editIn order to avoid version conflicts, the dependencies can be shaded and packaged within the client in a single JAR file (sometimes called an "uber JAR" or "fat JAR"). Shading a dependency consists of taking its content (resources files and Java class files) and renaming some of its packages before putting them in the same JAR file as the low-level Java REST client. Shading a JAR can be accomplished by 3rd-party plugins for Gradle and Maven.
Be advised that shading a JAR also has implications. Shading the Commons Logging layer, for instance, means that 3rd-party logging backends need to be shaded as well.
Maven configuration
editHere is a configuration using the Maven
plugin. Add the following to your pom.xml
<build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.1.0</version> <executions> <execution> <phase>package</phase> <goals><goal>shade</goal></goals> <configuration> <relocations> <relocation> <pattern>org.apache.http</pattern> <shadedPattern></shadedPattern> </relocation> <relocation> <pattern>org.apache.logging</pattern> <shadedPattern></shadedPattern> </relocation> <relocation> <pattern>org.apache.commons.codec</pattern> <shadedPattern></shadedPattern> </relocation> <relocation> <pattern>org.apache.commons.logging</pattern> <shadedPattern></shadedPattern> </relocation> </relocations> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </build>
Gradle configuration
editHere is a configuration using the Gradle
ShadowJar plugin. Add the following to
your build.gradle
shadowJar { relocate 'org.apache.http', '' relocate 'org.apache.logging', '' relocate 'org.apache.commons.codec', '' relocate 'org.apache.commons.logging', '' }
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