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Scripted Dashboards (.js)


Scripted Dashboards (.js)


Scripted dashboards are much more powerful than templated dashboards. Of course, with power comes responsibility, and scripted dashboards are more complex to build. The goal in a scripted dashboard is to build and return a javascript object that describes the dashboard schema. A well commented example scripted dashboard can be found in app/dashboards/logstash.js (on github). This file accomplishes the same goals as logstash.json, but with the added power of scripts we can do things like split queries on commas:

Note: Take careful note of the script part of #/dashboard/script/logstash.js. This instructs kibana to treat this file as javascript.


This will create 2 query objects, status:403 and status:404 and chart them seperately. In fact this dashboard takes another parameter that describes the string by which to split the query on: split


We can see this happening in logstash.js (on github) here:

// In this dashboard we let users pass queries as comma separated list to the query parameter.
// Or they can specify a split character using the split parameter
// If query is defined, split it into a list of query objects
// NOTE: ids must be integers, hence the parseInt()s
if(!_.isUndefined(ARGS.query)) {
  queries = _.object(||','), function(v,k) {
    return [k,{
      query: v,
      id: parseInt(k,10),
      alias: v
} else {
  // No queries passed? Initialize a single query to match everything
  queries = {
    0: {
      query: '*',
      id: 0,

This dashboard takes more parameters than this, all of which are described in the comments at the top of logstash.js (on github)

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