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Kibana release notes


Kibana version 9.0.0-rc1


Coming in 9.0.0-rc1.

For information about the Kibana 9.0.0 release, review the following information.

This build contains all changes described in 9.0.0-beta1, in addition to the following changes.

Breaking changes


Kibana security

Removed default --openssl-legacy-provider.

Legacy OpenSSL algorithms have been disabled by default. Further information on which algorithms can be found at These can be re-enabled by adding --openssl-legacy-provider to $KBN_PATH_CONF/node.options. For more information, refer to (#213123).

Enhancements and bug fixes

Elastic Observability solution
  • Split Up SLO Details from Overview. Static data that describes the SLO definition has been moved to a separate tab, making charts and valuable information about SLIs faster to access. (#212826).
  • Adds the reason message to the rules recovery context (#211411).
  • Adds a link to the location badge on synthetics SLOs that sends to the Monitors page with a filter applied that matches the location of the origin SLO (#210695).
Bug fixes
Elastic Observability solution
  • Fixes an issue where clicking on the name badge for a synthetics monitor on an SLO details page would lead to a page that failed to load monitor details (#210695).
  • Allows use of wildcard filters in SLO queries when DSL filters are also used (#213119).

Kibana version 9.0.0-beta1


For information about the Kibana 9.0.0 release, review the following information.



New UI theme. Kibana 9.0 introduces a more modern and refined look and feel. This new theme brings improvements at multiple levels of the interface that will make navigating Kibana and visualizing dashboards easier than ever before.

Breaking changes


Breaking changes can prevent your application from optimal operation and performance. Before you upgrade to 9.0.0, review the breaking changes, then mitigate the impact to your application.

Usage restrictions on Kibana’s internal APIs.

Starting with this release, requests to internal Kibana APIs are globally restricted by default. This change is designed to provide more flexibility in making breaking changes to internal APIs while protecting external consumers from unexpected disruptions.

Key Changes:

  • Internal API Access: External consumers no longer have access to Kibana’s internal APIs, which are now strictly reserved for internal development and subject to frequent changes. This helps ensure that external integrations only interact with stable, public APIs.
  • Error Handling: When a request is made to an internal API without the proper internal identifier (header or query parameter), Kibana will respond with a 400 Bad Request error, indicating that the route exists but is not allowed under the current Kibana configuration.

For more information, refer to (#193792).

Alerts and cases

Removed 7.x deprecated kibana.yml settings.

The following deprecated configuration settings were removed:

  • xpack.actions.customHostSettings.ssl.rejectUnauthorized
  • xpack.actions.whitelistedHosts
  • xpack.actions.rejectUnauthorized
  • xpack.actions.proxyRejectUnauthorizedCertificates
  • xpack.alerts.healthCheck
  • xpack.alerts.invalidateApiKeysTask.interval
  • xpack.alerts.invalidateApiKeysTask.removalDelay
  • xpack.alerting.defaultRuleTaskTimeout

For more information, refer to (#198435).

Removed deprecated Cases APIs.

The following Cases APIs were removed:

  • Get case status
  • Get user actions
  • Get all comments

For more information, refer to (#208208), (#208086), and (#207926).

Removed deprecated alerts routes.

The deprecated legacy alerts routes api/alerts/alert were removed. For more information, refer to (#203148).

Discover and dashboards

Disabled search sessions by default.

Search sessions are now disabled by default. For more information, refer to (#203927).

Saved query privileges have been reworked.

Saved query privileges have been reworked to rely solely on a single global savedQueryManagement privilege, and eliminate app-specific overrides (e.g. implicit access with all privilege for Discover, Dashboard, Maps, and Visualize apps). This change simplifies the security model and ensures consistency in the saved query management UI across Kibana, but results in different handling of saved query privileges for new user roles, and minor breaking changes to the existing management UX. For more information, refer to #202863.

The savedQueryManagement feature privilege now globally controls access to saved query management for all new user roles. Regardless of privileges for Discover, Dashboard, Maps, or Visualize, new user roles follow this behaviour:

  • If savedQueryManagement is none, the user cannot see or access the saved query management UI or APIs.
  • If savedQueryManagement is read, the user can load queries from the UI and access read APIs, but cannot save queries from the UI or make changes to queries through APIs.
  • If savedQueryManagement is all, the user can both load and save queries from the UI and through APIs.

Existing user roles that were previously implicitly granted access to saved queries through the dashboard, discover, visualize, or maps feature privileges will retain that access to prevent breaking changes. While no action is required for existing roles, it’s still advisable to audit relevant roles and re-save them to migrate to the latest privileges model. For new roles, ensure that the savedQueryManagement privilege is set as needed.

Removed discover:searchFieldsFromSource setting.

For more information, refer to (#202679).

Removed the legacy table in Discover.

It’s no longer possible to use the legacy documents table in Discover. To that effect, the doc_table:legacy and truncate:maxHeight deprecated advanced settings have been removed. For more information, refer to (#201254).

Scripted field creation has been disabled in the Data Views management page.

The ability to create new scripted fields has been removed from the Data Views management page in 9.0. Existing scripted fields can still be edited or deleted, and the creation UI can be accessed by navigating directly to /app/management/kibana/dataViews/dataView/{dataViewId}/create-field, but we recommend migrating to runtime fields or ES|QL queries instead to prepare for removal. For more information, refer to #202250.

It will no longer be possible to create new scripted fields directly from the Data Views management page.

Migrate to runtime fields or ES|QL instead of creating new scripted fields. Existing scripted fields can still be edited or deleted.

Elastic Observability solution

Profiling now defaults to 19Hz sampling frequency.

For more information, refer to (#202278).

Disabled log stream and settings pages.

Logs Stream and the logs settings page in Observability are removed. Use the Discover application, which now offers a contextual experience for logs, to explore your logs. The logs stream panel in dashboards is removed, use Discover sessions instead.

For more information, refer to (#203996).

Removed Logs Explorer.

Logs Explorer has been removed. Instead, you can use Discover, that was improved to provide an optimal logs exploration experience. For more information, refer to (#203685).

Elastic Security solution

For the Elastic Security 9.0.0 release information, refer to Elastic Security Solution Release Notes.

Data ingestion and Fleet

Removed deprecated settings API endpoints in Fleet.


  • GET/DELETE/POST enrollment-api-keys: removed in favor of GET/DELETE/POST enrollment_api_keys
  • Removed list property from GET enrollment_api_keys response in favor of items
  • GET/POST /settings: fleet_server_hosts was removed from the response and body

For more information, refer to (#198799).

Removed deprecated Fleet APIs for agents endpoints.


Removed API endpoints:

  • POST /service-tokens in favor of POST /service_tokens
  • GET /agent-status in favor GET /agent_status
  • PUT /agents/:agentid/reassign in favor of POST /agents/:agentid/reassign

Removed deprecated parameters or responses:

  • Removed total from GET /agent_status response
  • Removed list from GET /agents response

For more information, refer to (#198313).

Removed deprecated epm Fleet APIs.


  • Removed GET/POST/DELETE /epm/packages/:pkgkey APIs in favor of GET/POST/DELETE /epm/packages/:pkgName/:pkgVersion
  • Removed experimental query parameter in GET /epm/packages and GET /epm/categories
  • Removed response in response in * /epm/packages* and GET /epm/categories
  • Removed savedObject in /epm/packages response in favor of installationInfo

For more information, refer to (#198434).

Removed deprecated topics property for kafka output in favor of the topic property.

Removed deprecated property topics from output APIs in response and requests ((GET|POST|PUT) /api/fleet/outputs) in favor of the topic property. For more information, refer to (#199226).

Limit pagination size to 100 when retrieving full policy or withAgentCount in Fleet.

In addition to the new pagination limit size of 100, retrieving agent policies without agent count is now the new default behavior, and a new query parameter withAgentCount was added to retrieve the agent count.

For more information, refer to (#196887).


Now using Kibana feature privileges only to control access to reporting features.

The default system of granting users the privilege to generate reports has changed. Rather than assigning users the reporting_user role, administrators should create a custom role that grants report-creation privileges using Kibana application privileges. For more information, refer to (#200834).

Removed the "Download CSV" export type functionality.

The functionality that allowed to download a CSV export from a dashboard’s saved search panel without creating a report has been removed. To export CSV data from a dashboard panel, you may use the action menu of a saved search panel in a dashboard to generate a CSV report, and download the report from a toast popup when the report has finished generating. For more information, refer to (#199033).

Kibana security

Removed TLSv1.1 from the default set of supported protocols.

For more information, refer to (#203856).

Renamed integration-assistant plugin to automatic-import.

For more information, refer to (#207325).



The following functionality is deprecated in 9.0.0, and will be removed in 10.0.0. Deprecated functionality does not have an immediate impact on your application, but we strongly recommend you make the necessary updates after you upgrade to 9.0.0.

Removed ephemeral tasks from task manager, action, and alerting plugins.


Deprecates the following configuration settings:

  • xpack.task_manager.ephemeral_tasks.enabled
  • xpack.task_manager.ephemeral_tasks.request_capacity
  • xpack.alerting.maxEphemeralActionsPerAlert

No action is required on the user’s end. These settings will no longer have any effect as ephemeral tasks are now removed.

For more information, refer to (#201313).

Removed visualization:colorMapping advanced setting.

The visualization:colorMapping advanced setting for TSVB and Visualize charts has been removed. You can switch to Lens charts, which offer a more advanced, per-chart color mapping feature with enhanced configuration options. For more details, refer to #162389.



Kibana 9.0.0 adds the following new and notable features.

Data ingestion and Fleet
  • New setting allowing automatic deletion of unenrolled agents in Fleet settings (#195544).
Elastic Security solution
For the Elastic Security 9.0.0 release information, refer to Elastic Security Solution Release Notes.
Kibana security
  • New interface for Automatic Import CEL generation flow (#206491).

Enhancements and bug fixes

Data ingestion and Fleet
  • Improves filtering and visibility of Uninstalled and Orphaned agents in Fleet, by differentiating them from Offline agents (#205815).
  • Introduces air-gapped configuration for bundled packages (#202435).
  • Updates removed parameters of the Fleet → Logstash output configurations (#210115).
  • Updates max supported package version (#196675).
Elastic Security solution
For the Elastic Security 9.0.0 release information, refer to Elastic Security Solution Release Notes.
Kibana security
  • Updates js-yaml to 4.1.0 (#190678).
Machine Learning
  • Removes use of ignore_throttled (#199107).
  • Adds warning header to deprecated API endpoints (#205926).
  • Sets HTTP2 as default if SSL is enabled and adds deprecation log if SSL is not enabled or protocol is set to HTTP1 (#204384).
Bug fixes
Dashboards & Visualizations
  • Fixes an issue in Lens where colors behind text were not correctly assigned, such as in Pie, Treemap and Mosaic charts.
  • Fixes an issue where changing the Ignore timeout results control setting wasn’t taken into account (#208611).
  • Force returns 0 on empty buckets on count if null flag is disabled (#207308).
  • Fixes infinite loading time for some charts due to search context reload (#203150).
Data ingestion and Fleet
  • Fixes a validation error happening on multi-text input fields (#205768).
Elastic Observability solution
  • Fixes chat on the Alerts page (#197126).
  • Fixes an error that could prevent the Observability Infrastructure Inventory view from loading after an upgrade due to missing versioning on inventory_view_saved_object (#207007).
Elastic Security solution
For the Elastic Security 9.0.0 release information, refer to Elastic Security Solution Release Notes.
  • Fixes several interface inconsistencies on the Space creation and settings pages (#197303).