

These are the standard Error types which may be passed back from the client. To access the constructors is provided via require('elasticsearch').errors.


The connection was unable to initiate or complete a request with the Elasticsearch node.


All of the connections in the ConnectionPool are dead.


The request timed-out.


The response received from Elasticsearch could not be deserialized.

503 or ServiceUnavailable

Elasticsearch responded with a 503 status.

500 or InternalServerError

Elasticsearch responded with a 500 status.

412 or PreconditionFailed

Elasticsearch responded with a 412 status.

409 or Conflict

Elasticsearch responded with a 409 status.

403 or Forbidden

Elasticsearch responded with a 403 status.

404 or NotFound

Elasticsearch responded with a 404 status.

400 or BadRequest

Elasticsearch responded with a 400 status.


Elasticsearch responded with a status that does not map to its own error type.