Aggregation examples
editAggregation examples
editThis page demonstrates how to use aggregations.
Top-level aggreggation
editFluent API
editvar response = await client .SearchAsync<Person>(search => search .Index("persons") .Query(query => query .MatchAll(_ => {}) ) .Aggregations(aggregations => aggregations .Add("agg_name", aggregation => aggregation .Max(max => max .Field(x => x.Age) ) ) ) .Size(10) );
Object initializer API
editvar response = await client.SearchAsync<Person>(new SearchRequest("persons") { Query = Query.MatchAll(new MatchAllQuery()), Aggregations = new Dictionary<string, Aggregation> { { "agg_name", Aggregation.Max(new MaxAggregation { Field = Infer.Field<Person>(x => x.Age) })} }, Size = 10 });
Consume the response
editvar max = response.Aggregations!.GetMax("agg_name")!; Console.WriteLine(max.Value);
editFluent API
editvar response = await client .SearchAsync<Person>(search => search .Index("persons") .Query(query => query .MatchAll(_ => {}) ) .Aggregations(aggregations => aggregations .Add("firstnames", aggregation => aggregation .Terms(terms => terms .Field(x => x.FirstName) ) .Aggregations(aggregations => aggregations .Add("avg_age", aggregation => aggregation .Max(avg => avg .Field(x => x.Age) ) ) ) ) ) .Size(10) );
Object initializer API
editvar topLevelAggregation = Aggregation.Terms(new TermsAggregation { Field = Infer.Field<Person>(x => x.FirstName) }); topLevelAggregation.Aggregations = new Dictionary<string, Aggregation> { { "avg_age", new MaxAggregation { Field = Infer.Field<Person>(x => x.Age) }} }; var response = await client.SearchAsync<Person>(new SearchRequest("persons") { Query = Query.MatchAll(new MatchAllQuery()), Aggregations = new Dictionary<string, Aggregation> { { "firstnames", topLevelAggregation} }, Size = 10 });
Consume the response
editvar firstnames = response.Aggregations!.GetStringTerms("firstnames")!; foreach (var bucket in firstnames.Buckets) { var avg = bucket.Aggregations.GetAverage("avg_age")!; Console.WriteLine($"The average age for persons named '{bucket.Key}' is {avg}"); }