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Using ES|QL in Kibana


You can use ES|QL in Kibana to query and aggregate your data, create visualizations, and set up alerts.

This guide shows you how to use ES|QL in Kibana. To follow along with the queries, load the "Sample web logs" sample data set by selecting Sample Data from the Integrations page in Kibana, selecting Other sample data sets, and clicking Add data on the Sample web logs card.

Enable or disable ES|QL


ES|QL is enabled by default in Kibana. It can be disabled using the enableESQL setting from the Advanced Settings.

This will hide the ES|QL user interface from various applications. However, users will be able to access existing ES|QL artifacts like saved searches and visualizations.

Get started with ES|QL


To get started with ES|QL in Discover, open the main menu and select Discover. Next, select Try ES|QL from the application menu bar.

The query bar


After switching to ES|QL mode, the query bar shows a sample query. For example:

from kibana_sample_data_logs | limit 10

Every query starts with a source command. In this query, the source command is FROM. FROM retrieves data from data streams, indices, or aliases. In this example, the data is retrieved from kibana_sample_data_logs.

A source command can be followed by one or more processing commands. In this query, the processing command is LIMIT. LIMIT limits the number of rows that are retrieved.

Click the ES|QL help button to open the in-product reference documentation for all commands and functions or to get recommended queries that will help you get started.

To make it easier to write queries, auto-complete offers suggestions with possible commands and functions:

esql kibana auto complete

ES|QL keywords are case-insensitive. The following query is identical to the previous one:

FROM kibana_sample_data_logs | LIMIT 10

Make your query readable


For readability, you can put each processing command on a new line. The following query is identical to the previous one:

FROM kibana_sample_data_logs
| LIMIT 10

You can do that using the Add line breaks on pipes button from the query editor’s footer.

Automatic line breaks for ES|QL queries

You can adjust the editor’s height by dragging its bottom border to your liking.



A query may result in warnings, for example when querying an unsupported field type. When that happens, a warning symbol is shown in the query bar. To see the detailed warning, expand the query bar, and click warnings.

Query history


You can reuse your recent ES|QL queries in the query bar. In the query bar, click Show recent queries.

You can then scroll through your recent queries:

esql discover query history

Starred queries


From the query history, you can mark some queries as favorite to find and access them faster later.

In the query bar, click Show recent queries.

From the Recent tab, you can star any queries you want.

In the Starred tab, find all the queries you have previously starred.

esql discover query starred

The results table


For the example query, the results table shows 10 rows. Omitting the LIMIT command, the results table defaults to up to 1000 rows. Using LIMIT, you can increase the limit to up to 10,000 rows.

the 10,000 row limit only applies to the number of rows that are retrieved by the query and displayed in Discover. Any query or aggregation runs on the full data set.

Each row shows two columns for the example query: a column with the @timestamp field and a column with the full document. To display specific fields from the documents, use the KEEP command:

FROM kibana_sample_data_logs
| KEEP @timestamp, bytes, geo.dest

To display all fields as separate columns, use KEEP *:

FROM kibana_sample_data_logs
| KEEP *

The maximum number of columns in Discover is 50. If a query returns more than 50 columns, Discover only shows the first 50.



To sort on one of the columns, click the column name you want to sort on and select the sort order. Note that this performs client-side sorting. It only sorts the rows that were retrieved by the query, which may not be the full dataset because of the (implicit) limit. To sort the full data set, use the SORT command:

FROM kibana_sample_data_logs
| KEEP @timestamp, bytes, geo.dest
| SORT bytes DESC

Time filtering


To display data within a specified time range, you can use the standard time filter, custom time parameters, or a WHERE command.

Standard time filter


The standard time filter is enabled when the indices you’re querying have a field named @timestamp.

Custom time parameters


If your indices do not have a field named @timestamp, you can use the ?_tstart and ?_tend parameters to specify a time range. These parameters work with any timestamp field and automatically sync with the time filter.

FROM my_index
| WHERE custom_timestamp >= ?_tstart AND custom_timestamp < ?_tend

You can also use the ?_tstart and ?_tend parameters with the BUCKET function to create auto-incrementing time buckets in ES|QL visualizations. For example:

FROM kibana_sample_data_logs
| STATS average_bytes = AVG(bytes) BY BUCKET(@timestamp, 50, ?_tstart, ?_tend)

This example uses 50 buckets, which is the maximum number of buckets.

WHERE command


You can also limit the time range using the WHERE command and the NOW function. For example, if the timestamp field is called timestamp, to query the last 15 minutes of data:

FROM kibana_sample_data_logs
| WHERE timestamp > NOW() - 15minutes

Analyze and visualize data


Between the query bar and the results table, Discover shows a date histogram visualization. By default, if the indices you’re querying do not contain a @timestamp field, the histogram is not shown. But you can use a custom time field with the ?_tstart and ?_tend parameters to enable it.

The visualization adapts to the query. A query’s nature determines the type of visualization. For example, this query aggregates the total number of bytes per destination country:

FROM kibana_sample_data_logs
| STATS total_bytes = SUM(bytes) BY geo.dest
| SORT total_bytes DESC

The resulting visualization is a bar chart showing the top 3 countries:

esql kibana bar chart

To make changes to the visualization, like changing the visualization type, axes and colors, click the pencil button (esql icon edit visualization). This opens an in-line editor:

esql kibana in line editor

You can save the visualization to a new or existing dashboard by clicking the save button (esql icon save visualization). Once saved to a dashboard, you’ll be taken to the Dashboards page. You can continue to make changes to the visualization. Click the options button in the top-right (esql icon options) and select Edit ES|QL visualization to open the in-line editor:

esql kibana edit on dashboard

Add a panel to a dashboard


You can use ES|QL queries to create panels on your dashboards. To add a panel to a dashboard, under Dashboards, click the Add panel button and select ES|QL.

esql dashboard panel

Check the ES|QL query by clicking the Panel filters button (Panel filters button on panel header):

esql dashboard panel query

You can also edit the ES|QL visualization from here. Click the options button in the top-right (esql icon options) and select Edit ESQL visualization to open the in-line editor.

esql dashboard panel edit visualization

Create an enrich policy


The ES|QL ENRICH command enables you to enrich your query dataset with fields from another dataset. Before you can use ENRICH, you need to create and execute an enrich policy. If a policy exists, it will be suggested by auto-complete. If not, click Click to create to create one.

esql kibana enrich autocomplete

Next, you can enter a policy name, the policy type, source indices, and optionally a query:

esql kibana enrich step 1

Click Next to select the match field and enrich fields:

esql kibana enrich step 2

Finally, click Create and execute.

Now, you can use the enrich policy in an ES|QL query:

FROM kibana_sample_data_logs
| STATS total_bytes = SUM(bytes) BY geo.dest
| SORT total_bytes DESC
| ENRICH countries

Create an alerting rule


You can use ES|QL queries to create alerts. From Discover, click Alerts and select Create search threshold rule. This opens a panel that enables you to create a rule using an ES|QL query. Next, you can test the query, add a connector, and save the rule.

esql kibana create rule


  • The user interface to filter data is not enabled when Discover is in ES|QL mode. To filter data, write a query that uses the WHERE command instead.
  • Discover shows no more than 10,000 rows. This limit only applies to the number of rows that are retrieved by the query and displayed in Discover. Queries and aggregations run on the full data set.
  • Discover shows no more than 50 columns. If a query returns more than 50 columns, Discover only shows the first 50.
  • CSV export from Discover shows no more than 10,000 rows. This limit only applies to the number of rows that are retrieved by the query and displayed in Discover. Queries and aggregations run on the full data set.
  • Querying many indices at once without any filters can cause an error in kibana which looks like [esql] > Unexpected error from Elasticsearch: The content length (536885793) is bigger than the maximum allowed string (536870888). The response from ES|QL is too long. Use DROP or KEEP to limit the number of fields returned.
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