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Viewing Document Data


Viewing Document Data


When you submit a search query, the 500 most recent documents that match the query are listed in the Documents table. You can configure the number of documents shown in the table by setting the discover:sampleSize property in Advanced Settings. By default, the table shows the localized version of the time field configured for the selected index pattern and the document _source. You can add fields to the Documents table from the Fields list. You can sort the listed documents by any indexed field that’s included in the table.

To view a document’s field data, click the Expand button Expand Button to the left of the document’s table entry.

Expanded Document

To view the original JSON document (pretty-printed), click the JSON tab.

To view the document data as a separate page, click the View single document link. You can bookmark and share this link to provide direct access to a particular document.

To display or hide a field’s column in the Documents table, click the Add Column Toggle column in table button.

To collapse the document details, click the Collapse button Collapse Button.

Sorting the Document List


You can sort the documents in the Documents table by the values in any indexed field. If a time field is configured for the current index pattern, the documents are sorted in reverse chronological order by default.

To change the sort order, hover over the name of the field you want to sort by and click the sort button. Click again to reverse the sort order.

Adding Field Columns to the Documents Table


By default, the Documents table shows the localized version of the time field that’s configured for the selected index pattern and the document _source. You can add fields to the table from the Fields list or from a document’s field data.

To add a field column from the Fields list, hover over the field and click its add button.

To add a field column from a document’s field data, expand the document and click the field’s Add Column Toggle column in table button.

Added field columns replace the _source column in the Documents table. The added fields are also added to the Selected Fields list.

To rearrange the field columns, hover over the header of the column you want to move and click the Move left or Move right button.

Move Column

Removing Field Columns from the Documents Table


To remove a field column from the Documents table, hover over the header of the column you want to remove and click the Remove button Remove Field Button.

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