- Logstash Reference: other versions:
- Logstash Introduction
- Getting Started with Logstash
- How Logstash Works
- Setting Up and Running Logstash
- Setting Up X-Pack
- Breaking Changes
- X-Pack Breaking Changes
- Upgrading Logstash
- Configuring Logstash
- Managing Logstash
- Working with Logstash Modules
- Working with Filebeat Modules
- Data Resiliency
- Transforming Data
- Deploying and Scaling Logstash
- Performance Tuning
- Monitoring Logstash
- Monitoring APIs
- Working with plugins
- Input plugins
- beats
- cloudwatch
- couchdb_changes
- dead_letter_queue
- elasticsearch
- exec
- file
- ganglia
- gelf
- generator
- github
- google_pubsub
- graphite
- heartbeat
- http
- http_poller
- imap
- irc
- jdbc
- jms
- jmx
- kafka
- kinesis
- log4j
- lumberjack
- meetup
- pipe
- puppet_facter
- rabbitmq
- redis
- relp
- rss
- s3
- salesforce
- snmptrap
- sqlite
- sqs
- stdin
- stomp
- syslog
- tcp
- udp
- unix
- varnishlog
- websocket
- wmi
- xmpp
- Output plugins
- boundary
- circonus
- cloudwatch
- csv
- datadog
- datadog_metrics
- elasticsearch
- exec
- file
- ganglia
- gelf
- google_bigquery
- graphite
- graphtastic
- http
- influxdb
- irc
- juggernaut
- kafka
- librato
- loggly
- lumberjack
- metriccatcher
- mongodb
- nagios
- nagios_nsca
- opentsdb
- pagerduty
- pipe
- rabbitmq
- redis
- redmine
- riak
- riemann
- s3
- sns
- solr_http
- sqs
- statsd
- stdout
- stomp
- syslog
- tcp
- timber
- udp
- webhdfs
- websocket
- xmpp
- zabbix
- Filter plugins
- aggregate
- alter
- cidr
- cipher
- clone
- csv
- date
- de_dot
- dissect
- dns
- drop
- elapsed
- elasticsearch
- environment
- extractnumbers
- fingerprint
- geoip
- grok
- i18n
- jdbc_streaming
- json
- json_encode
- kv
- metricize
- metrics
- mutate
- prune
- range
- ruby
- sleep
- split
- syslog_pri
- throttle
- tld
- translate
- truncate
- urldecode
- useragent
- uuid
- xml
- Codec plugins
- Contributing to Logstash
- How to write a Logstash input plugin
- How to write a Logstash input plugin
- How to write a Logstash codec plugin
- How to write a Logstash filter plugin
- Contributing a Patch to a Logstash Plugin
- Logstash Plugins Community Maintainer Guide
- Submitting your plugin to RubyGems.org and the logstash-plugins repository
- Glossary of Terms
- Release Notes
- X-Pack Release Notes
Monitoring Logstash
editMonitoring Logstash
editWhen you run Logstash, it automatically captures runtime metrics that you can use to monitor the health and performance of your Logstash deployment.
The metrics collected by Logstash include:
- Logstash node info, like pipeline settings, OS info, and JVM info.
- Plugin info, including a list of installed plugins.
- Node stats, like JVM stats, process stats, event-related stats, and pipeline runtime stats.
- Hot threads.
You can use the basic monitoring APIs providing by Logstash to retrieve these metrics. These APIs are available by default without requiring any extra configuration.
Alternatively, you can install X-Pack and configure X-Pack monitoring.
Monitoring is an X-Pack feature under the Basic License and is therefore free to use.
You can use the monitoring UI in X-Pack to view the metrics and gain insight into how your Logstash deployment is running.
The pipeline viewer in X-Pack offers additional visibility into the behavior and performance of complex pipeline configurations. It shows a graph representation of the overall pipeline topology, data flow, and branching logic, overlayed with important metrics, like events per second, for each plugin in the view.
This documentation focuses on the X-Pack monitoring infrastructure and setup in Logstash. For an introduction to monitoring your Elastic stack, including Elasticsearch and Kibana, see Monitoring the Elastic Stack.