
The executive guide to generative AI

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The nori_tokenizer accepts the following settings:


The decompound mode determines how the tokenizer handles compound tokens. It can be set to:


No decomposition for compounds. Example output:


Decomposes compounds and discards the original form (default). Example output:

가곡역 => 가곡, 역

Decomposes compounds and keeps the original form. Example output:

가곡역 => 가곡역, 가곡, 역

The Nori tokenizer uses the mecab-ko-dic dictionary by default. A user_dictionary with custom nouns (NNG) may be appended to the default dictionary. The dictionary should have the following format:

<token> [<token 1> ... <token n>]

The first token is mandatory and represents the custom noun that should be added in the dictionary. For compound nouns the custom segmentation can be provided after the first token ([<token 1> ... <token n>]). The segmentation of the custom compound nouns is controlled by the decompound_mode setting.

As a demonstration of how the user dictionary can be used, save the following dictionary to $ES_HOME/config/userdict_ko.txt:

세종시 세종         

A simple noun

A compound noun (세종시) followed by its decomposition: 세종 and .

Then create an analyzer as follows:

PUT nori_sample
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "analysis": {
        "tokenizer": {
          "nori_user_dict": {
            "type": "nori_tokenizer",
            "decompound_mode": "mixed",
            "user_dictionary": "userdict_ko.txt"
        "analyzer": {
          "my_analyzer": {
            "type": "custom",
            "tokenizer": "nori_user_dict"

GET nori_sample/_analyze
  "analyzer": "my_analyzer",
  "text": "세종시"  

Sejong city

The above analyze request returns the following:

  "tokens" : [ {
    "token" : "세종시",
    "start_offset" : 0,
    "end_offset" : 3,
    "type" : "word",
    "position" : 0,
    "positionLength" : 2    
  }, {
    "token" : "세종",
    "start_offset" : 0,
    "end_offset" : 2,
    "type" : "word",
    "position" : 0
  }, {
    "token" : "시",
    "start_offset" : 2,
    "end_offset" : 3,
    "type" : "word",
    "position" : 1

This is a compound token that spans two positions (mixed mode).

The nori_tokenizer sets a number of additional attributes per token that are used by token filters to modify the stream. You can view all these additional attributes with the following request:

GET _analyze
  "tokenizer": "nori_tokenizer",
  "text": "뿌리가 깊은 나무는",   
  "attributes" : ["posType", "leftPOS", "rightPOS", "morphemes", "reading"],
  "explain": true

A tree with deep roots

Which responds with:

    "detail": {
        "custom_analyzer": true,
        "charfilters": [],
        "tokenizer": {
            "name": "nori_tokenizer",
            "tokens": [
                    "token": "뿌리",
                    "start_offset": 0,
                    "end_offset": 2,
                    "type": "word",
                    "position": 0,
                    "leftPOS": "NNG(General Noun)",
                    "morphemes": null,
                    "posType": "MORPHEME",
                    "reading": null,
                    "rightPOS": "NNG(General Noun)"
                    "token": "가",
                    "start_offset": 2,
                    "end_offset": 3,
                    "type": "word",
                    "position": 1,
                    "leftPOS": "J(Ending Particle)",
                    "morphemes": null,
                    "posType": "MORPHEME",
                    "reading": null,
                    "rightPOS": "J(Ending Particle)"
                    "token": "깊",
                    "start_offset": 4,
                    "end_offset": 5,
                    "type": "word",
                    "position": 2,
                    "leftPOS": "VA(Adjective)",
                    "morphemes": null,
                    "posType": "MORPHEME",
                    "reading": null,
                    "rightPOS": "VA(Adjective)"
                    "token": "은",
                    "start_offset": 5,
                    "end_offset": 6,
                    "type": "word",
                    "position": 3,
                    "leftPOS": "E(Verbal endings)",
                    "morphemes": null,
                    "posType": "MORPHEME",
                    "reading": null,
                    "rightPOS": "E(Verbal endings)"
                    "token": "나무",
                    "start_offset": 7,
                    "end_offset": 9,
                    "type": "word",
                    "position": 4,
                    "leftPOS": "NNG(General Noun)",
                    "morphemes": null,
                    "posType": "MORPHEME",
                    "reading": null,
                    "rightPOS": "NNG(General Noun)"
                    "token": "는",
                    "start_offset": 9,
                    "end_offset": 10,
                    "type": "word",
                    "position": 5,
                    "leftPOS": "J(Ending Particle)",
                    "morphemes": null,
                    "posType": "MORPHEME",
                    "reading": null,
                    "rightPOS": "J(Ending Particle)"
        "tokenfilters": []
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