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IIS application_pool metricset


IIS application_pool metricset


This is the application_pool metricset of the module iis.

This metricset allows users to retrieve relevant metrics for the application pools running on IIS.

Metric values are divided in several groups:

The process object contains System/Process counters like the the overall server and CPU usage for the IIS Worker Process and memory (currently used and available memory for the IIS Worker Process).

The net_clr object which returns ASP.NET error rate counter values. Users can specify the application pools they would like to monitor using the configuration option, else, all application pools are considered.


metricbeat iis application pool overview


For a description of each field in the metricset, see the exported fields section.

Here is an example document generated by this metricset:

    "@timestamp": "2017-10-12T08:05:34.853Z",
    "event": {
        "dataset": "iis.application_pool",
        "duration": 115000,
        "module": "iis"
    "iis": {
        "application_pool": {
            "name": "test.local",
            "net_clr": {
                "total_exceptions_thrown": 0,
                "finallys_per_sec": 0,
                "exceptions_thrown_per_sec": 0,
                "locks_and_threads": {
                    "current_queue_length": 0,
                    "contention_rate_per_sec": 0
                "memory": {
                    "gen_2_heap_size": 0,
                    "large_object_heap_size": 0,
                    "gen_1_heap_size": 0,
                    "gen_1_collections": 0,
                    "gen_0_heap_size": 0,
                    "bytes_in_all_heaps": 0,
                    "total_committed_bytes": 0,
                    "gen_0_collections": 0,
                    "gen_2_collections": 0,
                    "allocated_bytes_per_sec": 0,
                    "time_in_gc_perc": 0
                "filters_per_sec": 0,
                "throw_to_catch_depth_per_sec": 0
            "process": {
                "handle_count": 532,
                "private_byte": 35258368,
                "thread_count": 29,
                "virtual_bytes": 667226112,
                "working_set": 36044800
    "metricset": {
        "name": "application_pool",
        "period": 10000
    "process": {
        "pid": 748
    "service": {
        "type": "iis"

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