- JavaScript Client: other versions:
- Introduction
- Usage
- Client configuration
- API Reference
- Common parameters
- bulk
- cat.aliases
- cat.allocation
- cat.count
- cat.fielddata
- cat.health
- cat.help
- cat.indices
- cat.master
- cat.nodeattrs
- cat.nodes
- cat.pendingTasks
- cat.plugins
- cat.recovery
- cat.repositories
- cat.segments
- cat.shards
- cat.snapshots
- cat.tasks
- cat.templates
- cat.threadPool
- clearScroll
- cluster.allocationExplain
- cluster.getSettings
- cluster.health
- cluster.pendingTasks
- cluster.putSettings
- cluster.remoteInfo
- cluster.reroute
- cluster.state
- cluster.stats
- count
- countPercolate
- create
- delete
- deleteByQuery
- deleteScript
- deleteTemplate
- exists
- existsSource
- explain
- fieldCaps
- fieldStats
- get
- getScript
- getSource
- getTemplate
- index
- indices.analyze
- indices.clearCache
- indices.close
- indices.create
- indices.delete
- indices.deleteAlias
- indices.deleteTemplate
- indices.exists
- indices.existsAlias
- indices.existsTemplate
- indices.existsType
- indices.flush
- indices.flushSynced
- indices.forcemerge
- indices.get
- indices.getAlias
- indices.getFieldMapping
- indices.getMapping
- indices.getSettings
- indices.getTemplate
- indices.getUpgrade
- indices.open
- indices.putAlias
- indices.putMapping
- indices.putSettings
- indices.putTemplate
- indices.recovery
- indices.refresh
- indices.rollover
- indices.segments
- indices.shardStores
- indices.shrink
- indices.stats
- indices.updateAliases
- indices.upgrade
- indices.validateQuery
- info
- ingest.deletePipeline
- ingest.getPipeline
- ingest.processorGrok
- ingest.putPipeline
- ingest.simulate
- mget
- mpercolate
- msearch
- msearchTemplate
- mtermvectors
- nodes.hotThreads
- nodes.info
- nodes.stats
- percolate
- ping
- putScript
- putTemplate
- reindex
- reindexRethrottle
- renderSearchTemplate
- scroll
- search
- searchShards
- searchTemplate
- snapshot.create
- snapshot.createRepository
- snapshot.delete
- snapshot.deleteRepository
- snapshot.get
- snapshot.getRepository
- snapshot.restore
- snapshot.status
- snapshot.verifyRepository
- suggest
- tasks.cancel
- tasks.get
- tasks.list
- termvectors
- update
- updateByQuery
- Breaking changes coming from the old client
- Authentication
- Observability
- Creating a child client
- Extend the client
- TypeScript support
- Examples
WARNING: Version 5.x has passed its EOL date.
This documentation is no longer being maintained and may be removed. If you are running this version, we strongly advise you to upgrade. For the latest information, see the current release documentation.
editUse the client is pretty straightforward, it supports all the public APIs of Elasticsearch, and every method exposes the same signature.
const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch') const client = new Client({ node: 'http://localhost:9200' }) // promise API const result = await client.search({ index: 'my-index', body: { query: { match: { hello: 'world' } } } }) // callback API client.search({ index: 'my-index', body: { query: { match: { hello: 'world' } } } }, (err, result) => { if (err) console.log(err) })
The returned value of every API call is formed as follows:
{ body: object | boolean statusCode: number headers: object warnings: [string], meta: object }
The body will be a boolean value when using HEAD
The above value will be returned even if there is an error during the execution of the request, this means that you can safely use the destructuring assignment.
The meta
key contains all the information regarding the request, such as attempt, options, and the connection that has been used.
// promise API const { body } = await client.search({ index: 'my-index', body: { query: { match: { hello: 'world' } } } }) // callback API client.search({ index: 'my-index', body: { query: { match: { hello: 'world' } } } }, (err, { body }) => { if (err) console.log(err) })