
The executive guide to generative AI

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kuromoji_stemmer token filter


The kuromoji_stemmer token filter normalizes common katakana spelling variations ending in a long sound character by removing this character (U+30FC). Only full-width katakana characters are supported.

This token filter accepts the following setting:

Katakana words shorter than the minimum length are not stemmed (default is 4).
PUT kuromoji_sample
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "analysis": {
        "analyzer": {
          "my_analyzer": {
            "tokenizer": "kuromoji_tokenizer",
            "filter": [
        "filter": {
          "my_katakana_stemmer": {
            "type": "kuromoji_stemmer",
            "minimum_length": 4

POST kuromoji_sample/_analyze?analyzer=my_analyzer&text=コピー 

POST kuromoji_sample/_analyze?analyzer=my_analyzer&text=サーバー 

Returns コピー.

Return サーバ.

ja_stop token filter


The ja_stop token filter filters out Japanese stopwords (_japanese_), and any other custom stopwords specified by the user. This filter only supports the predefined _japanese_ stopwords list. If you want to use a different predefined list, then use the stop token filter instead.

PUT kuromoji_sample
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "analysis": {
        "analyzer": {
          "analyzer_with_ja_stop": {
            "tokenizer": "kuromoji_tokenizer",
            "filter": [
        "filter": {
          "ja_stop": {
            "type": "ja_stop",
            "stopwords": [

POST kuromoji_sample/_analyze?analyzer=my_analyzer&text=ストップは消える

The above request returns:

# Result
  "tokens" : [ {
    "token" : "消える",
    "start_offset" : 5,
    "end_offset" : 8,
    "type" : "word",
    "position" : 3
  } ]
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