- Metricbeat Reference: other versions:
- Metricbeat overview
- Quick start: installation and configuration
- Set up and run
- Upgrade Metricbeat
- How Metricbeat works
- Configure
- Modules
- General settings
- Project paths
- Config file loading
- Output
- Kerberos
- Index lifecycle management (ILM)
- Elasticsearch index template
- Kibana endpoint
- Kibana dashboards
- Processors
- Define processors
- add_cloud_metadata
- add_cloudfoundry_metadata
- add_docker_metadata
- add_fields
- add_host_metadata
- add_id
- add_kubernetes_metadata
- add_labels
- add_locale
- add_network_direction
- add_nomad_metadata
- add_observer_metadata
- add_process_metadata
- add_tags
- community_id
- convert
- copy_fields
- decode_base64_field
- decode_json_fields
- decode_xml
- decode_xml_wineventlog
- decompress_gzip_field
- detect_mime_type
- dissect
- dns
- drop_event
- drop_fields
- extract_array
- fingerprint
- include_fields
- rate_limit
- registered_domain
- rename
- script
- translate_sid
- truncate_fields
- urldecode
- Autodiscover
- Internal queue
- Logging
- HTTP endpoint
- Regular expression support
- Instrumentation
- metricbeat.reference.yml
- How to guides
- Modules
- ActiveMQ module
- Aerospike module
- Airflow module
- Apache module
- AWS module
- AWS billing metricset
- AWS cloudwatch metricset
- AWS dynamodb metricset
- AWS ebs metricset
- AWS ec2 metricset
- AWS elb metricset
- AWS kinesis metricset
- AWS lambda metricset
- AWS natgateway metricset
- AWS rds metricset
- AWS s3_daily_storage metricset
- AWS s3_request metricset
- AWS sns metricset
- AWS sqs metricset
- AWS transitgateway metricset
- AWS usage metricset
- AWS vpn metricset
- AWS Fargate module
- Azure module
- Azure app_insights metricset
- Azure app_state metricset
- Azure billing metricset
- Azure compute_vm metricset
- Azure compute_vm_scaleset metricset
- Azure container_instance metricset
- Azure container_registry metricset
- Azure container_service metricset
- Azure database_account metricset
- Azure monitor metricset
- Azure storage metricset
- Beat module
- Ceph module
- Ceph cluster_disk metricset
- Ceph cluster_health metricset
- Ceph cluster_status metricset
- Ceph mgr_cluster_disk metricset
- Ceph mgr_cluster_health metricset
- Ceph mgr_osd_perf metricset
- Ceph mgr_osd_pool_stats metricset
- Ceph mgr_osd_tree metricset
- Ceph mgr_pool_disk metricset
- Ceph monitor_health metricset
- Ceph osd_df metricset
- Ceph osd_tree metricset
- Ceph pool_disk metricset
- Cloudfoundry module
- CockroachDB module
- Consul module
- Coredns module
- Couchbase module
- CouchDB module
- Docker module
- Dropwizard module
- Elasticsearch module
- Elasticsearch ccr metricset
- Elasticsearch cluster_stats metricset
- Elasticsearch enrich metricset
- Elasticsearch index metricset
- Elasticsearch index_recovery metricset
- Elasticsearch index_summary metricset
- Elasticsearch ml_job metricset
- Elasticsearch node metricset
- Elasticsearch node_stats metricset
- Elasticsearch pending_tasks metricset
- Elasticsearch shard metricset
- Enterprise Search module
- Envoyproxy module
- Etcd module
- Google Cloud Platform module
- Golang module
- Graphite module
- HAProxy module
- HTTP module
- IBM MQ module
- IIS module
- Istio module
- Jolokia module
- Kafka module
- Kibana module
- Kubernetes module
- Kubernetes apiserver metricset
- Kubernetes container metricset
- Kubernetes controllermanager metricset
- Kubernetes event metricset
- Kubernetes node metricset
- Kubernetes pod metricset
- Kubernetes proxy metricset
- Kubernetes scheduler metricset
- Kubernetes state_container metricset
- Kubernetes state_cronjob metricset
- Kubernetes state_daemonset metricset
- Kubernetes state_deployment metricset
- Kubernetes state_job metricset
- Kubernetes state_node metricset
- Kubernetes state_persistentvolumeclaim metricset
- Kubernetes state_pod metricset
- Kubernetes state_replicaset metricset
- Kubernetes state_resourcequota metricset
- Kubernetes state_service metricset
- Kubernetes state_statefulset metricset
- Kubernetes state_storageclass metricset
- Kubernetes system metricset
- Kubernetes volume metricset
- KVM module
- Linux module
- Logstash module
- Memcached module
- MongoDB module
- MSSQL module
- Munin module
- MySQL module
- NATS module
- Nginx module
- Openmetrics module
- Oracle module
- PHP_FPM module
- PostgreSQL module
- Prometheus module
- RabbitMQ module
- Redis module
- Redis Enterprise module
- SQL module
- Stan module
- Statsd module
- SyncGateway module
- System module
- System core metricset
- System cpu metricset
- System diskio metricset
- System entropy metricset
- System filesystem metricset
- System fsstat metricset
- System load metricset
- System memory metricset
- System network metricset
- System network_summary metricset
- System process metricset
- System process_summary metricset
- System raid metricset
- System service metricset
- System socket metricset
- System socket_summary metricset
- System uptime metricset
- System users metricset
- Tomcat module
- Traefik module
- uWSGI module
- vSphere module
- Windows module
- ZooKeeper module
- Exported fields
- ActiveMQ fields
- Aerospike fields
- Airflow fields
- Apache fields
- AWS fields
- AWS Fargate fields
- Azure fields
- Beat fields
- Beat fields
- Ceph fields
- Cloud provider metadata fields
- Cloudfoundry fields
- CockroachDB fields
- Common fields
- Consul fields
- Coredns fields
- Couchbase fields
- CouchDB fields
- Docker fields
- Docker fields
- Dropwizard fields
- ECS fields
- Elasticsearch fields
- Enterprise Search fields
- Envoyproxy fields
- Etcd fields
- Google Cloud Platform fields
- Golang fields
- Graphite fields
- HAProxy fields
- Host fields
- HTTP fields
- IBM MQ fields
- IIS fields
- Istio fields
- Jolokia fields
- Jolokia Discovery autodiscover provider fields
- Kafka fields
- Kibana fields
- Kubernetes fields
- Kubernetes fields
- KVM fields
- Linux fields
- Logstash fields
- Memcached fields
- MongoDB fields
- MSSQL fields
- Munin fields
- MySQL fields
- NATS fields
- Nginx fields
- Openmetrics fields
- Oracle fields
- PHP_FPM fields
- PostgreSQL fields
- Process fields
- Prometheus fields
- Prometheus typed metrics fields
- RabbitMQ fields
- Redis fields
- Redis Enterprise fields
- SQL fields
- Stan fields
- Statsd fields
- SyncGateway fields
- System fields
- Tomcat fields
- Traefik fields
- uWSGI fields
- vSphere fields
- Windows fields
- ZooKeeper fields
- Monitor
- Secure
- Troubleshoot
- Get help
- Debug
- Common problems
- "open /compat/linux/proc: no such file or directory" error on FreeBSD
- Metricbeat collects system metrics for interfaces you didn’t configure
- Metricbeat uses too much bandwidth
- Error loading config file
- Found unexpected or unknown characters
- Logstash connection doesn’t work
- Publishing to Logstash fails with "connection reset by peer" message
- @metadata is missing in Logstash
- Not sure whether to use Logstash or Beats
- SSL client fails to connect to Logstash
- Monitoring UI shows fewer Beats than expected
- Dashboard could not locate the index-pattern
- High RSS memory usage due to MADV settings
- Contribute to Beats
AWS Fargate task_stats metricset
editAWS Fargate task_stats metricset
editThis functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.
The task_stats
metricset in awsfargate
module allows users to monitor
containers inside the same AWS Fargate task. It fetches runtime CPU metrics,
disk I/O metrics, memory metrics, network metrics and container metadata from
both endpoint ${ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4}/task/stats
Configuration Example
editThis metricset should be ran as a sidecar inside the same AWS Fargate task definition, and the default configuration file should work.
- module: awsfargate period: 10s metricsets: - task_stats
Setup Metricbeat Using AWS Fargate
editThis section is to provide users an AWS native way of configuring Fargate task definition to run application containers and Metricbeat container using AWS CloudFormation.
Store Elastic Cloud Credentials into AWS Secret Manager
editIf users are using Elastic Cloud, it’s recommended to store cloud id and cloud auth into AWS secret manager. Here are the AWS CLI example:
aws --region us-east-1 secretsmanager create-secret --name ELASTIC_CLOUD_AUTH --secret-string XXX
Create secret ELASTIC_CLOUD_ID:
aws --region us-east-1 secretsmanager create-secret --name ELASTIC_CLOUD_ID --secret-string YYYY
AWS CloudFormation Template Example
editHere is an example of AWS CloudFormation template for testing purpose only. Please replace this with actual applications. This template shows how to define a new cluster, how to create a task definition with multiple containers(including Metricbeat), and how to start the service.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" Parameters: SubnetID: Type: String CloudIDArn: Type: String CloudAuthArn: Type: String ClusterName: Type: String RoleName: Type: String TaskName: Type: String ServiceName: Type: String LogGroupName: Type: String Resources: Cluster: Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster Properties: ClusterName: !Ref ClusterName ClusterSettings: - Name: containerInsights Value: enabled LogGroup: Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup Properties: LogGroupName: !Ref LogGroupName ExecutionRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: !Ref RoleName AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: ecs-tasks.amazonaws.com Action: sts:AssumeRole ManagedPolicyArns: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy Policies: - PolicyName: !Sub 'EcsTaskExecutionRole-${AWS::StackName}' PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - secretsmanager:GetSecretValue Resource: - !Ref CloudIDArn - !Ref CloudAuthArn TaskDefinition: Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition Properties: Family: !Ref TaskName Cpu: 256 Memory: 512 NetworkMode: awsvpc ExecutionRoleArn: !Ref ExecutionRole ContainerDefinitions: - Name: metricbeat-container Image: docker.elastic.co/beats/metricbeat:8.0.0-SNAPSHOT Secrets: - Name: ELASTIC_CLOUD_ID ValueFrom: !Ref CloudIDArn - Name: ELASTIC_CLOUD_AUTH ValueFrom: !Ref CloudAuthArn LogConfiguration: LogDriver: awslogs Options: awslogs-region: !Ref AWS::Region awslogs-group: !Ref LogGroup awslogs-stream-prefix: ecs EntryPoint: - sh - -c Command: - ./metricbeat setup -E cloud.id=$ELASTIC_CLOUD_ID -E cloud.auth=$ELASTIC_CLOUD_AUTH && ./metricbeat modules disable system && ./metricbeat modules enable awsfargate && ./metricbeat -e -E cloud.id=$ELASTIC_CLOUD_ID -E cloud.auth=$ELASTIC_CLOUD_AUTH - Name: stress-test Image: containerstack/alpine-stress Essential: false DependsOn: - ContainerName: metricbeat-container Condition: START EntryPoint: - sh - -c Command: - stress --cpu 8 --io 4 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 128M --timeout 6000s RequiresCompatibilities: - EC2 - FARGATE Service: Type: AWS::ECS::Service Properties: ServiceName: !Ref ServiceName Cluster: !Ref Cluster TaskDefinition: !Ref TaskDefinition DesiredCount: 1 LaunchType: FARGATE NetworkConfiguration: AwsvpcConfiguration: AssignPublicIp: ENABLED Subnets: - !Ref SubnetID
Create CloudFormation Stack
editWhen copying the CloudFormation template, please make sure the Metricbeat
container image is the correct version.
Once the template is saved locally into clouformation.yml
CLI can be used to create a stack using one command:
aws --region us-east-1 cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <your-stack-name> --template-body file://./cloudformation.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameters ParameterKey=SubnetID,ParameterValue=<subnet-id> ParameterKey=CloudAuthArn,ParameterValue=<cloud-auth-arn> ParameterKey=CloudIDArn,ParameterValue=<cloud-id-arn> ParameterKey=ClusterName,ParameterValue=<cluster-name> ParameterKey=RoleName,ParameterValue=<role-name> ParameterKey=TaskName,ParameterValue=<task-name> ParameterKey=ServiceName,ParameterValue=<service-name> ParameterKey=LogGroupName,ParameterValue=<log-group-name>
Make sure to replace <subnet-id>
with your own subnet in this command. Please go
to Services → VPC → Subnets to find subnet ID to use. You can also add several
more containers under the TaskDefinition section.
Delete CloudFormation Stack
editHere is the AWS CLI to delete a stack including the cluster, task definition and all containers:
aws --region us-east-1 cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <your-stack-name>
editThe task_stats metricset comes with a predefined dashboard. For example:

This is a default metricset. If the host module is unconfigured, this metricset is enabled by default.
editFor a description of each field in the metricset, see the exported fields section.
Here is an example document generated by this metricset:
{ "@timestamp": "2017-10-12T08:05:34.853Z", "awsfargate": { "task_stats": { "cluster_name": "default", "cpu": { "core": null, "kernel": { "norm": { "pct": 0 }, "pct": 0, "ticks": 1520000000 }, "system": { "norm": { "pct": 1 }, "pct": 2, "ticks": 1420180000000 }, "total": { "norm": { "pct": 0.2 }, "pct": 0.4 }, "user": { "norm": { "pct": 0 }, "pct": 0, "ticks": 490000000 } }, "diskio": { "read": { "bytes": 3452928, "ops": 118, "queued": 0, "rate": 0, "service_time": 0, "wait_time": 0 }, "reads": 0, "summary": { "bytes": 3452928, "ops": 118, "queued": 0, "rate": 0, "service_time": 0, "wait_time": 0 }, "total": 0, "write": { "bytes": 0, "ops": 0, "queued": 0, "rate": 0, "service_time": 0, "wait_time": 0 }, "writes": 0 }, "identifier": "query-metadata/1234", "memory": { "fail": { "count": 0 }, "limit": 0, "rss": { "pct": 0.0010557805807105247, "total": 4157440 }, "stats": { "active_anon": 4157440, "active_file": 4497408, "cache": 6000640, "dirty": 16384, "hierarchical_memory_limit": 2147483648, "hierarchical_memsw_limit": 9223372036854772000, "inactive_anon": 0, "inactive_file": 1503232, "mapped_file": 2183168, "pgfault": 6668, "pgmajfault": 52, "pgpgin": 5925, "pgpgout": 3445, "rss": 4157440, "rss_huge": 0, "total_active_anon": 4157440, "total_active_file": 4497408, "total_cache": 600064, "total_dirty": 16384, "total_inactive_anon": 0, "total_inactive_file": 4497408, "total_mapped_file": 2183168, "total_pgfault": 6668, "total_pgmajfault": 52, "total_pgpgin": 5925, "total_pgpgout": 3445, "total_rss": 4157440, "total_rss_huge": 0, "total_unevictable": 0, "total_writeback": 0, "unevictable": 0, "writeback": 0 }, "usage": { "max": 15294464, "pct": 0.003136136404770672, "total": 12349440 } }, "network": { "eth0": { "inbound": { "bytes": 137315578, "dropped": 0, "errors": 0, "packets": 94338 }, "outbound": { "bytes": 1086811, "dropped": 0, "errors": 0, "packets": 25857 } } }, "task_name": "query-metadata" } }, "cloud": { "region": "us-west-2" }, "container": { "id": "1234", "image": { "name": "mreferre/eksutils" }, "labels": { "com_amazonaws_ecs_cluster": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:111122223333:cluster/default", "com_amazonaws_ecs_container-name": "query-metadata", "com_amazonaws_ecs_task-arn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:111122223333:task/default/febee046097849aba589d4435207c04a", "com_amazonaws_ecs_task-definition-family": "query-metadata", "com_amazonaws_ecs_task-definition-version": "7" }, "name": "query-metadata" }, "service": { "type": "awsfargate" } }
On this page