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Configuring Authentication Credentials for Winlogbeat


Configuring Authentication Credentials for Winlogbeat


When sending data to a secured cluster through the elasticsearch output, Winlogbeat must either provide basic authentication credentials or present a client certificate.

To configure authentication credentials for Winlogbeat:

  1. Create a role that has the manage_index_templates and monitor cluster privileges, and read, write, and create_index privileges for the indices that Winlogbeat creates. You can create roles from the Management / Roles UI in Kibana or through the role API. For example, the following request creates a winlogbeat_writer role:

    POST _xpack/security/role/winlogbeat_writer
      "cluster": ["manage_index_templates", "monitor"],
      "indices": [
          "names": [ "winlogbeat-*" ], 
          "privileges": ["write","create_index"]

    If you use a custom Winlogbeat index pattern, specify that pattern instead of the default winlogbeat-* pattern.

  2. Assign the writer role to the user that Winlogbeat will use to connect to Elasticsearch:

    1. To authenticate as a native user, create a user for the Winlogbeat to use internally and assign it the writer role. You can create users from the Management / Users UI in Kibana or through the user API. For example, the following request creates a winlogbeat_internal user that has the winlogbeat_writer role:

      POST /_xpack/security/user/winlogbeat_internal
        "password" : "x-pack-test-password",
        "roles" : [ "winlogbeat_writer"],
        "full_name" : "Internal Winlogbeat User"
    2. To authenticate using PKI authentication, assign the writer role to the internal Winlogbeat user in the role_mapping.yml configuration file. Specify the user by the distinguished name that appears in its certificate.

        - "cn=Internal Winlogbeat User,ou=example,o=com"

      For more information, see Using Role Mapping Files.

  3. Configure authentication credentials for the elasticsearch output in the Winlogbeat configuration file:

    1. To use basic authentication, configure the username and password settings. For example, the following Winlogbeat output configuration uses the native winlogbeat_internal user to connect to Elasticsearch:

          hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
          index: "winlogbeat"
          username: "winlogbeat_internal"
          password: "x-pack-test-password"
    2. To use PKI authentication, configure the certificate and key settings:

          hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
          index: "winlogbeat"
          ssl.certificate: "/etc/pki/client/cert.pem" 
          ssl.key: "/etc/pki/client/cert.key"

      The distinguished name (DN) in the certificate must be mapped to the writer role in the role_mapping.yml configuration file on each node in the Elasticsearch cluster.

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