NLog Layout
editNLog Layout
editThis Layout implementation formats an NLog event into a JSON representation that adheres to the Elastic Common Schema specification.
editAdd a reference to the Elastic.CommonSchema.NLog package:
<PackageReference Include="Elastic.CommonSchema.NLog" Version="8.6.0" />
editSetup Programatically
editLayout.Register<EcsLayout>("EcsLayout"); // Register the ECS layout. var config = new LoggingConfiguration(); var consoleTarget = new ConsoleTarget("console") { Layout = new EcsLayout() }; // Use the ECS layout. config.AddRule(LogLevel.Debug, LogLevel.Fatal, consoleTarget); LogManager.Configuration = config; var logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
In the code snippet above Layout.Register<EcsLayout>("EcsLayout")
registers the EcsLayout
with NLog.
The Layout = new EcsLayout()
line then instructs NLog to use the registered layout.
The sample above uses the console target, but you are free to use any target of your choice; perhaps consider using a
filesystem target and Elastic Filebeat for durable and reliable ingestion.
Setup using NLog.config
edit<nlog> <extensions> <add assembly="Elastic.Apm.NLog"/> <add assembly="Elastic.CommonSchema.NLog"/> </extensions> <targets> <target name="console" type="console"> <layout xsi:type="EcsLayout"> <metadata name="MyProperty" layout="MyPropertyValue" /> <!-- repeated, optional --> <label name="MyLabel" layout="MyLabelValue" /> <!-- repeated, optional --> <tag layout="MyTagValue" /> <!-- repeated, optional --> </layout> </target> </targets> <rules> <logger name="*" minLevel="Debug" writeTo="Console" /> </rules> </nlog>
EcsLayout Parameter Options
edit- Metadata Options
IncludeEventProperties - Include LogEvent properties as metadata. Default:
IncludeScopeProperties - Include NLog Scope Context Properties as metadata. Default:
- ExcludeProperties - Comma separated string with names which properties to exclude.
- Event Options
- EventAction -
- EventCategory -
- EventId -
- EventKind -
- EventSeverity -
- Agent Options
- AgentId -
- AgentName -
- AgentType -
- AgentVersion -
- Process Options
ProcessExecutable - Default:
ProcessId - Default:
ProcessName - Default:
ProcessThreadId - Default:
ProcessTitle - Default:
- Server Options
- ServerAddress -
- ServerIp -
ServerUser - Default:
- Host Options
- HostId -
HostIp - Default:
HostName - Default:
- Log Origin Options
LogOriginCallSiteMethod - Default:
LogOriginCallSiteFile - Default:
- LogOriginCallSiteLine -
- Http Options
HttpRequestId - Default:
HttpRequestMethod - Default:
HttpRequestBytes - Default:
HttpRequestReferrer - Default:
HttpResponseStatusCode - Default:
- Url Options
UrlScheme - Default:
UrlDomain - Default:
UrlPath - Default:
UrlPort - Default:
UrlQuery - Default:
UrlUserName - Default:
- Trace Options
ApmTraceId - Default:
- Transaction Options
ApmTransactionId - Default:
ECS Aware Message Templates
editAdditionally any valid ECS log template properties that is available under LogTemplateProperties.*
e.g LogTemplateProperties.TraceId
is supported and will directly set the appropriate ECS fields.
logger.Info("The time is {TraceId}", "my-trace-id");
Will override
on the resulting ECS json document.
Example output from EcsLayout
editAn example of the output is given below:
{ "@timestamp":"2020-02-20T16:07:06.7109766+11:00", "log.level":"Info", "message":"Info \"X\" 2.2", "metadata":{ "value_x":"X", "some_y":2.2 }, "ecs":{ "version":"1.4.0" }, "event":{ "severity":6, "timezone":"AUS Eastern Standard Time", "created":"2020-02-20T16:07:06.7109766+11:00" }, "host":{ "name":"LAPTOP" }, "log":{ "logger":"Elastic.CommonSchema.NLog", "original":"Info {ValueX} {SomeY}" }, "process":{ "thread":{ "id":17592 }, "pid":17592, "name":"dotnet", "executable":"C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\dotnet.exe" } }
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