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Elastic Cloud Control (ecctl) v1.3.0


Elastic Cloud Control (ecctl) v1.3.0


What’s new | Bug fixes | Breaking changes | Changelog

Welcome to the v1.3.0 release of Elastic Cloud Control. This version brings new features, some breaking changes, and bug fixes.

Elastic Cloud Control (ecctl) is Elastic’s CLI to manage Elasticsearch Service (ESS) and Elastic Cloud Enterprise (ECE).

Download the release binaries:


What’s new

  • New top level command: ecctl comment. Includes commands to create, delete, list, show and update comments for any of the Elastic Cloud resources: elasticsearch, kibana, apm, appsearch, enterprise_search, allocator, constructor, runner, proxy.
  • New deployment command: ecctl deployment traffic-filter. Includes commands to create, delete, list and show traffic filter rules and the ecctl deployment traffic-filter association sub-command includes two more sub-commands to create and delete associations between traffic rules and deployments.
  • New deployment command: ecctl deployment extension. Includes commands to create, delete list and show custom deployment extensions such as Elasticsearch bundles or plugins.
  • Added support for data tiers in all ecctl deployment commands.

Bug fixes

  • Improved deployment tracking. The deployment tracking has been improved. It now fails only when the plan completes with a failure, instead of returning errors from other steps of the plan.

Breaking changes

  • Deployment create drops support flag-based actions. Instance definition flags for the ecctl deployment create command have been removed. Using a predefined deployment definition JSON file is still optional with the --file flag, and the --deployment-template flag can be used to create a deployment from a template using the template configuration. See ecctl deployment create --help for a full list of examples.



e7588f0 deployment: New extension create subcommand (#470)
968729d traffic-filter: Associations create and delete subcommands (#468)
d5f8b99 traffic-filter: Adds create command (#463)
19a080d traffic-filter: Fix deleteCmd test (#469)
c7041e7 deployment command: Remove flag based create (#460)
54cd667 comment: Adjust text to specify the command is ECE only (#462)
e5d22b5 deployment: Adds read and delete extension subcommands (#458)
6a9e3e9 implements comment show command (#461)
bf049ac Implement comment delete command (#466)
882c0b0 implements comment update command (#467)
44509f5 implements comment list command (#464)
86d353a alings create comment command texts (#465)
bb3ddfb gh issues: Update bug issue template (#457)
4603cf3 implement comment create command (#459)
73c3e03 deployment: New commands for traffic-filter show, list and delete (#455)
7680eff mod: Update sdk to fix plan tracker bugs (#454)
8721b65 mod: Update cloud-sdk-go to post swagger update (#453)
a9634b6 mod: Updates SDK to ECE 2.9.0 spec (#450)
911a7ea docs: Set deployment node command as ECE only (#446)
c3dc300 Fix 1.2.0 release notes not building for docs/pull/2059 (#444)
c3742ee build: Fix release GH action (#443)
29b1fbd fixup: release notes (#442)
fd52a87 docs: Improved release documentation (#440)

Release date: March 23, 2021

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