- Logstash Reference: other versions:
- Logstash Introduction
- Getting Started with Logstash
- How Logstash Works
- Setting Up and Running Logstash
- Logstash Directory Layout
- Logstash Configuration Files
- logstash.yml
- Secrets keystore for secure settings
- Running Logstash from the Command Line
- Running Logstash as a Service on Debian or RPM
- Running Logstash on Docker
- Configuring Logstash for Docker
- Running Logstash on Windows
- Logging
- Shutting Down Logstash
- Installing X-Pack
- Setting Up X-Pack
- Upgrading Logstash
- Configuring Logstash
- Structure of a Config File
- Accessing Event Data and Fields in the Configuration
- Using Environment Variables in the Configuration
- Logstash Configuration Examples
- Multiple Pipelines
- Pipeline-to-Pipeline Communication (Beta)
- Reloading the Config File
- Managing Multiline Events
- Glob Pattern Support
- Converting Ingest Node Pipelines
- Logstash-to-Logstash Communication
- Centralized Pipeline Management
- X-Pack monitoring
- X-Pack security
- X-Pack Settings
- Managing Logstash
- Working with Logstash Modules
- Working with Filebeat Modules
- Data Resiliency
- Transforming Data
- Deploying and Scaling Logstash
- Performance Tuning
- Monitoring Logstash
- Monitoring APIs
- Working with plugins
- Input plugins
- azure_event_hubs
- beats
- cloudwatch
- couchdb_changes
- dead_letter_queue
- elasticsearch
- exec
- file
- ganglia
- gelf
- generator
- github
- google_pubsub
- graphite
- heartbeat
- http
- http_poller
- imap
- irc
- jdbc
- jms
- jmx
- kafka
- kinesis
- log4j
- lumberjack
- meetup
- pipe
- puppet_facter
- rabbitmq
- redis
- relp
- rss
- s3
- salesforce
- snmp
- snmptrap
- sqlite
- sqs
- stdin
- stomp
- syslog
- tcp
- udp
- unix
- varnishlog
- websocket
- wmi
- xmpp
- Output plugins
- boundary
- circonus
- cloudwatch
- csv
- datadog
- datadog_metrics
- elastic_app_search
- elasticsearch
- exec
- file
- ganglia
- gelf
- google_bigquery
- google_pubsub
- graphite
- graphtastic
- http
- influxdb
- irc
- juggernaut
- kafka
- librato
- loggly
- lumberjack
- metriccatcher
- mongodb
- nagios
- nagios_nsca
- opentsdb
- pagerduty
- pipe
- rabbitmq
- redis
- redmine
- riak
- riemann
- s3
- sns
- solr_http
- sqs
- statsd
- stdout
- stomp
- syslog
- tcp
- timber
- udp
- webhdfs
- websocket
- xmpp
- zabbix
- Filter plugins
- aggregate
- alter
- cidr
- cipher
- clone
- csv
- date
- de_dot
- dissect
- dns
- drop
- elapsed
- elasticsearch
- environment
- extractnumbers
- fingerprint
- geoip
- grok
- http
- i18n
- jdbc_static
- jdbc_streaming
- json
- json_encode
- kv
- memcached
- metricize
- metrics
- mutate
- prune
- range
- ruby
- sleep
- split
- syslog_pri
- threats_classifier
- throttle
- tld
- translate
- truncate
- urldecode
- useragent
- uuid
- xml
- Codec plugins
- Tips and Best Practices
- Troubleshooting Common Problems
- Contributing to Logstash
- How to write a Logstash input plugin
- How to write a Logstash codec plugin
- How to write a Logstash filter plugin
- How to write a Logstash output plugin
- Documenting your plugin
- Contributing a Patch to a Logstash Plugin
- Logstash Plugins Community Maintainer Guide
- Submitting your plugin to RubyGems.org and the logstash-plugins repository
- Contributing a Java Plugin
- Glossary of Terms
- Breaking Changes
- Release Notes
- Logstash 6.7.2 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.7.1 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.7.0 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.6.2 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.6.1 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.6.0 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.5.4 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.5.3 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.5.2 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.5.1 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.5.0 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.4.3 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.4.2 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.4.1 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.4.0 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.3.2 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.3.1 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.3.0 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.2.4 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.2.3 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.2.2 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.2.1 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.2.0 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.1.3 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.1.2 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.1.1 Release Notes
- Logstash 6.1.0 Release Notes
IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates
will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
Logstash 6.6.0 Release Notes
editLogstash 6.6.0 Release Notes
edit- BUGFIX: Remove excess period from logstash-plugin error reporting #9749
- Enhancement: Replace generated for-loops with static method calls #10133
- Enhancement: Add common base class for generated Dataset classes #10136
- Upgrade rack to version 1.6.11 #10151
- Enhancement: Java plugin API (experimental) #10216
- BUGFIX: Increase default number of threads reported by hot_threads #10218
- BUGFIX: Add option for PQ checkpoint retry #10246
- Add documentation for java-execution flag #10248
- BUGFIX: Properly set thread name in thread context #10272
- Announcement: HTTP lookup filter and Memcached get/set filter now GA.
editAggregate Filter
new feature: add ability to dynamically define a custom
block, fixes #91 and #92 -
new feature: add meta informations available in
block throughmap_meta
variable - new feature: add Logstash metrics, specific to aggregate plugin: aggregate_maps, pushed_events, task_timeouts, code_errors, timeout_code_errors
new feature: validate at startup that
option equals to create, update or create_or_update
Elasticsearch Filter
- Add support for extracting hits total from Elasticsearch 7.x responses
- Added connection check during register to avoid failures during processing
- Changed Elasticsearch Client transport to use Manticore
- Changed amount of logging details during connection failure
Http Filter
Memcached Filter
Split Filter
- Fixed numeric values, optimized @target verification, cleanups and specs in #36
Beats Input
- Loosen jar-dependencies manager gem dependency to allow plugin to work with JRubies that include a later version.
- Updated jar dependencies to reflect newer releases
File Input
- Fixed issue where logs were being spammed with needless error messages in #224
Gelf Input
- Fixed shutdown handling, robustness in socket closing and restarting, json parsing, code DRYing and cleanups in #62
Http Input
- Loosen jar-dependencies manager gem dependency to allow plugin to work with JRubies that include a later version.
- Changed jar dependencies to reflect newer versions
Kafka Input
- Added support for kafka property ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm in #302
- Changed Kafka client version to 2.1.0
Elasticsearch Output
- Adds support for Index Lifecycle Management for Elasticsearch 6.6.0 and above, running with at least a Basic License(Beta) in #805
Kafka Output
Added support for kafka property
in #213 - Changed Kafka client to version 2.1.0
Pagerduty Output
- Update development dependency webmock to latest version to prevent conflicts in logstash core’s dependency matrix.
Tcp Output
- Removed requirement to have a certificate/key pair when enabling ssl
On this page
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