- Java REST Client (deprecated): other versions:
- Overview
- Java Low Level REST Client
- Java High Level REST Client
- Getting started
- Document APIs
- Search APIs
- Async Search APIs
- Miscellaneous APIs
- Index APIs
- Analyze API
- Create Index API
- Delete Index API
- Index Exists API
- Open Index API
- Close Index API
- Shrink Index API
- Split Index API
- Clone Index API
- Refresh API
- Flush API
- Flush Synced API
- Clear Cache API
- Force Merge API
- Rollover Index API
- Put Mapping API
- Get Mappings API
- Get Field Mappings API
- Index Aliases API
- Delete Alias API
- Exists Alias API
- Get Alias API
- Update Indices Settings API
- Get Settings API
- Put Template API
- Validate Query API
- Get Templates API
- Templates Exist API
- Get Index API
- Freeze Index API
- Unfreeze Index API
- Delete Template API
- Reload Search Analyzers API
- Get Composable Index Templates API
- Put Composable Index Template API
- Delete Composable Index Template API
- Optional arguments
- Simulate Index Template API
- Cluster APIs
- Ingest APIs
- Snapshot APIs
- Tasks APIs
- Script APIs
- Licensing APIs
- Machine Learning APIs
- Put anomaly detection job API
- Get anomaly detection jobs API
- Delete anomaly detection job API
- Open anomaly detection job API
- Close anomaly detection job API
- Update anomaly detection job API
- Flush Job API
- Put datafeed API
- Update datafeed API
- Get datafeed API
- Delete datafeed API
- Preview Datafeed API
- Start datafeed API
- Stop Datafeed API
- Get datafeed stats API
- Get anomaly detection job stats API
- Forecast Job API
- Delete Forecast API
- Get buckets API
- Get overall buckets API
- Get records API
- Post Data API
- Get influencers API
- Get categories API
- Get calendars API
- Put calendar API
- Get calendar events API
- Post Calendar Event API
- Delete calendar event API
- Put anomaly detection jobs in calendar API
- Delete anomaly detection jobs from calendar API
- Delete calendar API
- Estimate anomaly detection job model memory API
- Get data frame analytics jobs API
- Get data frame analytics jobs stats API
- Put data frame analytics jobs API
- Delete data frame analytics jobs API
- Start data frame analytics jobs API
- Stop data frame analytics jobs API
- Evaluate data frame analytics API
- Explain data frame analytics API
- Get trained models API
- Put trained model API
- Get trained models stats API
- Delete trained model API
- Put Filter API
- Get filters API
- Update filter API
- Delete Filter API
- Get model snapshots API
- Delete Model Snapshot API
- Revert Model Snapshot API
- Update model snapshot API
- ML get info API
- Delete Expired Data API
- Set Upgrade Mode API
- Migration APIs
- Rollup APIs
- Security APIs
- Put User API
- Get Users API
- Delete User API
- Enable User API
- Disable User API
- Change Password API
- Put Role API
- Get Roles API
- Delete Role API
- Delete Privileges API
- Get Builtin Privileges API
- Get Privileges API
- Clear Roles Cache API
- Clear Realm Cache API
- Authenticate API
- Has Privileges API
- Get User Privileges API
- SSL Certificate API
- Put Role Mapping API
- Get Role Mappings API
- Delete Role Mapping API
- Create Token API
- Invalidate Token API
- Put Privileges API
- Create API Key API
- Get API Key information API
- Invalidate API Key API
- Watcher APIs
- Graph APIs
- Index Lifecycle Management APIs
- Snapshot Lifecycle Management APIs
- Put Snapshot Lifecycle Policy API
- Delete Snapshot Lifecycle Policy API
- Get Snapshot Lifecycle Policy API
- Start Snapshot Lifecycle Management API
- Stop Snapshot Lifecycle Management API
- Snapshot Lifecycle Management Status API
- Execute Snapshot Lifecycle Policy API
- Execute Snapshot Lifecycle Retention API
- Transform APIs
- Enrich APIs
- Using Java Builders
- Migration Guide
- License
IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates
will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
editFor any other required configuration needed, the Apache HttpAsyncClient docs should be consulted: https://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-asyncclient-4.1.x/ .
If your application runs under the security manager you might be subject
to the JVM default policies of caching positive hostname resolutions
indefinitely and negative hostname resolutions for ten seconds. If the resolved
addresses of the hosts to which you are connecting the client to vary with time
then you might want to modify the default JVM behavior. These can be modified by
to your
security policy.
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