Rollover API


Creates a new index for a data stream or index alias.

resp = client.indices.rollover(
response = client.indices.rollover(
  alias: 'my-data-stream'
puts response
const response = await client.indices.rollover({
  alias: "my-data-stream",
POST my-data-stream/_rollover



POST /<rollover-target>/_rollover/

POST /<rollover-target>/_rollover/<target-index>


  • If the Elasticsearch security features are enabled, you must have the manage index privilege for the rollover target.



We recommend using ILM’s rollover action to automate rollovers. See Index lifecycle.

The rollover API creates a new index for a data stream or index alias. The API’s behavior depends on the rollover target.

Roll over a data stream

If you roll over a data stream, the API creates a new write index for the stream. The stream’s previous write index becomes a regular backing index. A rollover also increments the data stream’s generation. See Rollover.

Roll over an index alias with a write index

Prior to Elasticsearch 7.9, you’d typically use an index alias with a write index to manage time series data. Data streams replace this functionality, require less maintenance, and automatically integrate with data tiers.

See Convert an index alias to a data stream.

If an index alias points to multiple indices, one of the indices must be a write index. The rollover API creates a new write index for the alias with is_write_index set to true. The API also sets is_write_index to false for the previous write index.

Roll over an index alias with one index

If you roll over an index alias that points to only one index, the API creates a new index for the alias and removes the original index from the alias.

Increment index names for an alias


When you roll over an index alias, you can specify a name for the new index. If you don’t specify a name and the current index ends with - and a number, such as my-index-000001 or my-index-3, the new index name increments that number. For example, if you roll over an alias with a current index of my-index-000001, the rollover creates a new index named my-index-000002. This number is always 6 characters and zero-padded, regardless of the previous index’s name.

Wait for active shards


A rollover creates a new index and is subject to the wait_for_active_shards setting.

Path parameters

(Required, string) Name of the data stream or index alias to roll over.

(Optional, string) Name of the index to create. Supports date math. Data streams do not support this parameter.

If the name of the alias’s current write index does not end with - and a number, such as my-index-000001 or my-index-3, this parameter is required.

Index names must meet the following criteria:

  • Lowercase only
  • Cannot include \, /, *, ?, ", <, >, |, ` ` (space character), ,, #
  • Indices prior to 7.0 could contain a colon (:), but that’s been deprecated and won’t be supported in 7.0+
  • Cannot start with -, _, +
  • Cannot be . or ..
  • Cannot be longer than 255 bytes (note it is bytes, so multi-byte characters will count towards the 255 limit faster)
  • Names starting with . are deprecated, except for hidden indices and internal indices managed by plugins

Query parameters

(Optional, Boolean) If true, checks whether the current index satisfies the specified conditions but does not perform a rollover. Defaults to false.
(Optional, Boolean) If true, signals that the data stream will be rolled over when the next indexing operation occurs. Applies only to data streams. Defaults to false.

(Optional, string) The number of copies of each shard that must be active before proceeding with the operation. Set to all or any non-negative integer up to the total number of copies of each shard in the index (number_of_replicas+1). Defaults to 1, meaning to wait just for each primary shard to be active.

See Active shards.

(Optional, time units) Period to wait for the master node. If the master node is not available before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. Defaults to 30s. Can also be set to -1 to indicate that the request should never timeout.
(Optional, time units) Period to wait for a response from all relevant nodes in the cluster after updating the cluster metadata. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the cluster metadata update still applies but the response will indicate that it was not completely acknowledged. Defaults to 30s. Can also be set to -1 to indicate that the request should never timeout.

Request body


(Optional, object of objects) Aliases for the target index. Data streams do not support this parameter.

Properties of aliases objects

(Required, object) The key is the alias name. Index alias names support date math.

The object body contains options for the alias. Supports an empty object.

Properties of <alias>
(Optional, Query DSL object) Query used to limit documents the alias can access.
(Optional, string) Value used to route indexing operations to a specific shard. If specified, this overwrites the routing value for indexing operations.
(Optional, Boolean) If true, the alias is hidden. Defaults to false. All indices for the alias must have the same is_hidden value.
(Optional, Boolean) If true, the index is the write index for the alias. Defaults to false.
(Optional, string) Value used to route indexing and search operations to a specific shard.
(Optional, string) Value used to route search operations to a specific shard. If specified, this overwrites the routing value for search operations.

(Optional, object) Conditions for the rollover. If specified, Elasticsearch only performs the rollover if the current index satisfies these conditions. If this parameter is not specified, Elasticsearch performs the rollover unconditionally.

If conditions are specified, at least one of them must be a max_* condition. The index will rollover if any max_* condition is satisfied and all min_* conditions are satisfied.

To trigger a rollover, the current index must satisfy these conditions at the time of the request. Elasticsearch does not monitor the index after the API response. To automate rollover, use ILM’s rollover instead.

Properties of conditions
(Optional, time units) Triggers rollover after the maximum elapsed time from index creation is reached. The elapsed time is always calculated since the index creation time, even if the index origination date is configured to a custom date, such as when using the index.lifecycle.parse_origination_date or index.lifecycle.origination_date settings.
(Optional, integer) Triggers rollover after the specified maximum number of documents is reached. Documents added since the last refresh are not included in the document count. The document count does not include documents in replica shards.

(Optional, byte units) Triggers rollover when the index reaches a certain size. This is the total size of all primary shards in the index. Replicas are not counted toward the maximum index size.

To see the current index size, use the _cat indices API. The value shows the combined size of all primary shards.


(Optional, byte units) Triggers rollover when the largest primary shard in the index reaches a certain size. This is the maximum size of the primary shards in the index. As with max_size, replicas are ignored.

To see the current shard size, use the _cat shards API. The store value shows the size each shard, and prirep indicates whether a shard is a primary (p) or a replica (r).


(Optional, integer) Triggers rollover when the largest primary shard in the index reaches a certain number of documents. This is the maximum docs of the primary shards in the index. As with max_docs, replicas are ignored.

To see the current shard docs, use the _cat shards API. The docs value shows the number of documents each shard.

(Optional, time units) Prevents rollover until after the minimum elapsed time from index creation is reached. See notes on max_age.
(Optional, integer) Prevents rollover until after the specified minimum number of documents is reached. See notes on max_docs.
(Optional, byte units) Prevents rollover until the index reaches a certain size. See notes on max_size.
(Optional, byte units) Prevents rollover until the largest primary shard in the index reaches a certain size. See notes on max_primary_shard_size.
(Optional, integer) Prevents rollover until the largest primary shard in the index reaches a certain number of documents. See notes on max_primary_shard_docs.

(Optional, mapping object) Mapping for fields in the index. If specified, this mapping can include:

See Mapping.

Data streams do not support this parameter.


(Optional, index setting object) Configuration options for the index. See Index settings.

Data streams do not support this parameter.

Response body

(Boolean) If true, the request received a response from the master node within the timeout period.
(Boolean) If true, the request received a response from active shards within the master_timeout period.
(string) Previous index for the data stream or index alias. For data streams and index aliases with a write index, this is the previous write index.
(string) Index created by the rollover. For data streams and index aliases with a write index, this is the current write index.
(Boolean) If true, the data stream or index alias rolled over.
(Boolean) If true, Elasticsearch did not perform the rollover.

(object) Result of each condition specified in the request’s conditions. If no conditions were specified, this is an empty object.

Properties of condition
(Boolean) The key is each condition. The value is its result. If true, the index met the condition.
(Boolean) If true, Elasticsearch did not perform the rollover, but successfully marked the data stream to be rolled over at the next indexing event.



Roll over a data stream


The following request rolls over a data stream unconditionally.

resp = client.indices.rollover(
response = client.indices.rollover(
  alias: 'my-data-stream'
puts response
const response = await client.indices.rollover({
  alias: "my-data-stream",
POST my-data-stream/_rollover

The following request rolls over a data stream lazily, meaning that the data stream will roll over at the next indexing event. This ensures that mapping and setting changes will be applied to the coming data, but it will avoid creating extra backing indices for data streams with slow ingestion.

resp = client.indices.rollover(
const response = await client.indices.rollover({
  alias: "my-data-stream",
  lazy: "true",
POST my-data-stream/_rollover?lazy

The following request only rolls over the data stream if the current write index meets one or more of the following conditions:

  • The index was created 7 or more days ago.
  • The index contains 1,000 or more documents.
  • The index’s largest primary shard is 50GB or larger.
resp = client.indices.rollover(
        "max_age": "7d",
        "max_docs": 1000,
        "max_primary_shard_size": "50gb",
        "max_primary_shard_docs": "2000"
response = client.indices.rollover(
  alias: 'my-data-stream',
  body: {
    conditions: {
      max_age: '7d',
      max_docs: 1000,
      max_primary_shard_size: '50gb',
      max_primary_shard_docs: '2000'
puts response
const response = await client.indices.rollover({
  alias: "my-data-stream",
  conditions: {
    max_age: "7d",
    max_docs: 1000,
    max_primary_shard_size: "50gb",
    max_primary_shard_docs: "2000",
POST my-data-stream/_rollover
  "conditions": {
    "max_age": "7d",
    "max_docs": 1000,
    "max_primary_shard_size": "50gb",
    "max_primary_shard_docs": "2000"

The API returns:

  "acknowledged": true,
  "shards_acknowledged": true,
  "old_index": ".ds-my-data-stream-2099.05.06-000001",
  "new_index": ".ds-my-data-stream-2099.05.07-000002",
  "rolled_over": true,
  "dry_run": false,
  "lazy": false,
  "conditions": {
    "[max_age: 7d]": false,
    "[max_docs: 1000]": true,
    "[max_primary_shard_size: 50gb]": false,
    "[max_primary_shard_docs: 2000]": false

Roll over an index alias with a write index


The following request creates <my-index-{now/d}-000001> and sets it as the write index for my-alias.

resp = client.indices.create(
        "my-alias": {
            "is_write_index": True
response = client.indices.create(
  index: '<my-index-{now/d}-000001>',
  body: {
    aliases: {
      "my-alias": {
        is_write_index: true
puts response
const response = await client.indices.create({
  index: "<my-index-{now/d}-000001>",
  aliases: {
    "my-alias": {
      is_write_index: true,
# PUT <my-index-{now/d}-000001>
PUT %3Cmy-index-%7Bnow%2Fd%7D-000001%3E
  "aliases": {
    "my-alias": {
      "is_write_index": true

The following request only rolls over the alias if the current write index meets one or more of the following conditions:

  • The index was created 7 or more days ago.
  • The index contains 1,000 or more documents.
  • The index’s largest primary shard is 50GB or larger.
resp = client.indices.rollover(
        "max_age": "7d",
        "max_docs": 1000,
        "max_primary_shard_size": "50gb",
        "max_primary_shard_docs": "2000"
response = client.indices.rollover(
  alias: 'my-alias',
  body: {
    conditions: {
      max_age: '7d',
      max_docs: 1000,
      max_primary_shard_size: '50gb',
      max_primary_shard_docs: '2000'
puts response
const response = await client.indices.rollover({
  alias: "my-alias",
  conditions: {
    max_age: "7d",
    max_docs: 1000,
    max_primary_shard_size: "50gb",
    max_primary_shard_docs: "2000",
POST my-alias/_rollover
  "conditions": {
    "max_age": "7d",
    "max_docs": 1000,
    "max_primary_shard_size": "50gb",
    "max_primary_shard_docs": "2000"

The API returns:

  "acknowledged": true,
  "shards_acknowledged": true,
  "old_index": "my-index-2099.05.06-000001",
  "new_index": "my-index-2099.05.07-000002",
  "rolled_over": true,
  "dry_run": false,
  "lazy": false,
  "conditions": {
    "[max_age: 7d]": false,
    "[max_docs: 1000]": true,
    "[max_primary_shard_size: 50gb]": false,
    "[max_primary_shard_docs: 2000]": false

If the alias’s index names use date math and you roll over indices at a regular interval, you can use date math to narrow your searches. For example, the following search targets indices created in the last three days.

resp =
response =
  index: '<my-index-{now/d}-*>,<my-index-{now/d-1d}-*>,<my-index-{now/d-2d}-*>'
puts response
const response = await{
  index: "<my-index-{now/d}-*>,<my-index-{now/d-1d}-*>,<my-index-{now/d-2d}-*>",
# GET /<my-index-{now/d}-*>,<my-index-{now/d-1d}-*>,<my-index-{now/d-2d}-*>/_search
GET /%3Cmy-index-%7Bnow%2Fd%7D-*%3E%2C%3Cmy-index-%7Bnow%2Fd-1d%7D-*%3E%2C%3Cmy-index-%7Bnow%2Fd-2d%7D-*%3E/_search

Roll over an index alias with one index


The following request creates <my-index-{now/d}-000001> and its alias, my-write-alias.

resp = client.indices.create(
        "my-write-alias": {}
response = client.indices.create(
  index: '<my-index-{now/d}-000001>',
  body: {
    aliases: {
      "my-write-alias": {}
puts response
const response = await client.indices.create({
  index: "<my-index-{now/d}-000001>",
  aliases: {
    "my-write-alias": {},
# PUT <my-index-{now/d}-000001>
PUT %3Cmy-index-%7Bnow%2Fd%7D-000001%3E
  "aliases": {
    "my-write-alias": { }

The following request only rolls over the alias if the current index meets one or more of the following conditions:

  • The index was created 7 or more days ago.
  • The index contains 1,000 or more documents.
  • The index’s largest primary shard is 50GB or larger.
resp = client.indices.rollover(
        "max_age": "7d",
        "max_docs": 1000,
        "max_primary_shard_size": "50gb",
        "max_primary_shard_docs": "2000"
response = client.indices.rollover(
  alias: 'my-write-alias',
  body: {
    conditions: {
      max_age: '7d',
      max_docs: 1000,
      max_primary_shard_size: '50gb',
      max_primary_shard_docs: '2000'
puts response
const response = await client.indices.rollover({
  alias: "my-write-alias",
  conditions: {
    max_age: "7d",
    max_docs: 1000,
    max_primary_shard_size: "50gb",
    max_primary_shard_docs: "2000",
POST my-write-alias/_rollover
  "conditions": {
    "max_age": "7d",
    "max_docs": 1000,
    "max_primary_shard_size": "50gb",
    "max_primary_shard_docs": "2000"

The API returns:

  "acknowledged": true,
  "shards_acknowledged": true,
  "old_index": "my-index-2099.05.06-000001",
  "new_index": "my-index-2099.05.07-000002",
  "rolled_over": true,
  "dry_run": false,
  "lazy": false,
  "conditions": {
    "[max_age: 7d]": false,
    "[max_docs: 1000]": true,
    "[max_primary_shard_size: 50gb]": false,
    "[max_primary_shard_docs: 2000]": false

Specify settings during a rollover


Typically, you use an index template to automatically configure indices created during a rollover. If you roll over an index alias, you use the rollover API to add additional index settings or overwrite settings in the template. Data streams do not support the settings parameter.

resp = client.indices.rollover(
        "index.number_of_shards": 2
response = client.indices.rollover(
  alias: 'my-alias',
  body: {
    settings: {
      'index.number_of_shards' => 2
puts response
const response = await client.indices.rollover({
  alias: "my-alias",
  settings: {
    "index.number_of_shards": 2,
POST my-alias/_rollover
  "settings": {
    "index.number_of_shards": 2