Connector logs


Connector logs


This document describes logs for native connectors and connector clients.

For Workplace Search connectors, see the Workplace Search documentation.

Enable logs


Elastic Cloud users need to enable logging to view connector logs. Go to Cloud > Deployment > your-deployment > Logs and metrics to enable logs.

Once enabled, you can view logs in Kibana.

Self-managed deployments and connector client logs are written to STDOUT by the connectors process.

You can also configure how much information is logged.

For native connectors on Elastic Cloud, configure the log_level user setting for Enterprise Search. See Add Enterprise Search user settings in the Elastic Cloud documentation.

For self-managed connectors, use the service.log_level setting in your connector service configuration file.

View connector logs


See View and query logs to learn how to view logs in Kibana.

You can filter by service.type:

  • enterprise-search
  • connectors-python

Logs reference


Logs use Elastic Common Schema (ECS), without extensions. See the ECS Reference for more information.

The fields logged are:

  • @timestamp
  • log.level
  • ecs.version
  • labels.index_date
  • tags
  • log.logger
  • service.type
  • service.version

See Logging in the Elasticsearch documentation for more information.