- Java Transport Client (deprecated): other versions:
- Preface
- Maven Repository
- Deploying in JBoss EAP6 module
- Client
- Index API
- Get API
- Delete API
- Update API
- Bulk API
- Search API
- Count API
- Delete By Query API
- Facets
- Aggregations
- Percolate API
- Query DSL - Queries
- Match Query
- MultiMatch Query
- Boolean Query
- Boosting Query
- IDs Query
- Constant Score Query
- Disjunction Max Query
- Fuzzy Like This (Field) Query (flt and flt_field)
- FuzzyQuery
- Has Child / Has Parent
- MatchAll Query
- More Like This Query (mlt)
- Prefix Query
- QueryString Query
- Range Query
- Span Queries (first, near, not, or, term)
- Term Query
- Terms Query
- Top Children Query
- Wildcard Query
- Nested Query
- Indices Query
- GeoShape Query
- Query DSL - Filters
- And Filter
- Bool Filter
- Exists Filter
- Ids Filter
- Limit Filter
- Type Filter
- Geo Bounding Box Filter
- GeoDistance Filter
- Geo Distance Range Filter
- Geo Polygon Filter
- Geo Shape Filter
- Has Child / Has Parent Filters
- Match All Filter
- Missing Filter
- Not Filter
- Or Filter
- Prefix Filter
- Query Filter
- Range Filter
- Script Filter
- Term Filter
- Terms Filter
- Nested Filter
- Caching
IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates
will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
And Filter
editAnd Filter
editSee And Filter
FilterBuilder filter = andFilter( rangeFilter("postDate").from("2010-03-01").to("2010-04-01"), prefixFilter("name.second", "ba"));
Note that you can cache the result using
method. See Caching.
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