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Search Template


See Search Template documentation

Define your template parameters as a Map<String,Object>:

Map<String, Object> template_params = new HashMap<>();
template_params.put("param_gender", "male");

You can use your stored search templates in config/scripts. For example, if you have a file named config/scripts/template_gender.mustache containing:

    "query" : {
        "match" : {
            "gender" : "{{param_gender}}"

Create your search template request:

SearchResponse sr = new SearchTemplateRequestBuilder(client)
    .setRequest(new SearchRequest())              

template name

template stored on disk in gender_template.mustache


set the execution context (ie. define the index name here)

execute and get the template response

get from the template response the search response itself

You can also store your template in the cluster state:

    .setSource(new BytesArray(
        "{\n" +
        "    \"query\" : {\n" +
        "        \"match\" : {\n" +
        "            \"gender\" : \"{{param_gender}}\"\n" +
        "        }\n" +
        "    }\n" +

To execute a stored templates, use ScriptService.ScriptType.STORED:

SearchResponse sr = new SearchTemplateRequestBuilder(client)
        .setRequest(new SearchRequest())                    

template name

template stored in the cluster state


set the execution context (ie. define the index name here)

execute and get the template response

get from the template response the search response itself

You can also execute inline templates:

sr = new SearchTemplateRequestBuilder(client)
        .setScript("{\n" +                                  
                "        \"query\" : {\n" +
                "            \"match\" : {\n" +
                "                \"gender\" : \"{{param_gender}}\"\n" +
                "            }\n" +
                "        }\n" +
        .setRequest(new SearchRequest())                   

template name

template is passed inline


set the execution context (ie. define the index name here)

execute and get the template response

get from the template response the search response itself

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