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Watcher Settings in Elasticsearch

You configure xpack.notification settings in elasticsearch.yml to send set up Watcher and send notifications via email, HipChat, Slack, and PagerDuty.

General Watcher Settings

Set to false to disable Watcher on the node.
Set to true to encrypt sensitive data. If this setting is enabled, you must also specify the xpack.watcher.encryption_key setting. For more information, see Encrypting sensitive data in Watcher.
xpack.watcher.encryption_key (Secure)
Specifies the path to a file that contains a key for encrypting sensitive data. If xpack.watcher.encrypt_sensitive_data is set to true, this setting is required. For more information, see Encrypting sensitive data in Watcher.
Set to false (default) to disable the cleaner service. If this setting is true, the xpack.monitoring.enabled setting must also be set to true. The cleaner service removes previous versions of Watcher indices (for example, .watcher-history*) when it determines that they are old. The duration of Watcher indices is determined by the xpack.monitoring.history.duration setting, which defaults to 7 days. For more information about that setting, see Monitoring Settings.
Specifies the address of the proxy server to use to connect to HTTP services.
Specifies the port number to use to connect to the proxy server.
The maximum period to wait until abortion of the request, when a connection is being initiated.
The maximum period of inactivity between two data packets, before the request is aborted.
Specifies the maximum size a HTTP response is allowed to have, defaults to 10mb, the maximum configurable value is 50mb.

Watcher TLS/SSL Settings

You can configure the following TLS/SSL settings. If the settings are not configured, the Default TLS/SSL Settings are used.

Supported protocols with versions. Valid protocols: SSLv2Hello, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2. Defaults to TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1. Defaults to the value of xpack.ssl.supported_protocols.
Controls the verification of certificates. Valid values are none, certificate, and full. Defaults to the value of xpack.ssl.verification_mode.
Supported cipher suites can be found in Oracle’s Java Cryptography Architecture documentation. Defaults to the value of xpack.ssl.cipher_suites.

Watcher TLS/SSL Key and Trusted Certificate Settings

The following settings are used to specify a private key, certificate, and the trusted certificates that should be used when communicating over an SSL/TLS connection. If none of the settings below are specified, the Default TLS/SSL Settings are used. A private key and certificate are optional and would be used if the server requires client authentication for PKI authentication. If none of the settings below are specified, the Default TLS/SSL Settings are used.

PEM Encoded Files

When using PEM encoded files, use the following settings:

Path to a PEM encoded file containing the private key.
The passphrase that is used to decrypt the private key. This value is optional as the key might not be encrypted.
xpack.http.ssl.secure_key_passphrase (Secure)
The passphrase that is used to decrypt the private key. This value is optional as the key might not be encrypted.
Path to a PEM encoded file containing the certificate (or certificate chain) that will be presented when requested.
List of paths to the PEM encoded certificate files that should be trusted.

Java Keystore Files

When using Java keystore files (JKS), which contain the private key, certificate and certificates that should be trusted, use the following settings:

Path to the keystore that holds the private key and certificate.
Password to the keystore.
+xpack.http.ssl.keystore.secure_password` (Secure)
Password to the keystore.
Password for the private key in the keystore. Defaults to the same value as xpack.http.ssl.keystore.password.
xpack.http.ssl.keystore.secure_key_password (Secure)
Password for the private key in the keystore.
Path to the truststore file.
Password to the truststore.
xpack.http.ssl.truststore.secure_password (Secure)
Password to the truststore.

PKCS#12 Files

X-Pack security can be configured to use PKCS#12 container files (.p12 or .pfx files) that contain the private key, certificate and certificates that should be trusted.

PKCS#12 files are configured in the same way as Java Keystore Files:

Path to the PKCS#12 file that holds the private key and certificate.
Set this to PKCS12 to indicate that the keystore is a PKCS#12 file.
Password to the PKCS#12 file.
xpack.http.ssl.keystore.secure_password (Secure)
Password to the PKCS#12 file.
Password for the private key stored in the PKCS#12 file. Defaults to the same value as xpack.http.ssl.keystore.password.
xpack.http.ssl.keystore.secure_key_password (Secure)
Password for the private key stored in the PKCS#12 file.
Path to the PKCS#12 file that holds the certificates to be trusted.
Set this to PKCS12 to indicate that the truststore is a PKCS#12 file.
Password to the PKCS#12 file.
xpack.http.ssl.truststore.secure_password (Secure)
Password to the PKCS#12 file.

Email Notification Settings

You can configure the following email notification settings in elasticsearch.yml. For more information about sending notifications via email, see Configuring Email.

Specifies account information for sending notifications via email. You can specify the following email account attributes:

+ profile;; The email profile to use to build the MIME messages that are sent from the account. Valid values: standard, gmail and outlook. Defaults to standard.

An optional set of email attributes to use as defaults for the emails sent from the account. See Email Action Attributes for the supported attributes.
Set to true to attempt to authenticate the user using the AUTH command. Defaults to false.
The SMTP server to connect to. Required.
The SMTP server port to connect to. Defaults to 25.
The user name for SMTP. Required.
The password for the specified SMTP user.
Set to true to enable the use of the STARTTLS command (if supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected connection before issuing any login commands. Note that an appropriate trust store must configured so that the client will trust the server’s certificate. Defaults to false.
SMTP attributes that enable fine control over the SMTP protocol when sending messages. See com.sun.mail.smtp for the full list of SMTP properties you can set. Note that all timeouts (writetimeout, connection_timeout and timeout) default to 2 minutes.

Specifies the HTML elements that are allowed in email notifications. For more information, see Configuring HTML Sanitization Options. You can specify individual HTML elements and the following HTML feature groups:

+ _tables;; All table related elements: <table>, <th>, <tr> and <td>.

The following block elements: <p>, <div>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, and <blockquote>.
The following inline formatting elements: <b>, <i>, <s>, <u>, <o>, <sup>, <sub>, <ins>, <del>, <strong>, <strike>, <tt>, <code>, <big>, <small>, <br>, <span>, and <em>.
The <a> element with an href attribute that points to a URL using the following protocols: http, https and mailto.
The style attribute on all elements. Note that CSS attributes are also sanitized to prevent XSS attacks.
All images (external and embedded).
Only embedded images. Embedded images can only use the cid: URL protocol in their src attribute.
Specifies the HTML elements that are NOT allowed in email notifications. You can specify individual HTML elements and HTML feature groups.
Set to false to completely disable HTML sanitation. Not recommended. Defaults to true.

HipChat Notification Settings

You can configure the following HipChat notification settings in elasticsearch.yml. For more information about sending notifications via HipChat, see Configuring HipChat.


Specifies account information for sending notifications via HipChat. You can specify the following HipChat account attributes:

The HipChat account profile to use: integration, user, or v1. Required.
The authentication token to use to access the HipChat API. Required.
The HipChat server hostname. Defaults to
The HipChat server port number. Defaults to 443.
The room you want to send messages to. Must be specified if the profile is set to integration. Not valid for the user or vi profiles.
The HipChat user account to use to send messages. Specified as an email address. Must be specified if the profile is set to user. Not valid for the integration or v1 profiles.
The format of the message: text or html. Defaults to html.
The background color of the notification in the room. Defaults to yellow.
Indicates whether people in the room should be actively notified. Defaults to false.

Slack Notification Settings

You can configure the following Slack notification settings in elasticsearch.yml. For more information about sending notifications via Slack, see Configuring Slack.


Specifies account information for sending notifications via Slack. You can specify the following Slack account attributes:

The Incoming Webhook URL to use to post messages to Slack. Required.
The sender name to display in the Slack message. Defaults to the watch ID.
The default Slack channels or groups you want to send messages to.
The icon to display in the Slack messages. Overrides the incoming webhook’s configured icon. Accepts a public URL to an image.
The default message content.
Default message attachments. Slack message attachments enable you to create more richly-formatted messages. Specified as an array as defined in the Slack attachments documentation.

Jira Notification Settings

You can configure the following Jira notification settings in elasticsearch.yml. For more information about using notifications to create issues in Jira, see Configuring Jira.

Specifies account information for using notifications to create issues in Jira. You can specify the following Jira account attributes:


The URL of the Jira Software server. Required.
The name of the user to connect to the Jira Software server. Required.
The password of the user to connect to the Jira Software server. Required.
Default fields values for the issue created in Jira. See Jira Action Attributes for more information. Optional.

PagerDuty Notification Settings

You can configure the following PagerDuty notification settings in elasticsearch.yml. For more information about sending notifications via PagerDuty, see Configuring PagerDuty.


Specifies account information for sending notifications via PagerDuty. You can specify the following PagerDuty account attributes:

A name for the PagerDuty account associated with the API key you are using to access PagerDuty. Required.
The PagerDuty API key to use to access PagerDuty. Required.

Default values for PagerDuty event attributes. Optional.

A string that contains the default description for PagerDuty events. If no default is configured, each PagerDuty action must specify a description.
A string that contains the default incident key to use when sending PagerDuty events.
A string that specifies the default monitoring client.
The URL of the default monitoring client.
The default event type. Valid values: trigger,resolve, acknowledge.
Whether or not to provide the watch payload as context for the event by default. Valid values: true, false.
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