Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 1.0.0-beta1


Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 1.0.0-beta1


Breaking changes

  • Rename nodes to nodeSets, nodeCount to count #1843
  • Remove setVmMaxMapCount from Elasticsearch CRD #1839 (issue: #1712)
  • Bump CRD versions to v1beta1 #1782
  • Allow for multiple user specified secure settings secrets #1627
  • Add webhook check for PVC modification #1517 (issue: #1293)
  • Refactor nodes orchestration to rely on StatefulSets #1463 (issue: #1299)
  • Orchestrate zen1 and zen2 settings for StatefulSets #1262 (issue: #1173)
  • Implement rolling upgrades with StatefulSets #1219


  • Log validation errors #1942
  • Disable serving prometheus metrics by default #1930
  • Add StatefulSets info in eck-dump tool #1920
  • Rename statefulset label name with the "-name" suffix #1913
  • Rename Elasticsearch Pod hash labels #1912 (issue: #1911)
  • Force upgrade pods of a same StatefulSet #1888 (issue: #1847)
  • Add best effort spec validation #1887
  • Force upgrade all Pods if non-ready #1827 (issue: #1799)
  • Set Kibana default memory requests and limits to 1Gi #1818 (issue: #1454)
  • Set APM Server default memory requests and limits to 512MiB #1815 (issue: #1454)
  • Add support for MaxSurge and MaxUnavailable during scaling #1812
  • Set Elasticsearch Pod default memory limit to 2Gi #1810 (issue: #1454)
  • Use synchronous HTTP calls to fetch shards #1778
  • Bind ES Pod readiness to a node-local endpoint #1777 (issues: #916, #1748)
  • Set a dynamic MinAvailable value for the default PDB #1775 (issues: #916, #1773, #1774)
  • Rolling Upgrade: Support master node type change #1745
  • Remove PersistentVolumeClaims when removing Elasticsearch nodes #1736 (issue: #1288)
  • Ignore synced flush conflict during rolling upgrades #1733
  • Upgrade to Kubebuilder v2 #1723 (issues: #1188, #1604)
  • Support more secret volume fields in secure settings #1665
  • Validate Elasticsearch resource names #1647
  • Allow users to disable TLS for HTTP in the Elasticsearch spec #1623
  • Preserve labels and annotations on public cert secrets #1580
  • Generate events for reconcililation errors #1578
  • Remove ElasticsearchInlineAuth from associations #1566
  • HTTP: Add support for external CA #1538

Bug fixes

  • Manifest generation: prefix objects with YAML document separator #1901
  • Set BlockOwnerDeletion to false on PVCs #1891
  • Parse /_cat/shards output #1840
  • Set expectations when upscaling a StatefulSet #1813 (issue: #1678)
  • Fix handling of HTTP CA #1742
  • When using OnDelete strategy don't rely on current/updated revision #1732
  • Remove StatefulSet config secret and headless service on delete #1730 (issue: #1713)
  • Update ES resource phase to operational #1719
  • Always enable file based user auth #1698
  • Take master change budget into account when adding new StatefulSets #1682
  • Re-bootstrap single master 7.x clusters when upgrading from 6.x #1681
  • Make sure there is no ongoing Pod deletion before downscaling #1534 (issue: #1523)
  • Prevent HealthCheckNodePort updates #1519
  • Fix version validation #1480
  • Workaround controller-runtime webhook upsert bug #1337
  • Add console output to standalone APM sample #1321
  • Allow license secret webhook to fail #1301
  • Add HTTP certs to config checksum #1267
  • Respect TLSOptions for APM server #1246