Enterprise Search APIs


On this page

Initializing the Client


Enterprise Search APIs are used for managing the Enterprise Search deployment.

Some of the APIs require HTTP basic auth of a user on the Elasticsearch cluster that has access to managing the cluster.

from elastic_enterprise_search import EnterpriseSearch

enterprise_search = EnterpriseSearch(
    http_auth=("elastic", "<password>")

Deployment Health API


Checks the status and health of the Enterprise Search deployment using the get_health() method:

# Request:

# Response:
  "esqueues_me": {
    "Work::Engine::EngineDestroyer": {
      "created_at": 1611783321211,
      "processing_latency": 1167,
      "processing_started_at": 1611783322377,
      "scheduled_at": 1611783321210,
      "time_since_last_processed": 70015969,
      "time_since_last_scheduled": 70017136
  "filebeat": {
    "alive": True,
    "pid": 134,
    "restart_count": 0,
    "seconds_since_last_restart": -1
  "jvm": {
    "gc": {
      "collection_count": 149,
      "collection_time": 3534,
      "garbage_collectors": {
        "PS MarkSweep": {
          "collection_count": 5,
          "collection_time": 1265
        "PS Scavenge": {
          "collection_count": 144,
          "collection_time": 2269
    "memory_pools": [
      "Code Cache",
      "Compressed Class Space",
      "PS Eden Space",
      "PS Survivor Space",
      "PS Old Gen"
    "memory_usage": {
      "heap_committed": 1786773504,
      "heap_init": 1073741824,
      "heap_max": 1908932608,
      "heap_used": 674225760,
      "non_heap_committed": 421683200,
      "non_heap_init": 2555904,
      "object_pending_finalization_count": 0
    "pid": 6,
    "threads": {
      "daemon_thread_count": 23,
      "peak_thread_count": 54,
      "thread_count": 50,
      "total_started_thread_count": 840
    "uptime": 41033501,
    "vm_name": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
    "vm_vendor": "AdoptOpenJDK",
    "vm_version": "25.252-b09"
  "name": "f1b653d1bbd8",
  "system": {
    "java_version": "1.8.0_252",
    "jruby_version": "",
    "os_name": "Linux",
    "os_version": "5.4.0-54-generic"
  "version": {
    "build_date": "2021-01-06T15:24:44Z",
    "build_hash": "3a6edf8029dd285b60f1a6d63c741f46df7f195f",
    "number": "7.12.0"

Read-Only Mode APIs


You can get and set Read-Only Mode with the get_read_only() and put_read_only() methods:

# Request:

# Response:
  "enabled": False

# Request:

# Response:
  "enabled": True

Deployment Stats API


Gets stats about internal processes and data structures used within your Enterprise Search deployment using the get_stats() method:

# Request:

# Response:
  "app": {
    "end": "2021-01-28T17:06:43+00:00",
    "metrics": {
      "counters.http.request.302": 2,
      "counters.http.request.all": 2,
      "timers.actastic.relation.document_count": {
        "max": 1.8278780044056475,
        "mean": 1.5509582590311766,
        "sum": 6.203833036124706
      "timers.actastic.relation.search": {
        "max": 8.630949014332145,
        "mean": 5.581304353922057,
        "sum": 189.76434803334996
      "timers.http.request.302": {
        "max": 11.984109878540039,
        "mean": 11.151552200317383,
        "sum": 22.303104400634766
      "timers.http.request.all": {
        "max": 11.984109878540039,
        "mean": 11.151552200317383,
        "sum": 22.303104400634766
    "pid": 6,
    "start": "2021-01-28T17:05:43+00:00"
  "connectors": {
    "alive": True,
    "job_store": {
      "job_types": {
        "delete": 0,
        "full": 0,
        "incremental": 0,
        "permissions": 0
      "waiting": 0,
      "working": 0
    "pool": {
      "extract_worker_pool": {
        "busy": 1,
        "idle": 7,
        "queue_depth": 0,
        "running": True,
        "size": 8,
        "total_completed": 16286,
        "total_scheduled": 16287
      }, ...
  "queues": {
    "connectors": {
      "pending": 0
    }, ...