- Elasticsearch Guide: other versions:
- Setup
- API Conventions
- Document APIs
- Search APIs
- Indices APIs
- Create Index
- Delete Index
- Indices Exists
- Open / Close Index API
- Put Mapping
- Get Mapping
- Get Field Mapping
- Types Exists
- Delete Mapping
- Index Aliases
- Update Indices Settings
- Get Settings
- Analyze
- Index Templates
- Warmers
- Status
- Indices Stats
- Indices Segments
- Clear Cache
- Flush
- Refresh
- Optimize
- Gateway Snapshot
- Cluster APIs
- Query DSL
- Queries
- Match Query
- Multi Match Query
- Bool Query
- Boosting Query
- Common Terms Query
- Custom Filters Score Query
- Custom Score Query
- Custom Boost Factor Query
- Constant Score Query
- Dis Max Query
- Field Query
- Filtered Query
- Fuzzy Like This Query
- Fuzzy Like This Field Query
- Function Score Query
- Fuzzy Query
- GeoShape Query
- Has Child Query
- Has Parent Query
- Ids Query
- Indices Query
- Match All Query
- More Like This Query
- More Like This Field Query
- Nested Query
- Prefix Query
- Query String Query
- Simple Query String Query
- Range Query
- Regexp Query
- Span First Query
- Span Multi Term Query
- Span Near Query
- Span Not Query
- Span Or Query
- Span Term Query
- Term Query
- Terms Query
- Top Children Query
- Wildcard Query
- Text Query
- Minimum Should Match
- Multi Term Query Rewrite
- Filters
- And Filter
- Bool Filter
- Exists Filter
- Geo Bounding Box Filter
- Geo Distance Filter
- Geo Distance Range Filter
- Geo Polygon Filter
- GeoShape Filter
- Geohash Cell Filter
- Has Child Filter
- Has Parent Filter
- Ids Filter
- Indices Filter
- Limit Filter
- Match All Filter
- Missing Filter
- Nested Filter
- Not Filter
- Numeric Range Filter
- Or Filter
- Prefix Filter
- Query Filter
- Range Filter
- Regexp Filter
- Script Filter
- Term Filter
- Terms Filter
- Type Filter
- Queries
- Mapping
- Analysis
- Analyzers
- Tokenizers
- Token Filters
- Standard Token Filter
- ASCII Folding Token Filter
- Length Token Filter
- Lowercase Token Filter
- NGram Token Filter
- Edge NGram Token Filter
- Porter Stem Token Filter
- Shingle Token Filter
- Stop Token Filter
- Word Delimiter Token Filter
- Stemmer Token Filter
- Stemmer Override Token Filter
- Keyword Marker Token Filter
- Keyword Repeat Token Filter
- KStem Token Filter
- Snowball Token Filter
- Phonetic Token Filter
- Synonym Token Filter
- Compound Word Token Filter
- Reverse Token Filter
- Elision Token Filter
- Truncate Token Filter
- Unique Token Filter
- Pattern Capture Token Filter
- Pattern Replace Token Filter
- Trim Token Filter
- Limit Token Count Token Filter
- Hunspell Token Filter
- Common Grams Token Filter
- Normalization Token Filter
- Keep Words Token Filter
- Delimited Payload Token Filter
- Character Filters
- ICU Analysis Plugin
- Modules
- Index Modules
- Glossary of terms
WARNING: Version 0.90 of Elasticsearch has passed its EOL date.
This documentation is no longer being maintained and may be removed. If you are running this version, we strongly advise you to upgrade. For the latest information, see the current release documentation.
Delete API
editDelete API
editThe delete API allows to delete a typed JSON document from a specific index based on its id. The following example deletes the JSON document from an index called twitter, under a type called tweet, with id valued 1:
$ curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/1'
The result of the above delete operation is:
{ "ok" : true, "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "tweet", "_id" : "1", "found" : true }
editEach document indexed is versioned. When deleting a document, the
can be specified to make sure the relevant document we are
trying to delete is actually being deleted and it has not changed in the
meantime. Every write operation executed on a document, deletes included,
causes its version to be incremented.
editWhen indexing using the ability to control the routing, in order to delete a document, the routing value should also be provided. For example:
$ curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/1?routing=kimchy'
The above will delete a tweet with id 1, but will be routed based on the user. Note, issuing a delete without the correct routing, will cause the document to not be deleted.
Many times, the routing value is not known when deleting a document. For
those cases, when specifying the _routing
mapping as required
, and
no routing value is specified, the delete will be broadcasted
automatically to all shards.
editThe parent
parameter can be set, which will basically be the same as
setting the routing parameter.
Note that deleting a parent document does not automatically delete its children. One way of deleting all child documents given a parent’s id is to perform a delete by query on the child index with the automatically generated (and indexed) field _parent, which is in the format parent_type#parent_id.
Automatic index creation
editThe delete operation automatically creates an index if it has not been created before (check out the create index API for manually creating an index), and also automatically creates a dynamic type mapping for the specific type if it has not been created before (check out the put mapping API for manually creating type mapping).
editThe delete operation gets hashed into a specific shard id. It then gets redirected into the primary shard within that id group, and replicated (if needed) to shard replicas within that id group.
Replication Type
editThe replication of the operation can be done in an asynchronous manner
to the replicas (the operation will return once it has be executed on
the primary shard). The replication
parameter can be set to async
(defaults to sync
) in order to enable it.
Write Consistency
editControl if the operation will be allowed to execute based on the number
of active shards within that partition (replication group). The values
allowed are one
, quorum
, and all
. The parameter to set it is
, and it defaults to the node level setting of
which in turn defaults to quorum
For example, in a N shards with 2 replicas index, there will have to be
at least 2 active shards within the relevant partition (quorum
) for
the operation to succeed. In a N shards with 1 replica scenario, there
will need to be a single shard active (in this case, one
and quorum
is the same).
editThe refresh
parameter can be set to true
in order to refresh the
relevant shard after the delete operation has occurred and make it
searchable. Setting it to true
should be done after careful thought
and verification that this does not cause a heavy load on the system
(and slows down indexing).
editThe primary shard assigned to perform the delete operation might not be
available when the delete operation is executed. Some reasons for this
might be that the primary shard is currently recovering from a gateway
or undergoing relocation. By default, the delete operation will wait on
the primary shard to become available for up to 1 minute before failing
and responding with an error. The timeout
parameter can be used to
explicitly specify how long it waits. Here is an example of setting it
to 5 minutes:
$ curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/1?timeout=5m'
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