host": "mongodb:27017",
        "module": "mongodb",
        "name": "status",
        "rtt": 115
    "mongodb": {
        "status": {
            "asserts": {
                "msg": 0,
                "regular": 0,
                "rollovers": 0,
                "user": 0,
                "warning": 0
            "background_flushing": {
                "average": {
                    "ms": 16
                "flushes": 37,
                "last": {
                    "ms": 18
                "last_finished": "2016-09-06T07:32:58.228Z",
                "total": {
                    "ms": 624
            "connections": {
                "available": 838859,
                "current": 1,
                "total_created": 10
            "extra_info": {
                "heap_usage": {
                    "bytes": 62895448
                "page_faults": 71
            "journaling": {
                "commits": 1,
                "commits_in_write_lock": 0,
                "compression": 0,
                "early_commits": 0,
                "journaled": {
                    "mb": 0
                "times": {
                    "commits": {
                        "ms": 0
                    "commits_in_write_lock": {
                        "ms": 0
                    "dt": {
                        "ms": 0
                    "prep_log_buffer": {
                        "ms": 0
                    "remap_private_view": {
                        "ms": 0
                    "write_to_data_files": {
                        "ms": 0
                    "write_to_journal": {
                        "ms": 0
                "write_to_data_files": {
                    "mb": 0
            "local_time": "2016-09-06T07:33:15.546Z",
            "memory": {
                "bits": 64,
                "mapped": {
                    "mb": 80
                "mapped_with_journal": {
                    "mb": 160
                "resident": {
                    "mb": 57
                "virtual": {
                    "mb": 356
            "network": {
                "in": {
                    "bytes": 2258
                "out": {
                    "bytes": 93486
                "requests": 39
            "opcounters": {
                "command": 40,
                "delete": 0,
                "getmore": 0,
                "insert": 0,
                "query": 1,
                "update": 0
            "opcounters_replicated": {
                "command": 0,
                "delete": 0,
                "getmore": 0,
                "insert": 0,
                "query": 0,
                "update": 0
            "storage_engine": {
                "name": "mmapv1"
            "uptime": {
                "ms": 45828938
            "version": "3.0.12",
            "write_backs_queued": false
    "type": "metricsets"